Just came back from seeing this and now I understand why the reviews are lower than Man of Steel, which is actually a more coherent movie. That might be hard to believe, but hooooooo boy is this movie a mess! But it's a lovable mess that tries REALLY hard (bless you, Based God Snyder) and personally I think every GAFer should see it, if only 'cause some segments are straight up from the Arkham games. Also, it is going to fuel message board arguments for the next decade, no doubt about it.
I will post more spoiler filled impressions in the spoiler thread, but here's some quick thoughts...
- BATFLECK THE GOD. Srs, Batman had to dive bomb into this movie to save the day and Ben put in work. He does a shitload of un-Batman like things that were riffed from The Dark Knight Returns, which I feel like Synder and Terrio both obviously loved but probably didn't understand very well...BUT I WAS WILLING TO FORGIVE ALL BECAUSE HIS PERFORMANCE SAVED THIS DAMN MOVIE. Also him and Jeremy Irons spit some witty fire at each other.
- Wonder Woman rocks. I know where those early tweets saying she got standing ovations came from. Also she has the best music.
- Doomsday final boss fight is pretty good tbh
- Superman gets the shaft hard in this movie and Cavill cannot compete against the acting chomps of Batfleck the God. This movie will not help those "moping, sad Superman" arguments at all.
- The reasoning for Bats to fight Supes is pretty damn weak
- The script. Whoever came up with that pic of Terrio standing with FALSE GOD on his chest is on the nose; because the script, no matter what you heard, AIN'T THAT GOOD. It's filled with quasi-intellectual metaphors and mythology illusions, and the characters literally talk about the nature of life like they're in a mid 90's Japanese RPG at times. (GAF might see this as a positive actually; some of the lines are so bad they are funny)
- Really was not feeling Lex Luthor. Soon as he came on screen, I wanted to punch him and that feeling lasted till the end.
- The poorly structured nature of the movie's first hour - this is where all those rotten tomatoes are coming from because there are just too many random story moments pieced together incoherently for the film to be considered a "good" one, at least in its beginning half. Those critics sadly are not working under a Marvel conspiracy - they're just calling bullshit when they see it, and this first act got cut to hell and back. The extended Blu-ray might fix things up a bit, but ya, bullshit.
To sum things up, it's kind of a magnificent trainwreck with some epic fanservice moments which make it entertaining and worth watching at least once. It's kinda like the comic book movie version of Advent Children.