Don't worry, that is how it works on NeoGAF. There's especially this crusade against PC-elitists as some of us are branded, for liking the PC and arguing
for it to a point where certain individuals follow you around in various threads just to call you out. I do very much agree with your points but it's just one big game of pros and cons which is perceived different for each individual. Also what is important to you as a gamer.
When I hear modding, I think of endless amounts of free content that can add hundreds of hours to a game I already own, make it look better, turn it into a better game.
For others they just think of a big hassle, downloading, installing, working out any problems and ultimately they don't feel it's worth their time.
When I hear 30FPS / 720p, I cringe and get these flashing images on my retina of low-resolution games with lots of jaggies that feels very sluggish.
For some they aren't sensitive to that stuff, they can perfectly play with and enjoy 30FPS and sit far enough away for 720p ( less / more ) to never bother them.
When I think about PC building, I get this warm feeling of being able to buy a lot of great hardware at the price point
I want and can scale the performance with the price, plus I'm able to make my PC faster whenever I want.
For others it's about figuring out what to buy, having someone built it perhaps or go through building your first PC which can be scary. Plus it probably seems very expensive as that latest AMD Afterburner Thrustmaster X2000 is like $600!!
When I think PC exclusives, I just think simulators, lots of niche and indie titles and games that allow for a greater visual range and control scheme.
For others they are most likely just boring games and it's certainly no <Insert Y console exclusive>
And the list goes on, and on ...
What most people react on is when you call out a superiority to any of these opinions, like that's what the hardcore would choose or that's the 'best option' you will naturally fall into the same old comfy couch / PC abilities discussions.
Oh and some want the best of both worlds, get a console and a PC, gets to enjoy everything