To be fair the story is complete... it's just not coherent.
Not entirely. It's coherent but disjointed.
To be fair the story is complete... it's just not coherent.
Not entirely. It's coherent but disjointed.
In defence of Tabata, he was asked to develop a game where the development was in a clusterfuck, not from scratch.Tabata should look at Yoko Taro's Nier Automata and think to himself:"How this guy with 1/10th of my budget created such a superior game in every aspect?".
We don't care about Luna or Stella, what matters is how you end with such a shitty story and how a guy that wears a mask can write in 20 lines in a weapon a much better plot that the entirity of FFXV.
I feel like this is a good response in regards to Stella.
I think he's completely off the mark. Whatever was happening to the character behind the scenes, if they had just kept the name Stella, 99% of the Luna drama could have been avoided.
And like 110% new drama would have occurred instead. Like Tabata said, if they kept the name Stella and kept her original design instead of rebranding to Luna, fans would have been angry because it didn't live up to their expectations of that character.
I fully believe that Versus XIII wasn't much of anything other than a bunch of proof of concept trailers, but he's also basically admitting that they transformed what little was produced under this name into FFXV to take advantage of fan enthusiasm.
If there really was so little work done on Versus, then why not start the project from scratch instead?
Bullshit. The vast majority of fans who were aware there was a character named Stella would have seen the name and not given it a second thought.
Because SE cant afford to delay this game any longer.I fully believe that Versus XIII wasn't much of anything other than a bunch of proof of concept trailers, but he's also basically admitting that they transformed what little was produced under this name into FFXV to take advantage of fan enthusiasm.
If there really was so little work done on Versus, then why not start the project from scratch instead?
Bullshit. The vast majority of fans who were aware there was a character named Stella would have seen the name and not given it a second thought.
3 games worth of scripts were written for Versus by late ~2010. Like, the work that could be done without a full team was.
They kept the characters because they were hurting financially after the failure of the original FFXIV and the severe sales drops FFXIII-2 and Lightning Returns suffered (which is probably why Nomura was taken off the project, a three game saga was deemed too risky - it's also probably why he's in charge of FFVII remake, doing exactly what he wanted to do with Versus XIII, just with brand recognition to offset the risk).
If Versus XIII never went further than pre production, it didn't cost them much.Because SE cant afford to delay this game any longer.
Scripts aren't worth much, and I'd argue that Tabata agrees with me seeing the end result.
Hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but FFXV seems to be a massive commercial success, and I don't think the few character designs that got recycled is the reason why. I understand that they were in a rough spot at the time, but it's still a bit iffy of a move to make.
With FFXV in the state it is I can only see two conclusions : either they couldn't write themselves out of the remnants of Nomura's project (and again, seeing the result, they had little remorse throwing things to the trashcan), or they couldn't write a good story at all.
(To be clear, I'm not a Versus XIII evangelist at all.)
If Versus XIII never went further than pre production, it didn't cost them much.
Scripts aren't worth much
or they couldn't write a good story at all.
You can't be serious, literally all the hype for Stella hinged on people remembering that iconic showdown with Noctis and Nomura telling people they would be tragic enemies, you really think for a second if they had just put Stella in Luna's place there wouldn't be backlash at the huge change? Are you insane? "Tabata ruined Stella" would be the screeched in every thread.
At least this way Stella fans can take there 5 minutes of screen time and live in there fantasy land where there was more to her.
Didn't know about that Tabata part of the game. Though I wouldn't say they got pretty close, and I'd argue that deciding to have an open world for a road trip story was maybe the stupidest idea they could have went with.I think where they got stuck is the game Tabata wanted to make (a hamlet inspired buddy coming of age road trip) and Versus 13 (Romeo +Juliet in the Yakuza with a twist on the final act) are actually very similar to eachother and there is enough congruance that there is no reason why both couldnt be combined into one brilliant coherent work.
Square just didnt stick the landing. Although they got pretty close. (They made Romeo when it needed to be Hamlet + Juliet)
Aw c'mon, I'm not dissing writers out there, but it's like saying "the game is coming along nicely. There's no gameplay yet but we already have a 5 CD soundtrack!"Yikes.
Didn't know about that Tabata part of the game. Though I wouldn't say they got pretty close, and I'd argue that deciding to have an open world for a road trip story was maybe the stupidest idea they could have went with.
Aw c'mon, I'm not dissing writers out there, but it's like saying "the game is coming along nicely. There's no gameplay yet but we already have a 5 CD soundtrack!"
How do I glitch bae Noctis in the real world?
Not to mention they were getting failures with some of their console projects like Hitman and Rise of Tomb Raider. FFXV was the one that easily met their expectations while also hitting their fiscal target.Because SE cant afford to delay this game any longer.
lol There's nothing coherent about the plot. I spent the majority of my playtime trying to figure out why I was doing what I was doing.
We did saw him in the anime though.I'm sure some cried over limo driver sama wasn't in.
Yeah. The game is built around the trends of the market, that why the game sold so well . XV never had a vision to go with.Tabata is a businessman, not a creator.
Then you need to start reading or something, it was at no point hard to figure out what was going on if you payed even the slighest attention.
"Finished product" lololololololololololololololololololololololololol
I still wanted the old Regis design.
I mean, Tabata did ship something, but there were things shown off pretty damn late in development that ended up being cut from the game. It's kind of obvious that even after all the compromises that were made as Tabata took over, the team still wasn't able to implement a lot of the stuff they planned to. I don't think it's that unfair to say the game is incomplete. You don't have to compare it to Versus or Nomura's promises to think so, at all.Is the truth that funny to you?
It would have been "They changed Stella's story arc" versus"They obliterated Stella entirely." There would have been less drama, guaranteed,(no pun intended)
lol There's nothing coherent about the plot. I spent the majority of my playtime trying to figure out why I was doing what I was doing.
Yeah ok buddy. Let me count the ways for you.
Since everyone's on this Stella vs Luna kick lets fucking talk about Luna. So one of the main plot threads involves Noctis traveling to Altissia to see Luna. He's going to see Luna because he has to/wants to marry her (even though it's apparently an arranged marriage by Niflheim) but it's also because she's some kind of Oracle who has to be with the "True King" in order to save the world from... stuff. And literally the only elaboration that the game gives you on the matter is that it's "their destiny".
And this is all in the context of Noctis leaving Lucis to travel to Altissia when apparently Luna has left Lucis after its invasion and is... also traveling to Altissia? But they never meet up, or speak with each other despite cell phone technology, or mention that what Luna does is apparently super distressing and draining the life out of her for... reasons. The only way they communicate is through Luna's magic dog, who passes a journal between them every few days in which they apparently only give each other one line sentences like "I received your blessing!" "God be with you!"
And people wonder why no one gave a shit about Luna when she died?
And that's on top of meeting Iris who is apparently super chipper after her home gets blown the fuck up and seems to be far more concerned with getting into Noctis' pants. Collecting magic weapons from some tombs because Cor "the Immortal" bad ass tells you to, who apparently finds his time better spent monster hunting instead of accompanying Noctis for... reasons. Oh wait! Let's infiltrate an imperial base to save the car! Because that's important. And after every major cutscene or event the game seems to have this habit of fading to black and going, "Several days later..." One of the reasons Ardyn falls flat for me as a villain is that instead of allowing interesting interactions to happen between him and the cast the game instead chooses to skip past anything meaningful. Ardyn rescues Noctis after the Titan battle, introduces himself as the Chancellor of a nation that just murdered Noctis' father and destroyed his home, and then the screen fades to black and Noctis and co are back out on the field racing Chocobos and happily doing fetch quests.
The game is incoherent nonsense. And it doesn't even care that it is.
That's what I meant by disjointed. The story was terribly written whenever it came to time or location transitions. The end of Chapter 5 is indeed the worst offender. I hope one of the new cs they are doing is a scene between Noctis and bros with Ardyn on the ship.
Once I finish the game, currently doing post-game content, I'd love to replay this on NG+ after all the new stuff is added, just play through the game not doing any hunts and stay focused on the story.
EDIT - reason being that I focused so much on side content and the story was so minimal in exposition, that I had no clue what was going on through most of it, but part of that is cause I was at like 70 hours during chapter 3 or 4 doing hunts and watching the god-damn loading screen.
How do I glitch bae Noctis in the real world?
Man, Punished Noctis would've been such a great main character design for a FF game. I hope the next FF has more adult main characters like this or Bash.
If you do the glitch on 1.00 then update the game, you'll get beardless older Noct.
Looks like a headache. I will just hope and pray they release skins later down the line
If you do the glitch on 1.00 then update the game, you'll get beardless older Noct.
"truth" lololololololololololilililoikIs the truth that funny to you?