Way of the Samurai 4 takes place in the humble port town of Amihama during the mid 19th Century, several years after the arrival of the black ships from the West ended Japans long history of cultural isolation. Amihamas downtown area has slowly been converted to a Little Britain, complete with European-styled buildings, occupied by an influx of adventurous foreign settlers. Not everyone welcomes these new residents though, and three distinct factions with opposing ideals begin to take shape.
You must take on the role of a master-less samurai looking to establish yourself in this conflicted land of opportunity and uncertainty. It is up to you to decide which faction to support in an almighty conflict amongst the regions three powers, and so direct the course of Japans history.

Developer: ACQUIRE
PC Publisher and port job: Ghostlight
Available on: Steam
Steam features: Trading Cards, Achievements, Cloud Saves
Release date: 2015.07.23.
Base price: 23 EUR / 25 USD / 19 GBP

- Branching storylines with multiple endings
- Dynamic combat system
- Vast array of melee and gunpowder weaponry
- Extensive character customization
- Key event decision making
- Sword collecting
- Original Japanese voiceover with English subtitles

Q: Do I have to play the previous games to not feel lost?
A: Nope. Completely different time period and characters. One of the DLCs features two returning characters from the previous games though.
Q: Are any of the DLC packs included?
A: Nope. They will be sold separately.
Q: Will it run on my toaster?
A: Yep.
Q: Is the resolution locked?
A: Nope.
Q: Is the framerate locked?
A: Yep.
Q: But is there a way to unlock it????
A: Nope. Not without speeding up the game.
Q: How are the mouse and keyboard controls?
A: Functional, but a gamepad is highly recommended.

The foreigners: The British attempt to establish silk trade with Japan, aid the country in its modernization and foster cultural exchange. They are led by the gambler vice-envoy Jet Jenkins and the good-natured little ambassador Laura Lita.
The shogunate: The government's aim is to establish cordial relations with the foreign contingent and keep the Prajna threat in check. Some officials however, have different goals in mind. The Amihama office is led by the strict and loyal magistrate Kotobuki Hikaru, who answers to Chief Minister Kinugawa Onsen and his three daughters.
The Prajna: A nationalist group of xenophobes whose goal is to keep the traditional Japanese way of life and rid the country of all foreign influence. Their leader is the reckless Akagi Reddo.

From Durante, MickeyKnox and myself