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Has the PS5 already cemented itself as the worst Playstation generation in history?

What's Sony's worst generation?

  • Playstation

    Votes: 14 1.3%
  • Playstation 2

    Votes: 15 1.4%
  • Playstation 3

    Votes: 287 26.5%
  • Playstation 4

    Votes: 31 2.9%
  • Playstation 5

    Votes: 735 67.9%

  • Total voters
I like this generation because

1. games finally run at 60fps
2. fast loading with ssd significantly improved quality of life
3. consoles finally make full use of resolution of my TV (4K)

PS4 was the worst because

1. games still run at 30fps
2. started charging money for playing online
3. TAA absolutely destroyed IQ and no one seemed to care
4. games just didn't evolve due to the poor CPU, (you fought 4~5 enemies on PS3 and you still fight 4~5 eneimes on PS4)
5. whole remaster fiasco began with this generation
6. game shows start showing more and more indie games which I have absolutely zero interest in

My favorite was PS3

1. introduction to HD gaming was just amazing
2. This was also the era that introduced the concept of triple A titles
3.many great games in general such as Bioshock, Mass Effect 2, and many crazy new ideas like Red Faction Guerilla, Just Cause 2 etc
4. not to mention some of the best offerings from Sony first party EVER
5. free online (while the other guys at xbox had to pay monthly suckers lol)


Ps5 making loading times not shit make it a better ps4. I'd say the first half of the ps3 era was the worst generation.
First half of the PS3 era had Uncharted 1/2, Killzone 2, MGS 4, God of War 3, Infamous 1/2, Demons Souls and so many other great games.

By now all we have with the PS5 is Spider-man 2, Demons Souls, Returnal and better performing PS4 games.

It's not even close. PS5 is dreadful.
The Generation hasn't even finished but SonyGAF I guess.

Also, the PS1 and PS2 are great machines with an extent catalog, but mostly third party stuff, you know... when "Sony was cool"


I'm a little surprised by all this PS3 talk. It was the generation that brought us these exclusives:

  • Uncharted 1, 2, and 3
  • The Last of Us
  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • God of War III
  • LittleBigPlanet and it's sequels
  • Resistance 1, 2 and 3
  • Killzone 2 and 3
  • inFAMOUS 1 and 2
  • Dark Souls
  • Demon's Souls
  • Journey
  • Ni No Kuni
Looking at your list makes me think you have a problem with the industry as a whole rather than a PS specific problem. Long gone are the days of getting 3-4 games in a series on one console. At 5 years or more to make a game, you're lucky to get one game a gen and two in a decade.
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Gold Member
Looking at your list makes me think you have a problem with the industry as a whole rather than a PS specific problem. Long gone are the days of getting 3-4 games in a series on one console. At 5 years or more to make a game, you're lucky to get one game a gen and two in a decade.
That 360/PS3 gen was nuts. A lot of those AAA series on both 360 and PS3 would get sequels 2 or 3 years apart. Even Mass Effect games!


PS1 >>>> PS3 >>>>>> PS2 > Playstation Classic > PS4 >>> PSX >>>>>>>> PS5

PS1 and PS3 were creative peaks

PS4 was a decline and PS5 is a barren wasteland
This is quite close to how I'd rank them too. PS1 and 3 had some of GOAT games with a lot of origionality from SIE with lots of different genres and imagination (hardware+software). 2 was too but maybe slightly behind in my taste of games.

PS4 while had some amazing games, but were far too dependant on sequels. The PS5 took that to the next level but we got a load of remakes and remasters in their stead.

Also, honestly I don't know how you can fuck up GoW as well. Ragnarok went from being my most hyped game (and favorite VG franchise) to being a complete dissapointment. And don't get me started on Naughty Dog. Utter incompetence and dumpster fire of a generation.
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The PS5 is actually a very good console imo, but as far as first party offerings and exclusives go I feel it’s the worst PlayStation generation. Sony seems to lost direction since they relocated to California which I unfortunately predicted would happen. Not helping most of their exclusives are on PS4 and will end up on PC as well.

At least the PS3 had genuine exclusives that really showed what the PS3 could do. I don’t think it’s coincidence that a lot of the best games of the current generation are remakes and remasters which are from the previous generations. I think the best generation was PS2.
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They have a LOT of work to do if they want to build back goodwill among core fans, that's for sure.

What exactly do have to do? Well I'm sure others have been saying it. I've said it so many times I'm tired of repeating. But I think it boils down to some simple things...

>GAAS: Buff/grow Helldivers, get MLB on mobile, spin up a GT Sport 2 (PS5/PC), make sure Fairgame$ is as far from being a Concord as possible, fully integrate Bungie & make Marathon great.​
>PC: Scale back the ports of non-GAAS to PC/Steam (i.e no ports of Astro Bot, Demon's Souls, GT7, Bloodborne etc.) unless they're being tied to your own storefront/launcher. Fix the damn PSN requirement on Steam so games already up there can be available to everyone. Focus future Steam support to mainly most GAAS only (Helldivers 2, MLB The Show, GT Sport 2, Marathon etc.)​
>NINTENDO/XBOX: Relegate support to mainly GAAS, late ports of some non-GAAS, remasters of super-legacy titles. Maybe the odd recent AA game port or two here and there.​
>BUDGETS: Renegotiate the Marvel license if needed, eliminate consultancy firms like SBI from all involvement whatsoever, get away from hiring so many Hollywood actors/actresses/writers (most of them cost too much versus the benefits they bring to the games), stop opening so many studios in California​
>OUTPUT: Make more AA traditional games, bring back legacy IP as more experimental AA traditional & (if there's room) AA GAAS/live-service titles (preferably traditional games with some optional online modes/components to them i.e GT7), re-strengthen strained relationships with key 3P publishers/devs (Square-Enix, SEGA/Atlus, Capcom etc.), foster more co-development of exclusives with legacy or new IP with upcoming AND seasoned studios/pubs.​

Anyway the clock is ticking; IMO SIE have squandered a huge portion of the middle of this generation and unlike PS3, they won't have as much time to fully get everything back in order by the end simply because of how much more complex game dev is today vs. back then. I also don't think relying on a bunch of 3P timed exclusives will work in fixing things long-term, in part because it seems most of the big pubs don't want to do them anymore, and because ultimately that's still SIE relying on an outside company's content to bolster the platform when they should be doing that with their own content (either internal or co-developed & co-funded with 3P studios from the ground-up).

Although I don't think they'll have as strong a recovery (in terms of software output; in terms of actual hardware sales PS5 is way better off than PS3 ever was and likely won't see too much a hit from whatever mess formed in SIE internally) as say the PS3, IMO Sony/SIE have 3-4 years to build up & show these improvements with their output, and I think that starts with actually being more openly communicative with the community. If they can get about a 90% recovery rate by the time of PS6, they'll be set. They might not need to worry as much about Xbox (in theory; we still don't fully know what MS's plans are for new Xbox hardware yet as they've officially revealed nothing), but Switch 2 and PC (primarily Steam) are going to benefit in various ways from PlayStation's screw ups the past couple years, even if SIE are in the process of correcting those mistakes now.

SIE can only ensure those benefits such platforms gain are as little as possible, but they're gonna have to put in some serious work IMO; even if they aren't "direct competitors", they are much stronger as indirect competitors, than Xbox has been as a direct one for the past several years.

What is the criteria or metrics you want us to use? Total gaming time? # of available games on the platform? Features and functionality of the console?

It sounds like you want to use 1st party output as the determining factor, which is fine. In that case, the older gamers here can probably remind the rest that PS didn't have a ton of 1st party support during the PS1 and PS2 eras, as Sony didn't even own that many studios at the time. Think back to the most popular games of those platforms and you'll see that most of them were 3rd party or 2nd party games.

Personally, I look at the platform as a whole. I don't only play 1st party games, and I don't only play 3rd party games. So I look at the entire catalog of games when judging whether a platform is good or not. Steam doesn't have a lot of notable exclusive games, but I don't think many people would argue that Steam is a bad platform. And that's how I look at the PS5 as well. I just know that for myself I have far more games in my PS5 backlog that I want to play than I'll ever get around to playing them all. So for me, I'm very satisfied with my PS5 purchase then gen, as I've never run of games to play on the platform.

Well can't speak for them, but for myself, it's mainly from the prospective of how the platform holder has managed the platform in providing it with what matters most: games. In this case, I've focused on internal studio output, and to a lesser degree, software content that differentiates the system from other options in the market (1P/3P exclusives).

On both fronts, I think it's fair to say PS5 is easily among one of the weaker PS offerings. There have been a decent number of 3P exclusives but they've been timed and not for very long periods at that. Meanwhile, SIE have had a very bullish porting strategy to PC (Steam) this gen; if you're not suffering from FOMO, the strategy plus significantly more 3P support for Steam this gen vs. last makes PC a very viable alternative.

That's not even to mention that for the past two years, I feel we've heard more of SIE game cancellations than official new 1P game reveals (especially those that aren't GAAS). Seeing where the studios are and what games have been cancelled, we know at least some of the studios won't have a single new game for this generation as a result. Can't really rationalize it as anything other than horrid management of the content portfolio.

Like of course there have been bright spots but it feels there have been a lot more sour points with SIE this gen, from not-exactly-best-showing sequels (GOWR, Spiderman 2, HFW in terms of some dissent among fans of earlier iterations of those IP), to the aforementioned cancellations & studio closures, to seeing the trainwreck of a M&A that is Bungie, to the price hikes, to the mishandling of PSVR2, to their PC multiplatform strategy, to the lack of showcases & software roadmap, to the disaster of Concord, to the incessant remasters, etc.

A Returnal, GT7, Astro Bot or Helldivers 2, or timed exclusives like Rebirth & Stellar Blade, doesn't wipe away the mistakes no matter how good they are.
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Gaming has gradually and rapidly gained popularity over time and it would explain why the PS5 is so successful. Not because it's the best but because gaming is popular and so do Sony Playstation.

The PS5 library has been the weakest compared to previous generations imo.

Listen: these kids are happy just like we were happy but we're in different stages in our life so that affects how we feel about products.

But strangely I enjoy PS5 a lot more than I did PS4 & I believe that has a lot to do with Portal.


PS1 >>>> PS3 >>>>>> PS2 > Playstation Classic > PS4 >>> PSX >>>>>>>> PS5

PS1 and PS3 were creative peaks

PS4 was a decline and PS5 is a barren wasteland
You can't say PS1 was good! You bring up good games here and get bombarded that it doesn't count because it's 2nd party or 3rd party exclusive and not 1st party. PS1 was easily the worst for 1st party, they barely had any of their own studios.


Ps3 was rough because we were still mostly depending on major publishers and full prices games. And Japanese devs started stumbling pretty bad.

There were still plenty of good games. The flavor of the month games were mostly so-so in my book though. I remember feeling a little discouraged. That's about when indies were starting to come into their own and luckily I had an old PC that I could plug a controller into and map keys to the buttons. That gave me hope.


Gold Member
I’d stick to PS3 for now, PS5 still has time to get better.

But if the PS5 generation ended today I’d say yes.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
On first party production in the first half of the generation? PS5 is easily the best.

Life to date and overall I’d put it third to last just ahead of the ps1 and well ahead of the ps3 and just behind the ps2.

People have massive revisionist history on first party production.

PS4 is the best generation hands down. Followed by Ps2 and then ps5 then ps1 then ps3.


I love alot of PS5 games but yes it's the worst by far....

People saying PS3 have no idea what they're talking about. Most of the IP's that keep going today or keep getting remade and remastered for the PS4/PS5 generation making it somewhat enjoyable started during that generation.

New IP's....you know...the one thing that's supposed to be exciting every generation and the main thing that lacks from Sony this gen.
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PS2 was so good, I remember playing THPS3 and also having GTA3 to play at the same time. They were both released at around the same time October 2001. From Wipeout and Tekken on the PS1 to that on the PS2, and the PlayStation was the coolest thing ever.
PS1 >>>> PS3 >>>>>> PS2 > Playstation Classic > PS4 >>> PSX >>>>>>>> PS5

PS1 and PS3 were creative peaks

PS4 was a decline and PS5 is a barren wasteland

If the criteria for assessing is first party game output and quality, then PS1 and PS2 should be at the bottom of the list.

Playstation FP really only meaningfully came into existence during the PS3 gen. Prior to that, everything was 3rd party exclusives.

Even if you dislike PS5's first party games thus far, the 3rd party exclusives have been stellar.

I think most of you are just salty that PS FP games are now on PC, and so arbitrarily dismissing games just because PC players also get to play them.

Tbf, some of you are just salty Xbox fanboys who are unhappy that MS shat it's console business down the crapper and so you'll hate on their biggest competitor to give yourself a worthless sense of accomplishment.
Personally I take Uncharted 2, God of War 3 and Demon Souls over any PS5 1st party game so far. 🤷‍♀️

edit: except Astro Bot, loved that game.

Tastes will differ but for me GoWR > GoW3 snd uncharted 2 doesn’t make up for all the other high quality ps5 releases

I never got into DS on ps3 due to how horrible it looked and performed


Listen: these kids are happy just like we were happy but we're in different stages in our life so that affects how we feel about products.

But strangely I enjoy PS5 a lot more than I did PS4 & I believe that has a lot to do with Portal.
Sure they're happy but still, we've lost many genre over time and the tone of the games are different. The products they're selling today have nothing to do with what we used to buy.

I haven't played on a portal yet but I sure do enjoy handheld gaming. Maybe you like the fact that it's in your hands and not monopolizing the TV ? Idk


Gold Member
A better start to any PlayStation generation since the PS2.
I have to say I'm actually in agreement with you here. The thing is though normally Playstation brings it second half of the gen and with the long dev times and cancelled projects its hard to see where they will pull it out of the bag this time. You never know though.

Maybe we get a new GT before PS6 then all will be forgotten.

Edit: quoted the qrong post, edited to the correct one.
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If the criteria for assessing is first party game output and quality, then PS1 and PS2 should be at the bottom of the list.

Playstation FP really only meaningfully came into existence during the PS3 gen. Prior to that, everything was 3rd party exclusives.

Even if you dislike PS5's first party games thus far, the 3rd party exclusives have been stellar.

I think most of you are just salty that PS FP games are now on PC, and so arbitrarily dismissing games just because PC players also get to play them.

Tbf, some of you are just salty Xbox fanboys who are unhappy that MS shat it's console business down the crapper and so you'll hate on their biggest competitor to give yourself a worthless sense of accomplishment.
SiE published a clusterfuck of games during those times - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sony_Interactive_Entertainment_video_games
Anyone who says this unironically either is too young to have lived through the PS3 generation or has the most rose-tinted glasses ever.

The PS3 gen was an absolute disaster. For years, multiplatform games performed and looked worse on the PS3 vs. 360, and there were even some later in the system's life that had issues, like Red Dead Redemption. There were also games like Mass Effect or Dead Rising that either took a long time to come to PS3 or never came at all. A LOT of the first party exclusives that came out during the time were also ass. Killzone and Resistance were mediocre at best. Infamous was boring as fuck. God of War was already stale. Gran Turismo used fucking PS2 models and was way behind Forza Motorsport of the time.

  • Good, though 1 was ROUGH before the remaster on PS4 cleaned it up.
  • Good
  • I literally bought the 80 GB MGS4 bundle when it came out just to play MGS4. 100% worth it.
  • Series was already stale and was behind DMC and Ninja Gaiden.
  • Ass
  • Overrated, though 3 is the best of them.
  • Terrible. Even Halo 4 was better than either of them
  • Completely generic.
  • Not an exclusive
  • Awesome
  • Cool, but this would be called a "perfect game pass game" if were released today
  • Good.

The only one I can think of is Bayonetta.
EA sports games - Madden, NCAA, and NHL I know. Unsure about FIFA.

I remember it being a big deal at the time in the sports gaming community. Searching for info about it now it looks like it may only have been the 2008 versions.


PS3 is the worst by far. multiplats were better on X360 and Sony 1st party titles are always ass so PS5 not having many really isn't a negative. PS5 also had a way better controller and a better UI even it is a step back from the PS4.

PS1 > PS2 > PS4 > PS5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS3


In 4 more years you can look back and actually judge PS5... the first few years of PS3 were AWFUL. 600 dollar console and it took them years to make it viable. There's a reason 360 kicked their ass.

THAT SAID, both PS4 & PS5 (especially) benefit greatly from the establishment of the PS ecosystem. And that's something that only in the past 10 or so years has become a real credit to an individual console. And that may not exactly be fair, but it's an essential part of the assessment of the aggregate experience/value offered by a console. So while it's not all PS3's fault, due to those early pathetic years and since we can only judge PS5's first few years... yeah PS3 is bringing up the caboose. Easily. Not even close, honestly.

PSX = PS2 > PS4 > PS5 > PS3
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Magic Carpet

Gold Member
How the fuck are people putting PS3 as the worst for 1st Party output? Did you even play in that gen? It was one of the best when things started going.

PS2 > PS3/PS4 > PS1 >>>>>>> PS5

95% of the anti-PS3 talk I'm reading in this thread is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read on GAF
Revisionist history and other bullshit not even worth
My take. I think People who rank the PS3 higher were people who only played on PS3.

I was Xbox 360 during most of those years and moved to PC near the end of that gen because of how badly games were starting to look and play. Tomb raider and Bioshock Infinite looked dated on the PS3 and 360.

They say PS3 overtook 360 near the end of the gen. I was one of those end of gen ps3 players who checked out some exclusives like ratchet and clank. But by then the PS4 was getting all the news. And I just bought the remakes there.
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Yeah, easily.

PlayStation had ups and lows over the years, but overall I always ended up deciding it was worth owning the console.

Literally the only reason I'm on PS5 these days is because I can't afford a decent PC at the moment. First party has basically become irrelevant to me this gen, and the few cool games they make with external devs like Death Stranding, Rebirth, or Stellar Blade do eventually come to PC anyway.
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Atleast people here recognize the excellence of PS5 hardware. More alike PS3 than PS4 in philosophy. The latter being the worst piece of shit hardware ever for Playstation. Those shit fans still give me migraine just thinking about it.

But that's where it ends. In fact even the hardware was made worse in revisions. A shrunk down heat sink, rising prices, revision with online DRM disc reader and a "Pro" edition lacking basic features of OG. I feel like this gen started with ambition but year 1-2 everyone figured it wasn't worth the effort. Sony's own AAAs turned out some of the blandest Netflix-tier games whereas in prior gens they made huge shock waves.


Gold Member
Atleast people here recognize the excellence of PS5 hardware. More alike PS3 than PS4 in philosophy. The latter being the worst piece of shit hardware ever for Playstation. Those shit fans still give me migraine just thinking about it.

But that's where it ends. In fact even the hardware was made worse in revisions. A shrunk down heat sink, rising prices, revision with online DRM disc reader and a "Pro" edition lacking basic features of OG. I feel like this gen started with ambition but year 1-2 everyone figured it wasn't worth the effort. Sony's own AAAs turned out some of the blandest Netflix-tier games whereas in prior gens they made huge shock waves.
What? PS4 badly designed?

Worse than the very expensive, hard to develop for but still ran games worse than the competition, PS3? The PS3 that suffered the YLOD?

The PS3 is easily the worst hardware they have come up with.
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I think People who rank the PS3 higher were people who only played on PS3.

This has to be the issue. Nothing else explains it IMO.

It's not even an opinion... PS3 had to make a huge comeback because of the hole it started in.

Not to mention... which other Playstations had commonplace catastrophic failures? Talk about selective thinking.
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I have to say I'm actually in agreement with you here. The thing is though normally Playstation brings it second half of the gen and with the long dev times and cancelled projects its hard to see where they will pull it out of the bag this time. You never know though.

Maybe we get a new GT before PS6 then all will be forgotten.

Edit: quoted the qrong post, edited to the correct one.

Yep. And who knows, I could be wrong and the second half isn't all that great, but looking at what's in the pipeline and I expect a lot of awesome stuff.

Death Stranding 2
Ghost of Yotei

You're basically getting two new IPs here (Wolverine may not be a new IP, but it is new to Insomniac games and videogames in general as a major AAA title), along with two sequels that look exciting.

And there's likely a lot of stuff unannounced coming later in the gen, such as Cory's new project with SSM. As for GT, I wouldn't count on one since GT7 is more of a GAAS platform title. Seems like they release 1 GT per gen and give it regular updates, kind of the same strategy Mario Kart now has. Makes sense, because you kind of need more time between releases to make a big difference in what's on offer.


What? PS4 badly designed?

Worse than the very expensive, hard to develop for but still ran games worse than the competition, PS3? The PS3 that suffered the YLOD?

The PS3 is easily the worst hardware they have come up with.
The PS3 was a hardware of a million innovations. Back in 2006 it was almost like alien tech entering the living room, with 1080p output, HDD, wifi, sleek design and quiet fans. Booting up MGS4 on it first time and it was like a real new generation had started.

Jump forward to PS4. Plasticky cheap design, had wobble, fans were so shit the whole living room became a hell of noise and heat just when playing a game. Insanely garbage specs, slowest ass HDD Cerny could find. I finished Bloodborne on it and then gave it away to my nephew. Part in guilt as I knew I just made him suffer the console instead.
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