If you try hard enough you can drive your car on just two wheels, so why get a motorcycle, right? Sure you can plug PC to an HD TV, but that's not what 99.99% people do with their PC, that's not what they were designed for at all. All you say is true, but it all immediately fells apart once you actually power on the PC, the Windows and everything within it is simply not designed with a controller in mind, at all, you still need that M+K for even basic operations, and no one wants to have a M+K on their living room's desk. You can try using one of those small BT keyboards with build-in trackpads, which helps just a little bit, but it's still nowhere near as convenient as something purposely build for a TV set in a living room. A keyboard is always a keyboard, it needs to be properly positioned unless your into chronic back pain, and the desk is what allows for that proper, comfortable position. It's the very same reason why laptops are best suited for a desk or dining room/kitchen table. It all sounds simple in theory, but the initial impression fades away veeery quickly. Truth be told, that's exactly how I play for the past 7 years or so, solely because current console simply don't cut it for me with their sub-30FPS and the exclusives are almost non-existent (including Sony's lineup), I everything to make it as comfortable, or should I actually say as bearable as possible, but I simply cannot wait for next-gen consoles to get back to proper comfy couch experience and say goodbye for my PC. 4K60 is fucking awesome no doubts, but if the upcoming consoles will give me that, then there will be no reason for me for keeping the PC in the living room anymore.