It is indeed, but other things as well. I wouldn't bother any longer though as this ain't a good faith discussion.
Imagine feeling the need to downplay/dismiss people claiming a 15 years old game like KZ2 is one of the best FPS of all time, thinking you can pass as an unbiased person at the same time.
True or not the game is beloved to this day, despite being a non retrocompatibile game locked on a single console, because had it all: a perfectly designed, lenghty, challenging and varied campaign along with what's one of the absolute highest quality MP I've ever played, unique game feel for every weapon, incredibly satisfying shooting, smart AI, unparalleled atmosphere, superb environmental interaction, phenomenal audio, immaculate art direction/visuals..
It's the kind of game that, in other
circumstances, would unite everyone in glowing praise, and still mostly does somehow.