Sure. One of the most popular IP in history, with book sales that are only behind the bible (literally, its the best selling series of all time) is just shitty isekai (and anyone using that word is much stranger than the people excited about a game) for 11 year old girls.
It’s perfectly fine not to be interested, byt some comments I’ve seen are ridiculous.
“No way this os bigger than Spider-Man or Zelda”.
(It is, in fact I think people would be shocked how low Zelda sales are aside from BotW).
Look how awful the combat is!
(Shows a video of someone ignoring all of their spells and just using the same one over and over)
The fact is the game looks really good, and the HP fandom eclipses those of Spider-Man, Bethesda, God of War or any other franchise most can name. Fantastic Beasts failed because they were awful, and the last one released mid pandemic.
If this game is good, not great just good, it will sell 10m in the first week. I wouldn’t be surprised if pre-sales are enough for them to internally green light part 2.