Sorry for asking a question that has been probably asked 100 times, but does this make sense or can I dissemble the +1 upgrade?
They stack. The borders being colored means you put them together and they get a bonus.
Sorry for asking a question that has been probably asked 100 times, but does this make sense or can I dissemble the +1 upgrade?
Inventory hurts in the beginning, but it's expandable. Find drop ships on planets, and/or buy new ships for more space.
Overall the game is set to discourage hoarding and you're suppose to just gather stuff you need for your current situation instead of stock piling everything.
Also there's a trick to speed up walk speed. Run, do melee then animation cancel the melee with jetpack. You'll get some nice momentum.
Just starting out. Can you switch between blot water and mining beam? I just found an upgrade but it runs out fast and needs to reload. I expected it to fall back to mining beam
Annoyed by the inventory management. I transferred titanium to my ship to make room to pick up more stuff. Then I needed titanium to craft an upgrade but it wouldn't let me transfer it back to my exposition because the ship was too far away. So it doesn't have a range limit to the ship, but it does to transfer back
All bonuses in a line stack, if you want to use the inventory space to do so.
Found a planet with a ton of those graviton balls, but the sentinels are set to 'Frenzied' haha. Still managed to get a dozen or so.
Keep the upgrade, the effects stack and are further boosted by the fact that you've placed them next to each other.
They stack. The borders being colored means you put them together and they get a bonus.
So I kind of took a shortcut and now I might be about 200,000 light years away from where my atlas objective is. Am I fucked or does the game reset your objective it gets too far away or something?
Lol count me in too. I did this and when I saw where I ended up I just called it a night.I just been wondering about that.
I been following the atlas path, but decided to go back on my self and try that black hole that was offered to me, I've only jump one system on my way back so far. i just presumed that new atlas anomalies would appear for me once i'm there. Not sure what to do![]()
So I kind of took a shortcut and now I might be about 200,000 light years away from where my atlas objective is. Am I fucked or does the game reset your objective it gets too far away or something?
Triangle on PS4 to switch weapons, on foot or in your ship.
Sorry for asking a question that has been probably asked 100 times, but does this make sense or can I dissemble the +1 upgrade?
Playing on PC and I think ship controls are completely ass, there's delay in mouse controls and the partially automated flight only makes it worse.
Took about 45 minutes of walking, but I found my way to a terminal and was finally able to recall my frigging ship. I would be really curious to know how in the hell this happened.
Hopped into the game, instantly felt overwhelmed lol. How do you do the space jump thingy I saw posted somewhere in this thread earlier this week for faster traversal?
I came across this outpost today. The atmosphere in this game can be incredible.
I don't know why but I feel compelled to erase my save and start again, now that I got some hanging on the game I feel like I missed so many great occasions, on the other side being the game procedurally generated means I haven't lost anything....
Don't know what to do...sigh...
Oh, yeah, sure. This tech has been used in every game ever. Nothing unique about this at all...
Trying to fly a ship with a mouse sounds terrible, period. Get a controller, dude. That's obviously how it was intended to be played, and it works great. Although I do wish you could fly closer to the ground without the game preventing you from getting too close. I found a planet full of awesome canyons, and SO wanted to fly through them, but couldn't. :-(
Spent a couple of hours on this planet. This is what I had to show for it. Thanks Treasure Hell Planet!
I came across this outpost today. The atmosphere in this game can be incredible.
When you find a really awesome looking planet. It's so good.
sometimes I'll see a very small circle within a circle... what does that mean?
also how the heck do i get a atlas pass?
Go drop pod hunting, I think I've spent over a million now on slots for my expo suit, still not maxed it out yet either and still run out of space when I'm on my mining grind.Guys?
You gotta free slots in your shit inventory.
I found mine by doing Atlas missions.
More specific but not very spoliery:Be on look out for a location in space called 'Spacial Anomaly' or similar.
Trying to fly a ship with a mouse sounds terrible, period. Get a controller, dude. That's obviously how it was intended to be played, and it works great. Although I do wish you could fly closer to the ground without the game preventing you from getting too close. I found a planet full of awesome canyons, and SO wanted to fly through them, but couldn't. :-(
I found it a lot easier with a mouse. The inventory stuff with a controller is terrible so I'll never feel that was the "intended" way. Feels so much more logical with a mouse.Trying to fly a ship with a mouse sounds terrible, period. Get a controller, dude. That's obviously how it was intended to be played, and it works great. Although I do wish you could fly closer to the ground without the game preventing you from getting too close. I found a planet full of awesome canyons, and SO wanted to fly through them, but couldn't. :-(
I restarted once on PS4, because I always do that as soon as I get the hang of a huge game. Sure, it's procedural and whatevs but it feels "cleaner" to restart. In Starbound I restarted four times before I was happy with my "gameplay".I don't know why but I feel compelled to erase my save and start again, now that I got some hanging on the game I feel like I missed so many great occasions, on the other side being the game procedurally generated means I haven't lost anything....
Don't know what to do...sigh...
Every time I get into my ship and blast off into space I'm always blown away by the fact this can actually happen with no loading. Shit is sci-fi to the max and that I'm alive to see video games offer this and technology be at this level is just...