Avengers is now 5 years old.
Wow. Time goes by fast.
Apparently Avatar has been tearing us apart for 8.5 years as well
Avengers is now 5 years old.
Wow. Time goes by fast.
Apparently Avatar has been tearing us apart for 8.5 years as well![]()
Yeah, ok, right...
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It's like you're right on the verge of realizing that yes - it was hyperbolic
Like I just said.
C'mon man.
Just PM me if you need further explanation of how you keep fucking airballing this joke.
One last one for ya, ryu! The Rottenwatch thread:
Uhhhhh.....damn. We talked a lot about ABADAR.
I was trying to find a thread yesterday when we were talking about Avatar 2, and came across a November 2009 era Avatar post-production discussion thread by duckroll that was specifically stated to be the "no sculli allowed" thread. I chuckled a bit.
One last one for ya, ryu! The Rottenwatch thread:
Uhhhhh.....damn. We talked a lot about ABADAR.
Wall Of Shame right there.
Fuck Avatar, let's take a look at The Dark Knight BO thread: http://neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=327986&highlight=
That's... a lot of tinypic.
Fuck Avatar, let's take a look at The Dark Knight BO thread: http://neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=327986&highlight=
That's... a lot of tinypic.
I was trying to find a thread yesterday when we were talking about Avatar 2, and came across a November 2009 era Avatar post-production discussion thread by duckroll that was specifically stated to be the "no sculli allowed" thread. I chuckled a bit.
Was their a BO thread back then and were you part of it? I'd love to know how that first weekend went.
Was their a BO thread back then and were you part of it? I'd love to know how that first weekend went.
DM and Guzim's pinnacle....before TDKR shattered them! Sad!
If you visit xaosslug's user profile and click on the link to his threads, you get 10 years of box office GAF in one convenient place, minus the 7-8 threads that I filled in for.
If you are on Mobile GAF, I think you can get to that list by clicking on his username in the OP.
Even better! Thanks Swis!
Remember the threads where we discussed all the guerilla footage of the Bane fight in the snow and the Gotham Rogues scenes in Pittsburgh?
DM was so full of hope...then the plane scene with Little Finger screened and he was floating...
...and then the full movie released and with it, his dreams.
But I know the rage that drives DM. That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of his beloved franchise is just poison in his veins. And one day he caught yourself wishing BatGAF had never existed, so he'd be spared his pain. He wasn't always here in Wrassle GAF. Once he had Guzim, his great love. He was.... taken from DM. Like you, he was forced to learn that box office threads exist without decency, that they must be trolled without hesitation, without pity. His anger gives him great power, but if he lets it, it will destroy him, as it almost did me.
Age of Ultron's domestic run does give me extra appreciation for what TDKR accomplished, especially considering the tragic shooting that happened on OW for the latter.
Everyone assumed AoU would outgross Avengers (bad assumption) and that RotS was the best comparison for TFA (reeeeeally bad assumption).Sooooo many in that old GAF thread predicted Age of Ultron would easily outgross The Force Awakens. That is bizarre to read.
Sooooo many in that old GAF thread predicted Age of Ultron would easily outgross The Force Awakens. That is bizarre to read.
Only 8,5 years? I had thought its been a decade alreadyApparently Avatar has been tearing us apart for 8.5 years as well![]()
People assumed a popular sci-fi franchise would somehow lose its popularity after a near decade absence. Questioning its relevancy and all that. I don't get it either.
I was more referring to domestic, but still, you're right.Age of Ultron did narrowly outgross the Avengers if you adjust the overseas earnings of both films to the same exchange rates. All of us were pretty slow to pick up on the fact that the USD was making large gains by the end of 2014. I don't think I really considered it until shortly before AoU released. Perhaps around the time that Furious 7 was blowing up.
I was more referring to domestic, but still, you're right.
Right, but there's a lot of crazy people lol.Only crazy people thought that AoU was going to top Avengers domestically
Right, but there's a lot of crazy people lol.
*points at several GAFers predicting $1b+ for TLJ domestic*
Still on Avatar 2.
Definitely. I didn't consider it a possibility that TFA would see more than 40% of its gross domestically, especially given Jurassic World exploded domestically but that still accounted for only 39% of the WW take.Jurassic World and Age of Ultron hold up better in comparison, but I do think that many of us were predicting that overseas would be a much bigger weak point for Star Wars than it proved to be in reality.
Awesome thanks. People were expecting a 30% drop after week 1? LOL
AoU with better word of mouthmight well have outgrossed Avengers 1.and to a lesser extent Mayweather - Pacquaio not eating into its OW
Isn't that pretty much the truth for most films and kind of stating the obvious? If a film receives better WoM than previously earned then it would most likely have had a larger gross.
AoU with better word of mouthmight well have outgrossed Avengers 1.and to a lesser extent Mayweather - Pacquaio not eating into its OW
I like how one of the early posts in that TDK opening weekend thread complains about ticket inflation and suggests that we use an adjusted for inflation opening weekend chart instead. Like that would stop the modern era from dominating when it comes to opening weekends.
I honestly don't think WOM mattered. Where would all the extra people come from? I think it would have been impossible to top the first. The first pretty much tapped out the viewing public and the sequel couldn't go anywhere but down. It's really simple math.
K-Swiss already invented the best possible replacement for adjusted metrics.
Solo, you realize that post I immediately started reading in my head invoice, right?My Cocaine's
Title OW Gross Year Annual OW Avg (wide) Multiplier
Return of the Jedi $23,019,618 1983 $4,199,884 5.48x
Temple of Doom $25,337,110 1984 $4,505,360 5.62x
Beverly Hills Cop 2 $26,348,555 1987 $4,427,905 5.95x
The Last Crusade $29,355,021 1989 $5,920,478 4.96x
Ghostbusters 2 $29,472,894 1989 $5,920,478 4.98x
Batman $40,489,746 1989 $5,920,478 6.84x
Batman Returns $45,687,711 1992 $7,099,434 6.44x
Jurassic Park $47,026,828 1993 $6,478,200 7.26x
Batman Forever $52,784,433 1995 $7,841,543 6.73x
The Lost World $72,132,785 1997 $10,080,531 7.16x
Harry Potter: atSS $90,294,621 2001 $15,313,480 5.90x
Spider-Man $114,844,116 2002 $15,786,477 7.27x
Dead Man's Chest $135,634,554 2006 $15,228,263 8.91x
Spider-Man 3 $151,116,516 2007 $15,438,835 9.79x
The Dark Knight $158,411,483 2008 $17,670,249 8.96x
Deathly Hallows 2 $169,189,427 2011 $21,020,331 8.05x
The Avengers $207,438,708 2012 $22,503,178 9.22x
Jurassic World $208,806,270 2015 $22,694,614 9.20x
The Force Awakens $247,966,675 2015 $22,694,614 10.93x
Wait. Is someone arguing that a well-done Minecraft movie, based on the brand that launched a ton of books, toys, shirts, and other items, can't hit the $850-950 million range?
I honestly don't think WOM mattered. Where would all the extra people come from? I think it would have been impossible to top the first. The first pretty much tapped out the viewing public and the sequel couldn't go anywhere but down. It's really simple math.