I don't understand the exploration stuff people are praising, are we so long gone from a decent game with one that people think this is good?
This is up there with the laziest exploration design I have ever encountered.
"Let's hide a chest... UNDER THE WATER!"
"Let's hide a chest... behind this breakable wall"
"Let's hide a chest... where it looks like someone could fall to their death"
"Let's hid....."
Fuck it, it's just the same bullshit ubisoft like 300 trillion chests of junk, iron, leather and gems EVERYWHERE.
I'm 10 hours in and have not found a unique or useable item I haven't already bought from a store or looted from a quest boss/mob.
Seriously is the bar so low that them jamming chests around every corner and hearing that twinkle noise is good?
Not only are modern devs so bad at it's design, the modern audience is there fit to praise it.
Good lord, what happened to less is more?
Also what else is there to explore other than finding chests?
Edit: Combat is.... passable, playing as a Wizard and have tried all the other weapon types so it's nice to be able to use anything I want.
Hits with melee don't feel like they connect though, like I'm whacking a hologram.
No modern audience here. The exploration for me is great because there is a map layout design worth the name. It’s kind of old school designed, not just generated, there is story telling in the map. Like Elden Ring they get you interested by how they place out a cabin or ship wreck or pools of blood or other junk or a flat ledge high up or a wrecked camp or walls to break etc. They give you these small hints that there might be something there if you look closer, they’ve definitely put some thought into how they created the world. And then the parkour is great and you get a little something for your effort when you reach and properly search an area. I like it a ton! Don’t know what you otherwise play if you think this is bad.
The findings are often just upgrade parts though, as you say. Maybe that’s what you’re referring to? That’s definitely a disappointment. Would’ve loved more unique gear through exploration findings.
There are side quests and treasure maps that will give you some decent loot though. Don’t rush through it for main quest only.
As for the combat, you talk about fighting a hologram, can’t agree on that. I think it’s punchy and weighty, I play with a great sword and it feels awesomely heavy and powerful both when swinging it and when blocking, and the dodge mechanic is perfect. Haven’t used a spell book besides freezing water to get over a gap, so don’t know if that’s less satisfying to use.