My steam library alone can keep me on my pc.
Why is the OP banned?
Why is the OP banned?
most of the console multi-platform games nowadays that release on PC all have controller support. aside from PC exclusive strategy games, most games have controller support.Yes I do know, but how does that help me when I already said I am comfortable on consoles?
Which was the last big great console exclusive though? Serious question
I should have said "AAA single player exclusives", there plenty of AAA PC exclusives yes but most of them are either MMOs or F2P games. Traditional single players exclusives that are made to take advantage of the hardware aren't made anymore sadly though, OG Crysis and W2 were the last of their breed.
No, I'm not. Stating it over and over is not going to make it true.No you are a fanboy
Of course, when it doesn't make sense (i.e "I like to play with a controller") or it's irrelevant to the points that are the premise to the thread (i.e. "I'm not used to it so I don't think it's good").you argue every single point somebody makes against the pc
Kidding, right? You do realize the biggest Kickstarter campaigns were single player RPG's?
And let's not forget viruses, hackers, emergent AI taking control of your machine, not to mention locusts, meteors and other biblical plagues that could happen.
Probably budget, by most people's definition.How the fuck do you rate AAA? Budget? Scope? If the latter, there are bloody plenty 'AAA' pc exclusives.
My steam library alone can keep me on my pc.
Why is the OP banned?
Yeah but you don't need a "gaming" PC to play those.
No, I'm not. Stating it over and over is not going to make it true.
Of course, when it doesn't make sense (i.e "I like to play with a controller") or it's irrelevant to the points that are the premise to the thread (i.e. "I'm not used to it so I don't think it's good").
I wouldn't even care if you did. That's beyond the point.Did I ever say kb/m is not good? No I didn't
It's virtually ubiquitous for pretty much any game where it makes sense to use one.And even you should know since you are an advocate that you must have a kb/m for some games on pc, controller support is not universal for every game.
I still prefere the exclusive games on consoles though, sorry.
How the fuck do you rate AAA? Budget? Scope? If the latter, there are bloody plenty 'AAA' pc exclusives.
You can keep your button mashers and shooters.
Which destroys everyone's preconceptions then, doesn't it?
You can keep your button mashers and shooters.
Nah I don't think so, the guy I was replying to claimed that gaming PCs are not worth it anymore and I agree with him. Outside of Total War, Arma and poorly optimized console ports nothing are made to take advantage of the current PC hardware.
And 99% of the time they're strategy/MOBA or WRPG. I like gaming on PC, but I'm not gonna pretend they get good exclusives or anything. For instance, Dark Souls is the best PC game in years and it's a barebones console port.
lol because mashing mouse1 10,000 times per second in some shitty MOBA and collecting hats is s0 h4rdc0re
I wouldn't even care if you did. That's beyond the point.
Controllers are an option even on PC for every multiplatform game and even for a fairly large amount of exclusives, so they are not an advantage of consoles. Objectively.
Nah I don't think so, the guy I was replying to claimed that gaming PCs are not worth it anymore and I agree with him. Outside of Total War, Arma and poorly optimized console ports nothing are made to take advantage of the current PC hardware.
Lol, competitive DOTA2/Starcraft is button mashy alright.
As button mashy as most competitive console games, yes (ie not at all you fucking dumbass)
You're an ignoramus.
Totally depends on what type of games you want to play. Consoles do not deliver on that front, in my case.No thank you. Been there. Best exclusives are on consoles now anyway.
You're an ignoramus.
I am sorry but you will never ever get a game like The Last of Us or Littlebigplanet or even Beyond: Two Souls on the pc. The exclusive are the reason I have kept with consoles the whole time and cheap indie and free MOBA games on steam will never make me change. All of the big game releases that are on pc come out on consoles and with the PS4 you will start to see less and less exculsives on pc.
One outlier in a sea of crap doesn't disprove my point.
lol you know it's true. I have a gaming PC btw, but it's the truth that outside of franchises (Arma, Total War) and console ports nothing is made to take advantage of high-end PCs anymore.
I am sorry but you will never ever get a game like The Last of Us, Littlebigplanet any Nintendo Franchise and even Beyond: Two Souls on the pc. The exclusive are the reason I have kept with consoles the whole time and cheap indie and free MOBA games on steam will never make me change. All of the big game releases that are on pc come out on consoles and with the PS4 you will start to see less and less exculsives on pc.
It's obvious why that is the case, to appeal to the lowest common denomiator. But go look up Star Citizen and tell me that doesn't take advantage of hardware.
It doesn't, it's made so that it can run on a dual core CPU and a GTX 460 from 2009.
It doesn't, it's made so that it can run on a dual core CPU and a GTX 460 from 2009.
Well the gaming experience is objectively better, whether that's worth the hit in accessibility and a different ecosystem is up to you.Nobody is ever going to convince me PC is better than console
It doesn't, it's made so that it can run on a dual core CPU and a GTX 460 from 2009.
Well the gaming experience is objectively better, whether that's worth the hit in accessibility and a different ecosystem is up to you.
What is ''the gaming experience''?
this topic is extremely sensitive apparently
chill out
we're all friends