Excellent results, extremely good build. Although I'll grumble a little as usual like an old man, to be honest 62% crit is right on the very bottom line, I would sacrifice a little Crit Damage in favor of Crit Chance. Even if Crit damage drops to 250% it's not so scary in fact. This is due to the fact that for such characters when the character makes one big bang or several shots with an interval and hitting each such crit is important, every time such a hit will not be crit you will immediately feel it. That's why I usually try to keep the crit chance at 70-80% (usually 70-75%), on the same Jinhsi I have 82% (Which to be honest is a bit too much, but that's how it turned out) but roughly speaking the last thing you want on such characters is to press Resonance Liberation and see that not a single hit was crit, the probability of this is of course small but it happens
P.S - Although if the Echo turned out really great, it’s better not to touch them and don’t breathe, it’s a bad sign.