I have to say, these servers have to be pretty special as Im getting 50 ping almost every rounds.
My normal ping is anywhere around 80-130 ping in other games.
Yeah, I feel like an idiot trying and failing some of the jumps. Miss it, slowly slide down, look around in shame and see if anyone saw.
Here's some Titanfall gifs I've made. They're not ElTorro quality but I enjoyed making them.
Can someone else test this? I've rodeo'd a few people and doomed them and every time I'm shot up in the air, I don't see the enemy pilot. So am I being shot up and they didn't eject?
Can someone else test this? I've rodeo'd a few people and doomed them and every time I'm shot up in the air, I don't see the enemy pilot. So am I being shot up and they didn't eject?
What exactly does the Ogre's Shield Core do? Does it increase your outer shield or your body damage? Does it prevent how quickly either of them go down?
Damn, had a crash to dashboard after a match.
🚼Here's some Titanfall gifs I've made. They're not ElTorro quality but I enjoyed making them.
Ejects can happen at vastly different heights so your opponent may have just went way under/over you.
Can someone else test this? I've rodeo'd a few people and doomed them and every time I'm shot up in the air, I don't see the enemy pilot. So am I being shot up and they didn't eject?
God fucking damn it, this is what I was afraid of. Come the fuck on.Ejects can happen at vastly different heights so your opponent may have just went way under/over you.
They probably have the auto cloaking perk.
By the way, is there going to be a soundtrack?
A beep for every lock on would be good.Okay, I think I have found my one real gripe with the game. It's pretty minor... I believe the Smart Pistol should give some sort of indication to the person it is locking onto. If you think about it, every single way to die in the game has some way to mitigate against it if you play smart and keep your head on straight. But the Smart Pistol can kill you regardless of strategy and tactics. It's the only truly unfair thing in the game.
Sure, it's not the best weapon and it doesn't work every time, but it's pretty much the only thing I die to that I just get angry about rather than thinking, "Okay, what could I have done differently there?" Respawn has done a great job of making the game feel fun and making you feel like you're contributing even if you're losing... this is the one tiny chink in the armor.
Sure, it's not the best weapon and it doesn't work every time, but it's pretty much the only thing I die to that I just get angry about rather than thinking, "Okay, what could I have done differently there?" Respawn has done a great job of making the game feel fun and making you feel like you're contributing even if you're losing... this is the one tiny chink in the armor.
Want to know as well.
Ha ha love the Bishop one
Okay, I think I have found my one real gripe with the game. It's pretty minor... I believe the Smart Pistol should give some sort of indication to the person it is locking onto. If you think about it, every single way to die in the game has some way to mitigate against it if you play smart and keep your head on straight. But the Smart Pistol can kill you regardless of strategy and tactics. It's the only truly unfair thing in the game.
Sure, it's not the best weapon and it doesn't work every time, but it's pretty much the only thing I die to that I just get angry about rather than thinking, "Okay, what could I have done differently there?" Respawn has done a great job of making the game feel fun and making you feel like you're contributing even if you're losing... this is the one tiny chink in the armor.
Yeah. I've had plenty of moments where I'm thinking "I'm doing really good in this match...I must be near the top" then when the match is over it turns into "Wow...I really suck" but it stays fun.
Okay, I think I have found my one real gripe with the game. It's pretty minor... I believe the Smart Pistol should give some sort of indication to the person it is locking onto. If you think about it, every single way to die in the game has some way to mitigate against it if you play smart and keep your head on straight. But the Smart Pistol can kill you regardless of strategy and tactics. It's the only truly unfair thing in the game.
Fuck this match. CTF with full connection and no bullet damage.
I cloak up to a guy and empty my carbine into him. He turns around and kills me.
On his kill cam I am still cloaked when he kills me. What kind of bullshit is that.
Fuck this match. CTF with full connection and no bullet damage.
I cloak up to a guy and empty my carbine into him. He turns around and kills me.
On his kill cam I am still cloaked when he kills me. What kind of bullshit is that.
Added myself. I somehow had my information put down twice. Would you be able to edit my extra one out, Dreamgazer?I've created 2 google docs for people to share their Origin/Xbox GamerTag in:
PC/Origin: http://tinyurl.com/lkuc8hg
Xbox One: http://tinyurl.com/kw75uvv
Same as the BF4 spreadsheets, pm me for any corrections.
Edit: You have to refresh after you fill out the form to see your information show up on the spreadsheet.
PC or Xbox One? I ran into some guys running cheats on the PC version today at my friend's place. A mix of aim bots and invulnerability sucked all the fun right out of it instantly.
PC or Xbox One? I ran into some guys running cheats on the PC version today at my friend's place. A mix of aim bots and invulnerability sucked all the fun right out of it instantly.
I don't understand how anyone can be mad at the Smart Pistol. If it were another gun, you would probably be dead anyway, in the time it takes to lock on. Hell, even without locking on, the pistol can kill you in that time.Okay, I think I have found my one real gripe with the game. It's pretty minor... I believe the Smart Pistol should give some sort of indication to the person it is locking onto. If you think about it, every single way to die in the game has some way to mitigate against it if you play smart and keep your head on straight. But the Smart Pistol can kill you regardless of strategy and tactics. It's the only truly unfair thing in the game.
Sure, it's not the best weapon and it doesn't work every time, but it's pretty much the only thing I die to that I just get angry about rather than thinking, "Okay, what could I have done differently there?" Respawn has done a great job of making the game feel fun and making you feel like you're contributing even if you're losing... this is the one tiny chink in the armor.
I don't understand how anyone can be mad at the Smart Pistol. If it were another gun, you would probably be dead anyway, in the time it takes to lock on. Hell, even without locking on, the pistol can kill you in that time.
I like Colony, but I don't care too much for Training Ground, not to mention that's by far the worst looking map in the whole game.Loving the maps in this game.
With the exception of Training Ground and maybe Colony I think they all are great.