Canis lupus
Am I reading it wrong or is Tomb Raider only $2.25 off of regular price?
Damn, its that cheap already? Even if you're not a PS+ member, the discounts don't disappoint.
Am I reading it wrong or is Tomb Raider only $2.25 off of regular price?
Am I reading it wrong or is Tomb Raider only $2.25 off of regular price?
$5 a month. Big woop. I honestly don't understand how people can complain about $5 a month when I spend double that a day on food.
Yeah, but if you cancel your subsricption all the "free" games are gone on PS+
I love PC gaming, it's hands down the best way to game and I'm positive that almost everyone that actually tries it will end up sticking with it. Digital distribution managed to liberate the platform from the clutches of the publishers and retailers, which is why we're now seeing a huge variety in game types and the rebirth of beloved old-school genres.
PC gaming has gotten a lot easier and a lot cheaper to get into. The last hurdle for true mass-market acceptance is the creation of a good, simple and cheap entry point, which is probably the whole point of the Steambox. If Valve play their cards right, I see no reason why the PC can't become gaming's Android.
$5 less that you have to spend. You're being very ignorant if you can't see that free access to sales is better than paying for them.$5 a month. Big woop. I honestly don't understand how people can complain about $5 a month when I spend double that a day on food.
All those games at 720p30 instead of 1080p60 as I can enjoy. I prefer to pay a little extra for significantly better experience (though I think PC is all in all cheaper than playing on PS3 with PS+).I really don't mind the fee. I can buy Tomb Raider for 20 dollars, my investment in PS+ more than pays for itself
Yup and that's an extra benefit of PC. Your legacy games will always be easily accessible without having 20 devices plugged to the socket.Not only that, but would you even expect come the next generation that you will have access / backwards compatability with all your previous generation games? My friend has for over 300-400 dollars worth of Xbox Live Arcade games. He can't transfer ANY of that stuff over to the new system. I think that's beyond crazy.
Not only that, but would you even expect come the next generation that you will have access / backwards compatability with all your previous generation games? My friend has for over 300-400 dollars worth of Xbox Live Arcade games. He can't transfer ANY of that stuff over to the new system. I think that's beyond crazy.
You had me till that last bitI love PC gaming, it's hands down the best way to game and I'm positive that almost everyone that actually tries it will end up sticking with it. Digital distribution managed to liberate the platform from the clutches of the publishers and retailers, which is why we're now seeing a huge variety in game types and the rebirth of beloved old-school genres.
PC gaming has gotten a lot easier and a lot cheaper to get into. The last hurdle for true mass-market acceptance is the creation of a good, simple and cheap entry point, which is probably the whole point of the Steambox. If Valve play their cards right, I see no reason why the PC can't become gaming's Android.
I really don't mind the fee. I can buy Tomb Raider for 20 dollars, my investment in PS+ more than pays for itself
You had me till that last bit
Sorry, mate
Why are you guys so negative towards Android?I meant that PC could conceivably do what Android did on the mobile market, ie go up against a locked down ecosystem and actually dominate in marketshare.
Because that $5 a month would save you enough to get 5 or more Steam sale games.$5 a month. Big woop. I honestly don't understand how people can complain about $5 a month when I spend double that a day on food.
Can't really think of any pc exclusives that are memorable however I can easily remember games like killzone, infamous and any naughty dog game that I would like on pc so i'd have to agree with you.No thank you. Been there. Best exclusives are on consoles now anyway.
Not going to happen.Why are you guys so negative towards Android?I meant that PC could conceivably do what Android did on the mobile market, ie go up against a locked down ecosystem and actually dominate in marketshare.
Not going to happen.OldAsUrSock said:For what? Android and PC are both amazing. He is right in saying that the PC should be the Android, but it wont be completely Android until Linux gets big.
Can't really think of any pc exclusives that are memorable however I can easily remember games like killzone, infamous and any naughty dog game that I would like on pc so i'd have to agree with you.
I have a PC for gaming and all but it will never replace my PS3, and hopefully in the future my PS4 (depending on how it pans out and how Sony handles the used games deal). No matter how hard I try I will never get used to the mouse and keyboard style of playing because after long use eventually my hands start cramping.
You could say "why don't u just use a controller on your PC games then," well the problem with that is that only a select few games have controller setups. If its not half of them having controller setups the other half has a problem with me using a controller on it (great example is Walking Dead because I couldn't start it if a controller is connected).
szaromir said:All those games at 720p30 instead of 1080p60 as I can enjoy. I prefer to pay a little extra for significantly better experience (though I think PC is all in all cheaper than playing on PS3 with PS+).
Hunh? Do your hands cramp when you write papers, too? I've been gaming since age 5 and my hands cramp way more on a controller; hell, all you use is your thumbs, barring some trigger use. I once compared my thumb muscles to that of a friend of mine who never plays video games and mine are absurdly huge compared to hers, and they still cramp!
Sounds like you aren't understanding the tech. There are plenty of plugins and programs that all you to use PS3 or Xbox360 controllers with your PC for just about any game, even if it doesn't inherently support it. Even with games that support only Xbox360 controllers like Elysian Tale, you can get remapping software to work wit PS3 controllers, perfectly. And then there are emulators that allow you to use any controller...ever. Dunno about Walking Dead, I never played it on PC.
Can't really think of any pc exclusives that are memorable however I can easily remember games like killzone, infamous and any naughty dog game that I would like on pc so i'd have to agree with you.
Infamous is the open world game with terrible IQ and runs at like 20 FPS right?
Can't really think of any pc exclusives that are memorable however I can easily remember games like killzone, infamous and any naughty dog game that I would like on pc so i'd have to agree with you.
Not going to happen.
I'm not going to derail this thread with Android and Linux discussions, but Wynnebeck is right: a gaming PC and a console make for the best of all possible worlds.
I'm not sure how you'd be able to call yourself a hardcore gamer then...PC fanboy would be a more appropriate term, perhaps.
steam people I have a question, Every or marjority fo multiplats are coming with pad suport? I want to know to embark the pc train, i have no patience to do a lot of shennaningans just to play a game, like key to joy etc
steam people I have a question, Every or marjority fo multiplats are coming with pad suport? I want to know to embark the pc train, i have no patience to do a lot of shennaningans just to play a game, like key to joy etc
I have a pretty good rig (GTX 670 i5 3570k) and I have a PS3 and will get a PS4.
A real hardcore gamer doesn't limit themselves to one platform
I have a pretty good rig (GTX 670 i5 3570k) and I have a PS3 and will get a PS4.
A real hardcore gamer doesn't limit themselves to one platform
You have to be rich to be labeled hardcore? OK.
I really don't mind the fee. I can buy Tomb Raider for 20 dollars, my investment in PS+ more than pays for itself
Depending on where you live and what you make, 1000$ of disposable income for two platforms doesn't mean you're rich...
At this point, I'd say that this is typically the case. Particular given Steam's push to support a TV friendly interface, I think it's rare that controller-friendly games will release on the platform without controller support. The further you go back, though, the more hit and miss it becomes.
Almost all of them natively support the 360 pad. No setup required.
You can switch between M/KB and 360 controller by simply touching a button or moving the mouse/stick. The button prompts change instantly without so much as pausing the game.
You can even use both at the same time!
Many thanks people, this is huge for me!!! Now i will spend a lot of cash on a PC, now i have to research a pc configuration that may last about 3 years
Make sure you wait for the imminent Steam Summer Sale, you'll save a ton of money.
Many thanks people, this is huge for me!!! Now i will spend a lot of cash on a PC, now i have to research a pc configuration that may last about 3 years
i will, but i dont want to spend more than 1k on a pc if it runs most of multiplats i`m ok, my bf should put more money maybe
3 years? Hell I'm still using a Q6600 and a HD 5770 which is ancient by now! Don't sweat the price too. PC hardware has come a long way and DX11 really does help. I can play Battlefield 3 with no hiccups.
Whatever you do try to get a decent mouse. I know I found it stupid myself when I first built my PC but now I can't use any other mouse. I love my Deathadder even if it is from Razer.
Many thanks people, this is huge for me!!! Now i will spend a lot of cash on a PC, now i have to research a pc configuration that may last about 3 years