I am sure I am not the only one but when will MS reveal the official specs of the Xbox one's GPU? Have they been talking about the cloud to delay the inevitable or that the GPU is indeed that much weaker compared to the PS4 GPU that they won't mention it at all?
The reason I ask is with a $100 higher price than the PS4 and as far as multi-platform games goes, GPU specs is indeed important to reveal.
They probably wont reveal the specs. If they are as rumored, they would look inferior. But if they say 8GB RAM 8 core CPU, they dont look inferior.
Anyways the games looked awesome at E3, so I wouldn't worry.
I've heard rumblings these architectures dont get much gain from using more than 14 CU's on gfx anyway (this is where 14+4 split vgleaks rumor started, from Sony developer suggestions/slides to use a 14/4 gfx/compute split as more than 14 CU's on GFX granted little return). So maybe 12-14CU's is the sweet spot anyway.
It wasn't said what's limiting them, it has to be CPU or bandwidth, my guess is the CPU. 1.6 ghz is kinda slow, even with 6.
Also, the esram can be an advantage.
If MS successfully convinces people "this black box's shadowy innards are ~equivalent to that other black box's shadowy innards, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" they've done their job. So far it's working imo. Joe Blow isn't going to see a difference based on E3. But we'll see in the future.