Xbox 360 was winning until the end when the PS3 had caught up to where the line was blurred. But were comparing Sony to itself not others. The Ps3 gave people access to a cheaper Blu Ray, it had free online, it started the Resistance, Uncharted, Infamous, Little Big Planet and SOULS IP. It arguably has the best God of War game, it has quantum dreams best game with Heavy Rain. The Ps5 has Returnal and Astro Bot. The only cons I can think of for PS3 where its dumb beginning price and its slow start but hell even then it started with Resistance Fall of Man and MGS4

. Also never forget the amount of PS1/PS2 classics for that thing.
PS3 wasn't that good when I got it at first, I felt disappointed during the first few years of its run. There were some games that had that classic Playstation quality, but far and few between. Gaming also transitioned more to online play, games designed in the west. Meanwhile Final Fantasy, RE, DMC, Ace Combat and Level 5 games all took a huge dive. They made the PS2 great, and they were mediocre on PS3.
PS3 also had issues with performance, bad ports, load times, slow updates, installations etc. It wasn't really user friendly. Sometimes I wanted to play a few rounds, but when I was greeted by a mandatory 2gb update I peaced out. But, in the end the console had a ton of quality games. Probably better than PS4 and PS5 overall but just with worse IQ overall.
But, its the last era I played a lot and bought a ton of different games. Its also the last time I played a lot online with friends, fun nights playing Battlefield and CoD online with a group. Or Killzone 2 online. What about Resistance, Warhawk and Motorstorm 2. These games were just great to play online. Online being free was such a huge boon. All I bought was the console sometime in 2007, and I put a spare 160gb HDD in it. That was all I ever needed for that entire gen. Never paid for any sub or w/e. And played countless hours online.
I sold my PS3 late 2013. And I always regret this because PS4 completely cut its ties with it. So I bought one back about 3 years ago for a low price. And bought a dozen of games for it for about 5 a piece on average while also having a decent library on my account. Its really awesome to have now. Many games or genres I simply forgot about over the years. We really didn't eat that bad.