The Lunch Legend
GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
this thread is SO toxic..
This thread needs some shemuscle
If you’ve ever jerked off to a cartoon, a video game or video game character your opinion on these type of things is null and void because you are a deviant.
I would include East Asia together.
South Korean or Taiwanese developers can also design female characters that don't look like men.
Sorry, but the ugly white cave troll with dreadlocks from Horizon and the teenage boys from TLOU 2 are not attractive women, Mr. Neo Member. I think you should head on back to resetera where you came from.
A Japanese game of course.
Nope. Too young and good looking. Need to dumb it down so ugly people can relate more.Dunno if it's been said already but THIS is what Jesse from Control should've looked like (facially, of course).
Not enough skin showing mate.No game has done female character models better than Detroit in my opinion. Probably because they are extremely accurate to the real life actresses and they were incredibly well modeled and animated.
When the SJWs die out.
It's always funny when people think you need to defend ugly female polygons on the internet. Why do you hate attractive women? Do they make you sad because you realize you'll be alone forever because you're ugly inside and out?
Go back where you came from. ResetERA is this way ==> and if you got lost coming from there to come virtue signal here and can't find your way back. Just go down the hallway and when you see the toilet you know you've reached the right placeWhen you go design one that you can jerk off to with pride, apparently.
The only thing having "realistic-looking" characters does is make them forgettable.
Came in the thread for pictures, got the one from TLOU. Feel like outrage culture is in full effect.
Yes you can dude. Try it.There should be a middle ground between Japanese and Western stuff. Can't play Tekken or SF in front of my wife![]()
Have i missed something? Women are well represented across all genres. Horizon, strong female lead. FF7 remake (Tifa, Aerith) both ends of the spectrum. Last of us (LGBT). Why is this a thread?
They also don't have the free time, abundance of protein rich food and access to steroids required to end up with the gym rat bodybuilder physiques they've been given either.You realize the two games you just mentioned are both post apocalyptic games right....generally these types of scenerios are environments arent really ideal for makeup and hair extensions.
This is a false narrative and you know it.Jesus good thing neogaf Isn’t in charge of modern character design
such a shame video games trying to advance the medium and tell real stories can’t also double as jerkoff material, a real loss
In big studio - creator cannot express himself.Personally, I'll always refer back to this thought; I think the creator should create exactly what he or she wants.
End of story.
You don't like it, don't buy it.
Little ironic cosidering youre attempting to defend 'attractive' female video game characters....gotta watch out for you when the female androids of the future become reality...that may get weird
When the SJWs die out.
It's always funny when people think you need to defend ugly female polygons on the internet. Why do you hate attractive women? Do they make you sad because you realize you'll be alone forever because you're ugly inside and out?
I’d be one to know people like sexy characters, I’m a pinup artist. and here’s no need to have every character designed that way. There’s plenty of games where it makes sense within the theme to just have attractive characters looking cool, with great storytelling i. e Nier Automata, and there’s plenty where it doesn’t. “violent drama grounded in reality” is one of those where it doesn’t.This is a false narrative and you know it.
Sure, there's a laddishness amongst some that want titillation from their female designs, but that's to be expected in a medium that has an overwhelming male, younger skewing audience.
The idea however that female leads shouldn't be sexually attractive, that strong feminine traits and good looks are somehow a measure of immaturity and not 'real' or a barrier to good story telling as you claim, is preposterous.
Humans are biologically hardwired to associate good looks with success and confidence. Hell, generally good looking people are generally more successful and confident on average in real life full stop.
Good looks and feminine features that men find sexy are not a bad thing, and anyone who finds that fact makes them uncomfortable needs to grow the hell up.
besides TLOU2 which we havent seen it entirely what other big developer has made bad female designs? I wanna see some proof/pictures to these fucking claims. If by good design you mean anime shit, you can gtfo.
Dunno if it's been said already but THIS is what Jesse from Control should've looked like (facially, of course).
And not every story is about perfectly successful and confident people. For example in Control Jesse isn't confident at all, rejects the role of being a leader, and is left a shadow of her former self by her brothers' disappearance.Humans are biologically hardwired to associate good looks with success and confidence. Hell, good looking people generally are more successful and confident on average in real life full stop.
This forum needs more adults. People who is not worried about young hotties but how to survive until tomorrow being so tired.
Control and Mass Effect Andromeda. They were both based on real models. Both pretty girls in real life and in-game they looked ugly and manly. Andromeda had a massive SJW infection and became a laughingstock because of it.
Nah, Jesse just needed to actually look more like the lady they modeled her after.
No idea why she looks so damn strange ingame, Courtney Hope is a beautiful woman.
We got a forecast for when this is going to blow over?
Playing through mid-2000 era games just reminds me how much female characters design has devolved.
Yeah, because they look like reeeeeeeal females.Just play Japanese games.
Yep. More and more of them appearing on a daily basis.This thread clearly shows some pussies from resetera are more and more present with the way they're handling bans at that cesspool.
Fair enough, however I am certainly not arguing to have women straight out of a pinup in a “violent drama grounded in reality”, but that in itself describes so very few games that it's in many ways besides the point.I’d be one to know people like sexy characters, I’m a pinup artist. and here’s no need to have every character designed that way. There’s plenty of games where it makes sense within the theme to just have attractive characters looking cool, with great storytelling i. e Nier Automata, and there’s plenty where it doesn’t. “violent drama grounded in reality” is one of those where it doesn’t.
This thread plants a flag firmly in right wing political ideology and then claims anything to the left of it, even a center position of "who the fuck cares" is an sjw position. Like most of us just literally don't care about fapping to video games and cartoons. The fact that you people who are posting this shit don't think this is pushing your own political agenda is hilarious if not a little sad.
It's basically "Anybody who doesn't agree with me is reeeee..." the thread ....
Are you 15? Go watch porn if you need something to jerk off too, Jesus Christ the last of us crying never ends.
It’s funny what people think proves their narrative, like they made her ugly on purpose. Face capture clearly just does not work out as well as intended sometimes. But the type of simple minded people who make threads like this will just move on to some other piece of “evidence”. I've seen people claim Lara in Shadow of the Tomb Raider had her face look janky on purpose.
The notion that characters must be attractive to be good and likeable is plain wrong. If it were so we would’ve had Dwayne Johnson and Harry Styles playing Walter White and Jesse.Fair enough, however I am certainly not arguing to have women straight out of a pinup in a “violent drama grounded in reality”, but that in itself describes so very few games that it's in many ways besides the point.
Infact the number of games that could be described as a “violent drama grounded in reality” is almost non existent. Even if we're discussing TLOU, that's still a post apocalyptic sci fi horror game about fungus zombies. It might be deathly serious with that conceit, but it's still a fundamentally silly fantasy story in a style deliberately aping the Hollywood approach to 'realism'.
And that's the nub of the matter, more mature media like Hollywood movies or big budget TV shows don't cast ugly fuckers in their leads because no one wants to watch ugly people do things. Infact we're genetically conditioned to more readily accept good looking people as being more competent and capable than ugly people.
There's not been thousands of years of stories, from all cultures and societies, that described their heroes as beautiful and handsome, just because our species was entirely immature and unrealistic until it started portraying women as entirely devoid of attractive traits with more masculine physical characteristics.
What's more, it's all one way. Male leads in western game are still handsome. Some rugged and gruff like Joel, others muscle bound meatheads like kratos, many pretty boys like Nathan Drake, but they're all still fine to be good looking, masculine guys.
What bugs me is that that same respect isn't afforded to feminine traits. It's not just looks either, femininity full stop is treated like a dirty word these days, but looks is the most obvious one.
I don't need every heroine in stripper heels and trashy makeup, but there's this obsession with avoiding the dreaded 'male gaze' that has been leading to far too many western devs treating good looking women as a problem.
Hell, if developers like Naughty Dog wanted me to believe they really cared about portraying a 'realistic' strong female protagonist, they'd make one that couldn't just Rambo their way through every problem, or weren't aftaid to portray them as having romantic interest in men.
Because it's easy to claim you're a progressive, groundbreaking feminist and LGBT+ ally, that finds sexy women vulgar and immature, when you're not making the player have to control a character that will kiss a boy.