Pretty good. Has issues (30fps being the major one), but it's stable, performs well, has almost instant load times, supports arbitrary resolutions (I'm downsampling from 4K personally), and controller support is great.
Really hope this performs well so we have a better chance of seeing the third game on PC too.
On steam we've released the Agarest trilogy and Elminage Gothic. Not to mention Flame Over and OMG Zombies! from Laughing Jackal.
On console we released a lot of stuff in Europe including the Agarest games on PS3, Trails in the Sky, Fate/EXTRA, Persona 2: Innocent Sin & Persona 3 Portable all on PSP.
There was also a lot of PS2 stuff.
Might as well post my review here too.
This really is well optimized. Not that it's much of a looker but it's nice to see that it runs well even on old dual-cores. Combat system seems a bit stiff, but I imagine it'll get better after some upgrades. Seems somewhat Yakuza-esque so far.
Make sure you choose easy for your first playthrough. Normal and above becomes a lot more enjoyable when you're more familiar with the combat system and have an upgraded sword/style.
Regarding bugs and feedback, should those of us from the beta continue to report them on the Ghostlight forum? Or is there a different method now?
I'll give one spoiler-ish piece of advice as well.
Don't neglect unarmed styles as well, you're going to need one. Better now then later when you need it.
Crime rate is also fairly important, and it's not well explained by the game.
Stuff like sleeping outdoors, not paying for shop items, killing lawmen and Yakuza side missions increase the crime rate, making items more expensive and decreasing the amount of items available in shops. Sleeping at the inn, performing Magistrate side missions and buying items lowers the crime rate. You can find out what the crime rate is by talking to the Yakuza job broker in the town area, or the Magistrate guy.
What's the best tool to add AA into the game (using AMD graphics)? I think cutscenes might just look worse than gameplay due to the aliasing, even at 1080p.
It's also regretable that logic is tied to framerate, as I get some slowdowns during heavy scenes like when there's smoke.
Pretty good. Has issues (30fps being the major one), but it's stable, performs well, has almost instant load times, supports arbitrary resolutions (I'm downsampling from 4K personally), and controller support is great.
Really hope this performs well so we have a better chance of seeing the third game on PC too.
Crime rate is also fairly important, and it's not well explained by the game.
Stuff like sleeping outdoors, not paying for shop items, killing lawmen and Yakuza side missions increase the crime rate, making items more expensive and decreasing the amount of items available in shops. Sleeping at the inn, performing Magistrate side missions and buying items lowers the crime rate. You can see the current crime rate by talking to the Yakuza job broker in the town area, or the Magistrate guy.
Also, vitality is the purple bar, and it affects the rate at which your health (green) regenerates. Vitality goes down when you fast travel and during combat. You can eat food or sleep to replenish it. Certain styles also let you learn an ability to decrease the rate at which it drops. Enemies also have their own vitality, meaning that they can regenerate health if you let them go too long without attacking or being attacked. You can decrease their vitality by using blunt attacks on them (pointing this out because I remember seeing a bunch of people confused by the bars when the PS3 version was released).
What are your specifications? I am hoping to downsample from 4K with locked 30 FPS on a rig with a i5 3570K overclocked to 4.5 GHz, a GTX 680 and 16 GB RAM.
So do I, I have done my part (bought 3 copies on Steam).
GTX 770 2GB, i7 4770K, 16GB RAM. MSI Afterburner shows about 30% GPU usage, less than a gig of VRAM usage, and it generally maintains 30, though it noticeably drops during certain cutscenes (the smoke produced by the cannon fire in the opening harbor battle is an early offender).
Will buy when someone/modders unlock the 30fps (hope that the framerate is not tied to the game speed)
Okay, yeah, sound is weird. I thought the intro was just minimalistic or something but nope, looked up the console version and there was clearly loads more music too, so something is weird audio wise for me. On a 5.1 setup.
Will buy when someone/modders unlock the 30fps (hope that the framerate is not tied to the game speed)
It's tied to gamespeed.Will buy when someone/modders unlock the 30fps (hope that the framerate is not tied to the game speed)
So it specifically needs to be at 16bit sound or is the general suggestion just to try changing it and play it by ear?
Some sound issues can be solved by changing default sound formate down
Unfortunately it is tied to the game logic. When we tried upping the frame rate the game didn't work at all well.
Just bought this game, and I seem to be having some cases of crackling music.
Also, can you not play as a female in this game at all? Guess I'll have to go with a really effeminate dude, lol.
GTX 770 2GB, i7 4770K, 16GB RAM. MSI Afterburner shows about 30% GPU usage, less than a gig of VRAM usage, and it generally maintains 30, though it noticeably drops during certain cutscenes (the smoke produced by the cannon fire in the opening harbor battle is an early offender).
Are you guys working to fix the music loop bug? Kinda jarring having these epic battles with no music playing.
You can unlock female characters after finishing a playthrough. You can even play as Ms Megamelons herself.
Hows the controller support?
Wanna play this, but i'm wondering if i should go the path of least resistance (as far as compatibility, etc) and just get it for ps3
Hows the controller support?
Wanna play this, but i'm wondering if i should go the path of least resistance (as far as compatibility, etc) and just get it for ps3
I'll be playing the opening of the game and in random spots, the screen will freeze up. The game is still going on (the audio tells me that) and Task Manager says that the game is still running, but the screen freezes up. I have to forcefully quit out of the game and try again and it'll still freeze up. The furthest I've gotten is when the three enemies attack you. I've done a wide variety of fixes, from reinstalling my video/physx drivers, to changing the in game resolution from 4k to 1080p and nothing changes. A few more people have been coming out with the same issue, but it looks like it's not that widespread.
Could you email [email protected] with details and your Dxdiag please. And we'll pass it on to the dev team.
This like the first game where a single playthrough takes less than 10 hours but has multiple paths?
A playthrough can last about an hour if you rush through. Replayability is a core part of the series.
I remember playing one on the PS2 and it took forever for me to figure out how to get the ending whereyou escape instead of getting gunned down.
I liked how there were so many decision points and how things could go in completely different directions depending on what you did at what time.