not psycho
fallacy. In 2016, millennials will be the largest generation of elligible voters and by 2020, they will be 40% of the electorate
The census happens in 2020. Representation in the House is affected by the census. If progressives GOTV in the numbers they should, gerrymandered districts could be gone and old white conservative voters (who do nothing but GOTV) will stop dictating representation, which leads to legislation, judicial appointments, and so on.
Heh. This is really why I'm posting in this thread.
Voting for Obama was the first time I ever voted. I didn't vote in the 2010 midterm election.
I was dumb. It turns out votes do matter, and the government has been subtly, and not so subtly, trying to convince us they don't. Because they benefit from the status quo of people not voting. There are enough people out there to vote for good candidates, even if the party prefers someone else, but we have to vote en masse.