
Boy, I'm awful. Playing with a friend is a little more fun. I didn't really like the other modes because I was even worse at those. A Last Titan Standing match lasted about a minute once.
I added my info to the doc. Now as soon as XBL starts working again I'll be online.
How do we voice chat while using a pad on PC? I know you press Z on the keyboard, but is that the only way?
Anyone? Jeez I guess it's true no one uses mics in in this game
Which chassis do you use?Triple Threat is so nasty. The downside is obviously you have to get up in their grill, but thankfully I like to play pretty aggressively in a titan anyway.
I'm pretty sure paired with electric smoke I've taken out other titans in a handful of seconds with it.
Is there a game mode where there are no bots? I don't feel like I can take the competitive side of this game seriously if there is not.
Probably just need more time with the game but I am the kind of player that if I see something I am going to try and kill it. If I am going to waste my time to ADS to check it out why wouldn't I kill the thing?
Which chassis do you use?
Just picked the game up for PC today. It's quite fun...when I'm able to play. I assume the constant server disconnects (practically every other match) are a result of the game being still being so new. I don't think it's anything on my side.
I think Respawn need to find a way to punish rage quitters.
The game is a fun and it def was worth the purchase, but does anybody else feel like the game will get repetitive for you rather quickly?
I love it, I have extra ammo and I just spam it. Once nine mines are out it does some damage quick. On ctf I also spam it inside doors to the flag to clear it out, works well.How are you guys using the Triple Threat that makes it so good? I've used it a few times and immediately abandoned it for my regular chain gun load out. I've found it to be pretty bad against Pilots on the ground, and completely useless against Pilots in an elevated position. It was alright against Titans, I guess.
I'm probably just using it wrong.
This is the main reason I've only put a few hours into the game. Playing the campaign MP and it seems 1 out of every 3 times I spawn, it's near a damn Titan. It's annoying as hell.
Yeah. And I can't quite understand why. I just feel like it'll get boring really quick.The game is a fun and it def was worth the purchase, but does anybody else feel like the game will get repetitive for you rather quickly?
I need a sub title I can not read his lips.
Yup. Mostly cause the bots for me. Hopefully they raise the player amount in the sequelThe game is a fun and it def was worth the purchase, but does anybody else feel like the game will get repetitive for you rather quickly?
Haha holy shit that's bananas
Haha holy shit that's bananas
I know, poor meI saw your edit.
You're not that quick to a pun, bucko.
How do we voice chat while using a pad on PC? I know you press Z on the keyboard, but is that the only way?
Haven't had any issues online yet, It's been smooth for me.
Man, I'm so close to getting to Gen 2. I'm a level 48 right now. Anyone know how much experience you need to go from 49 to 50. And once you hit 50 do you start another generation. Or do you have to get more experience while being 50?
Latency problems? Did u choose the closeat server to you?This is what it's like for me right now:
Sorry if it's silly, but is this a game you guys see playing... all year? Anyone getting bored, or feeling that it's more "flavour of the month"?
I could play games like Halo CE and COD4 for months, but never really got that spark with most other games. I loved TFall's beta, and CTF mode looks real good, but I wonder how true the "needs more modes, not enough content, gets old fast" complaints are.
Anyone try going back to slower games like COD or Battlefield?
One thing I often wonder is that if games like TitanFall exist, they must seriously throw people off who go to other heavier shooters. Sort of like how some people seem to complain about COD for not having Bad Company's destructibility.
I do think Titanfall's amazing speed and movement could make people turned off from titles like COD, sort of how lots of COD players can't seem to adjust to other shooters if it doesn't "feel" like COD. I'm interested if the same will happen with Titanfall
Pilot Hunter is most definitely the weakest mode.
I tend to just leave a lobby if it shows up in the Variety Pack.
I've been playing alone most of the day. Anyone wanna play with me on Xbox 1?
GT: Kyzon Xin
We can do whatever. All modes, campaign, etc.