The last time I upgraded my drivers, which I had to do to play BioShock Infinite which Steam didn't tell me as that kind of information didn't surface in BPM, it took 30 minutes until I could play the game.
These 30 minutes however they were spent, was trying different things while download the latest drivers then switching to beta drivers and all kinds of things.
And now I have a bug where I have to set the refresh rate again every time I boot or I get artifacts on the screen.
I spent 150 hours playing dragon's dogma on ps3 last month.
But I had to update my ps3 firmware every few days when I logged on (which always literally took 10 minutes+ )
And I had all these weirds bugs man : There were black bars, the game for some reason would only run at 20-25 fps and regularly drop into single digit framerates, it wouldn't let me have more than one saveslot for some reason and at one point my ps3 froze and I had to wait 45 minutes for it to check my hdd for data corruption.
(none of this is made up, check my post history)
I spent 3 hours googling how to fix these issues but then I discovered that my ps3 is a closed platform and I couldn't do anything about them, bummer and what a waste of time.
Anyhow,I'm out, this thread was a waste as it's been shat up within 3 pages, sorry OP.