Fantasy is living in the world where console hw and PC "almost the same" parts perform on the same level. They clearly not.
Another fantasy is living in the word where PC "almost the same" hardware costs the same as the console hardware (as if these retail margins never existed).
And yet another fantasy is that PCs vastly outperform consoles this generation, when in reality you get either "ultra" settings or "4K" or "2x fps" and usually only one of them at a time (sometimes two, if the developers are good, case in point: RE2 Remake).
1) Nobody cares about the same hardware other then console warriors. Nobody is going to sit there and say "let's build a PS4 performing PC in 2020". This is the logic that console people do not seem to get. Nobody on PC cares for consoles, they upgrade when it's needed to hit performance on a PC that they want not because some console gets something.
U can easily see this out of sale data.
That logic makes even less sense as people that are into the market for the console experience and want just that with a budget of 400-500 bucks they should get a console. What's the point in going PC? It's like the dumbest shit i ever read on forums like this.
The only reason people compare is for shit and giggles.
2) Prices drop every day on parts. If sony decides on a ryzen 2600 for example, that would be absolutely fantastic in 2018, at this point? its budget hardware. This is something that counters that retail margins never existing nonsense. While sony is selling a complete box with parts for "cheap" pc parts get cheaper and replaced by faster hardware for the same price. This makes your argument completely useless as PC doesn't sit stuck with fixed hardware.
3) The problem here is that u do not understand much about PC presets. Ultra is there to kill performance on the most high end hardware, its made for future proofing as they tend to say. This is what confuses you.
U see a number and u place that number and state it as a fact on your one conclusion. While in reality that number means different things. 55 fps at 4k means its probably 100+ fps at 1080p. Sounds good to me. But for you its can't even do 2x the performance and not even at ultra omegalul. while that guy sits at 5x the performance in witcher 3 with ultra low ms, no microstutter and a super reactive game in general vs 30ms 20 fps barely cooping by version of consoles.
See how that works.
When u tell that guy PC barely outperforms consoles yet witcher 3 gets played at 140-180 fps beyond console settings where a console has issue's staying in the 30 fps lane and drops below it often. Yea that just sounds like a laughable statement.
And then the circus of stupid continuous with the usual arguments that all make zero sense afterwards to anybody that actually plays on a PC.