"As far as the DLC is concerned, we have plans for a full year of content. So that will last us at least through the year," he says. Tabata is quick to clarify that the upcoming DLC packs don't mean that the existing game is somehow unfinished, though: "It's not that users have an incomplete version of the game and that we're filling in the gaps now. Rather, we've already released the complete version of the game, and what we're doing is simply enhancing that experience for people, or providing different styles of play for characters. And again, this comes back to the point of Noct being the main character, the only playable character. We were able to focus on Noct in the main game and really highlight his narrative. With the DLC, now that we have the opportunity, the time, the resources, et cetera, we're able to then turn the spotlight on to his friends - Gladiolus, Ignis, Prompto - and highlight their stories now. I really believe that XV is Noctis's game, though. It's his experience, his life, his story. The DLC is really about his friends."