Well that was a hell of a way to end up in the first playthrough.
Boiled alive, just after I'd finished making preparations. He just couldn't hold on, poor guy.
I'm very tempted to grab this, but I am just filled to the brim with games I don't have time to play![]()
Everybody is saying that it's great that it supports arbitrary resolutions, but it doesn't seem to support 16:10 aspect ratio so... it doesn't.
When I try to do 4k it just enlarges and doesn't downsample or anything. 1920x1200 isn't even selectable. I may have to change my desktop to 1080 just to get DSR working.
After it gets enlarged, just accept it. Then restart the game.
Press square.Is there a way to open doors during night crawl missions instead of having to knock them all down alerting everyone?
So this game has a capped 30 FPS in place and it has content being held ransom?
Has anyone tried to run this on an Intel GMA 4500HD? Wondering if it'll run before I buy it. The PSP ports of the first two games will have to tide me over until I find out!
So this game has a capped 30 FPS in place and it has content being held ransom?
First attempt I ended up tied to train tracks and died before being able to get through the intro. Yup.
Now I think I am totally shameful samurai for exploring the town doing odd jobs and stuffing my face.
that's hilarious
lemme guess, you killed everybody in sight and never paid for anything?
ReShade works, wonder if there's a way to force AO
I'm paying for stuff just choosing cowardly dialogue options and stuff like that.
That looks fantastic.
What are the must have simple, graphical tweaking / enhancing programs? I've never tinkered with that stuff before. I suppose I'm not super interested in post-processing, but down-sampling....to make better use of my hardware.
The reshade framework AO works, but it's problematic and causes the frame rate to drop whenever something gets too close to the screen. This includes the black bars that come up during cutscenes.ReShade works, wonder if there's a way to force AO
ReShade works, wonder if there's a way to force AO
Way of the Samurai 4 V1.01
24 July - Ghostlight Ltd.
Hi everyone.
We've just uploaded a new patch to steam. This one contains the following fixes:
Fixed black screens upon death or loading a save that affected certain character types.
Fixed miscellaneous crashes
Fixed some audio issues
We had mouse support in but we were unable to get it working quite right. Expect a build early next week adding it in.
ReShade works, wonder if there's a way to force AO
New to this series and I have a question:
So I seem to have missed out on picking up a cool sword because I forgot the pick up button while my sword was drawn and the game gave me barely any buffer between end of boss and beginning of cutscene. Is there any other way aside from getting really good at picking stuff up to avoid this?
3 quick and easy questions about the opening and mechanics.
1. Does this WotS use a similar system to the previous games, where there were multiple short stories you played through that could last like 30 mins tops. Or did they go with an open world approach this time? Ive heard conflicting things about this and I cant tell what the actually meat of the game will be like.
3. Last but not least, How do I equip my swords lol!? When I press L1 I go into a hand to hand combat style instead of the sword style. I got it to work once when I randomly hit the left trigger, but now I cant seem to get out of the hand to hand style again.
Could you upload your preset, please?
Nvidia (and AMD I think as well) can downsample natively through the main config menu. Just go to Manage 3D Settings and go down to DSR - Factors and choose the levels you want. I usually choose 2x, 3x, and 4x with 4x being 4k.
With stuff like Reshade you can ask for or download a profile and just use it as is with no tweaking. You could ask for the one earlier in this thread since it is already configured.
I'm getting a steady 30fps but the audio gets garbled pretty bad every once in a while. Anyone else getting this?
I found a Reshade config on steam forums. I haven't had time to test it yet, but the screenshot with it on looks ok.