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Anyone else find most Ubisoft games to feel really bland, repetitive, and boring after a while?


Was trying to get back into Watchdogs 2, I mean there's a lot I should like about it, but I just get so bored after a while and the world just feels kinda bland and repetitive after a while. Reminds me of the way I feel when playing most Assassins Creed games as well. It's like I can enjoy them for a while, then I will get to a point in the games where I will simply lose interest in the story and it just feels like I gotta force myself to keep playing them. I will try to have some fun just exploring and messing around with the open world, but when I do that I think I just realize how lacking these games are compared to the better open worlds I have experienced. They lack the interactivity of Bethesda and CD Projekt Red titles, while lacking the life, physics, and detail of Rockstar games.

When I explore them I realize how most buildings are just the same bland painted feeling backdrops, NPC's all feel very similar and generally lack personality, you see the same few scripted characters a lot and they all react the same way to everything. I guess it just sort of lacks immersion is what I'm trying to get at, even games like the Mafia 1 remake manage to feel like they have far more depth to their world, and that's pretty much a linear game in an open world as a backdrop, yet the world that I am supposed to explore in Watchdogs 2 feels like far more of a backdrop to me.

So I eventually feel like I should get into a focus on completing their games, so I can finally just put them behind me, but they try to extend their length so much by adding so many side and repetitive/pointless feeling missions, their games just wind up feeling like a chore the more I try to get through them. Heck even The Crew Motorfest can feel that way, the world just not being that fun to explore, and the gameplay loop just feeling really grindy after a while. Wondering if anyone else feels this way about a lot of their games, not all are like that, but many seem to be.
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I dont feel any of those things regarding the new Prince of Persia to be honest
Division 2 is another example , great game hundred of hours and still rocks.

BUT a got OP points , most of UBI games are the same repetitive crap just with different skin , Watchdogs , Far Cry, Avatar, Breakpoint, etc. The classic UBI meme formula. It gets boring after 8-10 hours of gameplay and that is Bad for Open world games with useless environment.
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Looking at my game habits, i tend to not play Ubisoft games. I've tried Far Cry 4 but didn't make it very far.
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Actually no.

Ubisoft games are not the huge genre-busting, event that other big gaming blockbusters represent. But they're almost universally solid and competent games.

Every time I think I've lost interest in their latest games, e.g. Far Cry 6 and Watchdogs: Legion, on actually playing them (after getting them cheap on sale or free on PSN+) I'm reminded just how fun Ubisoft games are; despite being formulaic.

To me, Ubisoft games are the McDonalds of the gaming industry. They're not the main course you await in feverish anticipation throughout the day to savor. They're the mid-afternoon snack that you keep coming back to because despite having the texture of cardboard, fuck does it taste good and it's enough to tide you over until supper.


Gold Member
there's a lot I should like about it, but I just get so bored after a while and the world just feels kinda bland and repetitive
That's the definition of the Ubi formula (and fastfood).
don't you remember when everybody was joking about the tower climbing to reveal point of interest on the map ? They pushed their open world game formula to a limit where creativity could not shine, while being still enjoyable if you know what to expect (literally)
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Actually no.

Ubisoft games are not the huge genre-busting, event that other big gaming blockbusters represent. But they're almost universally solid and competent games.

Every time I think I've lost interest in their latest games, e.g. Far Cry 6 and Watchdogs: Legion, on actually playing them (after getting them cheap on sale or free on PSN+) I'm reminded just how fun Ubisoft games are; despite being formulaic.

To me, Ubisoft games are the McDonalds of the gaming industry. They're not the main course you await in feverish anticipation throughout the day to savor. They're the mid-afternoon snack that you keep coming back to because despite having the texture of cardboard, fuck does it taste good and it's enough to tide you over until supper.
UBI games are the coal of PSN Extra /Gamepass ovens...


Last one of their games I played was Valhalla, struggled to finish it due to boredom
Valhalla is a monster of Open world game, do not know why they decided to release this way that Game , I finished Origins and Odyssey , the first one got platinum but Valhalla is on another level of scope....problem is that UBI formula that becomes boring for a lot of players.



But if the environment is good enough, I can grind forever. Examples are AC Origins, AC Odyssey, and Division 1. But when I don't really care about the environment and the story is weak (Valhalla), it's just awful.


For me, majority of their biggest IPs are just copy pastes, and that's why I don't really bother. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown was great though, and I'd definitely recommend it. Probably helps that it felt more unique compared to their other recent releases. Cool to see it do great overall.

Other than that, I think the last Ubisoft title that really interested me was For Honor, cause at the time it felt like something really different coming from them.

I never really ACTUALLY played any Assassin's Creed games, so I gave Valhalla a shot. I played for about 45 minutes before I realized it just wasn't for me. The combat just felt pretty dull and nothing grabbed me. I tried giving Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora a shot too, and it really didn't grab me either. Probably doesn't help that I'm not a gigantic fan of the IP or something. It was there, it was fairly new, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

It's just another to each their own kinda thing. Some people love their stuff, some people don't care. No one is in the wrong or right based on their opinion. 🤷‍♂️
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I just treat their open world games as linear games. Going from main quest to main quest. I wont do 99% of the open world activities.


Gold Member
Yea everyone does. A big part of it is that they copy from their themselves so all the games start feeling the same. Like you think they would be radically different games but say Ghost Recon Breakpoint, AC Odyssey, Watch Dogs 2, Division 2, and Far Cry 5 all have similar gameplay loops and do a lot of the same things.


Division 2 is another example , great game hundred of hours and still rocks.
Heck yeah, when are we getting another Division?

But for sure some of their games suffer from a peter out on the back end. Valhalla for sure, Far Cry 6. They just lose steam, fail to introduce new things in the latter half, and suffer from the player becoming OP so the game just becomes a boring routine.


That's the definition of the Ubi formula (and fastfood).
don't you remember when everybody was joking about the tower climbing to reveal point of interest on the map ? They pushed their open world game formula to a limit where creativity could not shine, while being still enjoyable if you know what to expect (literally)
Yeah I think their open world games are truly just very formulaic. Like you always seem to have just a basic variety of things to do outside of the missions, and it never really feels interesting. Once you have seen the basic progression and variety, most of the things you can do just feel like busy work which is why it can feel like a chore. I think it's also because the characters in their games can just really lack personality as well. Like enemies are always the same basic boring generic enemies you see everywhere, NPC's just repeat the same dialogue and look similar everywhere, story characters feel formulaic and generic, it's just all a bit soulless. They really got that modern day "corporate product" feel in a sense.


Robin Williams What Year Is It GIF


Biggest Trails Stan
Same here, after a while playing it seems it's not worth continuing, I think I already got the best weapons also so no motivation to continue playing.

I never finished the game

I did like the Plot but the plot progression was weird where I was getting tired of playing the game and just didn't want to finish it

You had to do all this extra stuff just to progress the story. I just noped out by that point
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Yeah that's in their DNA. A lot of people love it while the rest of us get bored to tears. They used to make really good linear games like PoP, Splinter Cell, GR AW/FS, Rayman, but they've long since abandoned those for open world quest marathons.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Yeah… but I’ll still play through them so I guess I must be bland and boring too 🙁
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What a thread backfire, OP thought he could earn easy internet points.

This is Neo G-A-F son.

You won't get away with this here.


Crew motorfest is fun especially grand races. I have enjoyed all 3 crew games. This is the only series with consistent quality. They got more vehicle than forza horizon 5 and map is awesome. Weekly updates are refreshing so far. 28 player grand race is something everyone should try..

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Gold Member
Last games I truly enjoyed were the AC Ezio trilogy of games, From Dust & Far Cry 3. AC ended up losing the charm, atmosphere, characters and it's overall sense of focus; eventually becoming a shadow of its former self following RPG trends, even the more conventional Unity which played really great just felt soulless. From Dust never got a follow up and Far Cry basically became a cookie cutter template.

Watch_Dogs had real potential and I think they should have doubled down more after the first game (like they did with ACI to ACII) rather than completely switch things up in terms of the feel of the world. WD2 had fun gameplay but the "hey kids we're cool" vibes killed it for me. And Legion while a cool concept just didn't really meld together. I know Aiden wasn't particularly liked but he cut an iconic figure and the world had a dark and distinct atmosphere that could have been better with a new iteration.

My last hope with them is that AC Hex is interesting and that Mirage encourages them to run with the classic formula on a bigger scale again, perhaps developing a classic style AC and an RPG style AC in parallel; and should there be a new classic outing either near the end of this gen or into the next gen -- it seriously needs to impress. There's also Far Cry but they're either gonna have to go back to basics and do it really well on a fundamental level or completely reinvent it to get me back again. Also, they gotta cut ties with PS4/X1 and really go to town on the tech, they haven't blown me away since ACII in terms of an actual playable game; and they haven't impressed me on a showcase level since the Watch_Dogs & The Division reveals (which turned out -- to varying degrees -- to be bullshit).
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I played loads of Origin, Odyssey and Valhalla plus Black Flag and while they do have repeating systems and gameplay features, i never got bored i enjoyed the games although Valhalla was a bit bloated and i didn't like the challenges much, i couldn't get gold lol


My last Ubisoft formula game was Watch Dogs 10 years ago and the boredom, the gameplay, the parallels to other Ubi-IPs that play exactly the same way have left a lasting impression on me, so much so that I've kept my fingers off Ubisoft games ever since.
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That's one of the reasons why I piratically stopped playing their games since after Assassin's Creed Unity and Far Cry 4. But I will be honest, I never actually thought they were bad games, just kinda of the same formula over and over, and with lots of filler content to make it longer to beat.

However, I have played a lot of worst games since then, and I do miss their games quite a bit. The thing is that, every time I think about playing them, I end up prioritizing another game instead (a decision I sometimes regret). I still intend to play Far Cry 5 or 6, and Assassin's Creed Origins, Odyssey and/or Valhalla.
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Gold Member
Far Cry 6 has its highlights, but they're spread razor thin over the course of the game, and that's the problem with most of the Ubisoft games.


Gold Member
The Lost Crown is the first Ubi game I've purchased in 9 years since Siege came out. Before that I legit can't remember. Probably a Splinter Cell.

The vast majority of Ubi games are about as unappealing to me as gaming gets. They come across as factory cranked garbage with all the edges sanded off.

I was a diehard fan of the Tom Clancy games until Ubi started tapdancing on his grave.

EDIT: That being said, The Lost Crown is fantastic and I hope to god it moves the needle enough for a series.
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I suspect this is just an open world problem. It happened to me with Final Fantasy XV, Breath of the Wild, and Hogwarts Legacy. Most open world games are just too large.
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Yes personally- they all feel the same, like they all exist in the same universe.
I dont dislike or hate Ubi- i buy what i want when it caters to me.

Skull and Bones? i been anticipating that one for years- will purchase that as soon as we see that typical Ubi 40% drop in the first 40 days.


AC hasn't been decent since BF. I bought but couldn't finish the Egypt AC. Got AC Valhalla for free on one of the PS tiers and once the world opened up, deleted it. Ubi's best IP is The Division but I've herd they're really trying to dumb that down also on the official reddit.


Marlboro: Other M
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