It's too early to draw graphical comparisons between Xbone games and PS4 games, as no games have shipped. The good news is we will only have to wait 5-6 months to be able to draw our first conclusions.
But do keep in mind that the GPU difference between the Xbone and PS4 is real and substantial. As many of the technically minded folks on GAF, B3D, Digital Foundry, etc. have noted, the Xbone GPU is comparable to a AMD 7770 graphics card and the PS4 GPU to a 7850 graphics card. There are hundreds of PC benchmarks that compare the 7770 vs. 7850. The difference is not at the 5-10% level where it wouldn't matter. The difference in fps can range from 40-70%. That kind of performance difference is noticeable. Over the life of the consoles, that performance difference will manifest itself in the game software in noticeable ways.