U should have said 8k and 120fps mate u starting to slack a bit.
Anyway i will bite.
Multiple cores are probably locked like with the PS4 for security reasons and background tasks which means 8 core will really just be a 6 core.
Clocks are probably reduced drastically to push more GPU clocks forwards which is more important at the end of the day in those boxes as they focus on 4k. 4x performance increase over a 350 scoring cinebench cpu = a 1600af stock which is 85 bucks, sounds about right.
Any 16gb of ddr4 will do at 3000+mhz
Any 1-2gb's ssd will do at 512-1tb depends on what quality brand u wanna go for. Honestly they ain't much costing. If you want however quality ones u will have to pay more. but its not like sony/microsoft aren't going to the most cheap chinese knockoff while they are at it. Also highly unlikely they going for much more then that range as they can and will cut costs on it or push more space instead of performance, hard drive quality was never there focus. What a chip supports for future revisions doesn't say anything really.
Any trash cheapo motherboard will do, zero reason to invest money into this ryzen is already so long on the market really. and consoles and motherboard quality yea lul. Cheapest plate they can bake. Hell even that cheap motherboard will probably have more possibilities then those consoles on top of it.
Other stuff:
U can buy whatever trash case or not even a case at all. Put it on a wooden plank all i care for. Or buy whatever trash case, mouse keyboard, cheapest shit do the job perfectly fine. No need to buy anything special. All my keyboards i use for my high end and other PC's are 5 buck keyboards as example. Windows is also free, no need to license it. Can't change your background tho, big deal i guess.
Then GPU department.
PC resolution, nobody cares about 4k PPI density of 1080p on 22 inch is about as high as a 45 inch 4k television up that inch and boom there goes your crispiness vs 1080p on pc. 4k is a waste of performance. It's only benched to see potential of the GPU with CPU bottleneck basically.
Here's a example of a game that's incredible AMD biased.
5700xt 4k = 55 fps
5700xt 1080p = 139 fps
4k murders framerate add raytracing with it and have a good laugh.
Now lets assume the PS5 = 12 tfops that's probably something like 70 fps at best which equals a 1080p 1650 super at 72 fps, recently bought one for about 170 bucks i believe?
Dam u actually save some cash. But the only weakness of that GPU is 4gb of v-ram, so just wait on the next gpu line from nvidia which is about to launch or get the amd equalivant as those consoles are not out yet anyway and even then 4000 series CPU will probably also get a bump in performance on PC. Still that's already 20gb of total ram dayum.
So yea you are right, PC is actually even cheaper. Good that u pointed that out.
And that box will be highly upgradable. Consoles upgradable? whats that.