Since this is a hype thread, I want to make some hype predictions for the
January Direct. Let's do this:
First Party:
- Xenoblade DE shown (newly added content)
- but hey, Monolith Soft hasn't just been working on a HD remaster: Here's the new medieval fantasy action-rpg ip!
- BotW-gameplay (trailer for Game Awards)
- new Smash Bros DLC
- new Star Fox-game, basically furry-Gesrs of War with vehicles (it's time)
- 3D-Kirby game
- fuckin' Donkey Kong 3 from RetroStudios (completing their trilogy)
Third Party:
- Kingdom Hearts Collections for Switch
- Final Fantasy 13 for Switch
- Nier Collection for all systems incl. Switch
- Resident Evil 7 Switch (nobody wants this)
- Code Vein Switch (Bandai Namco sigh ...)
- Hatsune Miku Mega Mix-release date
- Mass Effect Trilogy Switch (full remake for PS4/Xbox announced a week later

- Red Dead Redemption 1 for Switch (outta nowhere!)
- Last chance for Monster Hunter Switch. If it's not here, it'll be time already for Capcom to hype nextgen MonHun
- Endless Ocean 3 (because I want it)
Yeah, i can fully understand your "anger" (sorry if some of my wording is off, i'm not a native english speaker), honestly i really thought they would use the uncensored version after Xenoblade 2s openness. It's dumb and sad together, the game could have used every sold copy. And if it flops like the Wii U version Atlus will think Switchowners aren't interested in such RPGs from them...
I don't like to mention it because there's no proof (how could there be ...), but I've been long assuming that the censorship of Tokyo Mirage Sessions was an act of revenge against gamers from Treehouse. Why? Because the year before gamers highlighted how Treehouse's Alison Rapp was secretly working as a prostitue, which then got her fired for several reasons. Sounds crazy? Yes, but not any crazier than changing a girl sleeping on a bench (jap version) to upright sitting on a bench (west version). The censorship of TMS was done to such comical degree that somebody at Treehouse *must* have had an axe to grind. At least that's what I believe. Unfortunately, no way to find out.