If it were another gun, you would probably be dead anyway
Not the Sniper Rifle.
What a terrible gun for this game.
If it were another gun, you would probably be dead anyway
Xbox One. For me at this point is typical online gaming. Someone else always has the advantage. When things run smooth it's fun. The problem isn't me getting killed. Is about feeling like I have no control over the outcome. When I witness a skilled player getting kills I will be in awe. But when some dude soaks damage and then instantly kills me I get less than happy.
How do we voice chat while using a pad on PC? I know you press Z on the keyboard, but is that the only way?
I don't understand how anyone can be mad at the Smart Pistol. If it were another gun, you would probably be dead anyway, in the time it takes to lock on. Hell, even without locking on, the pistol can kill you in that time.
Yeah, it's a pretty bad gun, tbh.
Bad gun or not any other weapon that hits you gives a hit indicator pointing to the direction of the threat even if the following bullets will kill you before you can get away or return fire. The smart pistol needs a system that warns the player that they are being locked on and from what direction so they can return fire or break line of sight if they respond fast enough. The game needs this to balance out the fact it is taking away good aim as a requirement for a kill even if the lock on takes time. Beyond that the gun is fine in my book.
Bad gun or not any other weapon that hits you gives a hit indicator pointing to the direction of the threat even if the following bullets will kill you before you can get away or return fire. The smart pistol needs a system that warns the player that they are being locked on and from what direction so they can return fire or break line of sight if they respond fast enough. The game needs this to balance out the fact it is taking away good aim as a requirement for a kill even if the lock on takes time. Beyond that the gun is fine in my book.
So I see some of my friends stuck at that 50 ejecting pilot kills in Gen 5. Man fuck that shit. I'm gonna boost it using the Japan West servers. Good thing you Japanese crazies don't care for this game.
I've created 2 google docs for people to share their Origin/Xbox GamerTag in:
PC/Origin: http://tinyurl.com/lkuc8hg
Xbox One: http://tinyurl.com/kw75uvv
Same as the BF4 spreadsheets, pm me for any corrections.
Edit: You have to refresh after you fill out the form to see your information show up on the spreadsheet.
I've created 2 google docs for people to share their Origin/Xbox GamerTag in:
PC/Origin: http://tinyurl.com/lkuc8hg
How are you guys using the Triple Threat that makes it so good? I've used it a few times and immediately abandoned it for my regular chain gun load out. I've found it to be pretty bad against Pilots on the ground, and completely useless against Pilots in an elevated position. It was alright against Titans, I guess.
I'm probably just using it wrong.
See some guys fucking around in a building. Throw some Triple Threat bombs through the window. Boom.
It's very much a close range weapon though.
For Hardpoint it's fucking hilarious. You just sit outside the hardpoint and throw Triple Threat bombs around the flag if your opponents show up.
How do you see which campaign missions you've been on the winning side for?
But that would make the gun just another gun. Only less formidable.Bad gun or not any other weapon that hits you gives a hit indicator pointing to the direction of the threat even if the following bullets will kill you before you can get away or return fire. The smart pistol needs a system that warns the player that they are being locked on and from what direction so they can return fire or break line of sight if they respond fast enough. The game needs this to balance out the fact it is taking away good aim as a requirement for a kill even if the lock on takes time. Beyond that the gun is fine in my book.
So here's how this went down, I heard of Titanfall and when I heard out it was coming out on PC I figured I'd get it on PC when it came out. So I did that and beyond that I hadn't really been following it like you guys. It sounded cool but I think I'd seen a trailer maybe once or twice. Didn't know all that much about it. Well just did the training simulation and just the core controls are so fucking good and unlike anything I would have expected, all of the other elements work in service to this obviously incredible accomplishment in fluent FPS control over huge areas both horizontally and vertically. Just after that little teeny morsel of gameplay I can tell that with both mouse and keyboard or gamepad it's a triumph. I didn't expect to be thinking back on Mirror's Edge skills to gauge jump distances and plan linked runs but I damn well did. Plus it has the most satisfying double-jump in recent history. So basically, I had the "general consumer" effect for this release, just kind of bought it cause it was coming out and didn't follow it closely beforehand. And people will be pretty blown away by this shit.
We played with that version. It is a very different weapon, more like a DoT (damage over time). It has its own virtues but it doesn't serve the same goal of rewarding you for tracking a target without being detected.
If you expressed the effectiveness of the smart pistol on a graph, where one axis is the effectiveness of the weapon and the other is player skill, you would find that at lower player skills, the smart pistol provides a large benefit, but at higher skills, it caps out almost completely and falls behind other weapons.
The "detected" version does not provide as big an effectiveness increase, because an aware player is much harder to keep under the reticle.
I don't think you can, it doesn't matter who wins or loses in the campaign anyway, you get the titan unlock regardless.
How are you guys using the Triple Threat that makes it so good? I've used it a few times and immediately abandoned it for my regular chain gun load out. I've found it to be pretty bad against Pilots on the ground, and completely useless against Pilots in an elevated position. It was alright against Titans, I guess.
I'm probably just using it wrong.
We played with that version. It is a very different weapon, more like a DoT (damage over time). It has its own virtues but it doesn't serve the same goal of rewarding you for tracking a target without being detected.
If you expressed the effectiveness of the smart pistol on a graph, where one axis is the effectiveness of the weapon and the other is player skill, you would find that at lower player skills, the smart pistol provides a large benefit, but at higher skills, it caps out almost completely and falls behind other weapons.
The "detected" version does not provide as big an effectiveness increase, because an aware player is much harder to keep under the reticle.
I've been mostly a PlayStation gamer until this gen so I have very few Xbox Live friends. Feel free to add me if you need an active teammate.
Gamertag: MrJonnyBigBoss
I've unlocked the titans and all that shit but I'm an idiot and want the achievement for winning every campaign mission![]()
I have been spawn killed 5 times in a row. Seriously?
Xbox One: http://tinyurl.com/kw75uvv
Is there a game mode where there are no bots? I don't feel like I can take the competitive side of this game seriously if there is not.
Probably just need more time with the game but I am the kind of player that if I see something I am going to try and kill it. If I am going to waste my time to ADS to check it out why wouldn't I kill the thing? That is what I hate about having bots in a game with real players. They are a distraction to me and I feel like a ton of my deaths come from me killing grunts and real people coming from behind and kill me.
So far I would give it a 7. Fun but I would like a "real" players only mode if there is not one.