Ban on gay veterans in Boston St Patrick's Day parade reinstated (Up: Reversed)

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UPDATE: They reversed the decision


Organizers of the St. Patrick's Day Parade in South Boston unexpectedly reinstated a ban on a group of gay veterans Tuesday, a move that sparked outrage among politicians and prompted corporate donors to rethink their support for the signature event.

The entrenched resistance to including gay veterans surfaced anew when the Allied War Veterans Council of South Boston voted, 9 to 4, to exclude the group OUTVETS from the March 19 parade, even though the group had marched the previous two years.

The backlash was swift and overwhelming Wednesday. The parade marshal, Army veteran Dan Magoon of Dorchester, resigned after voting in favor of the gay veterans.

Mayor Martin J. Walsh, Governor Charlie Baker, Senator Edward Markey, two congressmen, and other politicians said they would boycott the parade unless the veterans council reversed course.

Parade organizer Tim Duross of the Allied War Veterans Council did not return e-mails or phone calls seeking comment, but a hastily arranged meeting late Wednesday afternoon with OUTVETS at the Omni Parker House did not yield any change.

Give them hell, mothertruckers.


They can be reached by phone at (844) 478-7287 or by e-mail at [email protected]

Please encourage them to reconsider this decision.

Edit 2:

I also suggest calling Anhueser Busch directly and let them know that they should reevaluate their support of the parade. The only way these bigots will listen is thru financial pain.

Here is their number: 1-800-342-5283 and then stay on the line to get a hold of a representative. Call, don't email, for a bigger impact.


How can some people just be so evil and disgusting?

Fuck these religious idiots. I'm so sick of this shit
Why make such a stupid decision? It'll bring the entire thing down for no particular reason other than hate I guess? But how much hate do you have to sacrifice your own parade?


gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross


I attended the parade once, guess that won't be twice anytime soon. Good on the politicians for not marching.


Real shitheaded move there.

Glad to see that everyone (from the parade marshal to city officials to sponsors) immediately spoke up, though.


Not suprised really. They fought allowing it for years and only begrudgingly got with the times.

Not an event I have ever supported anyways to be honest so this is my cue to keep not supporting it.


When the parade happens, I'll look up a list of advertisers that didn't immediately boycott this and never buy shit from them again.
Bigoted veterans...

Their service to our country was a sham if they don't support the very freedom they swore to defend.

I do not thank them for their service if this is what they sought to uphold.
The backlash gives me some hope but god damn at that 9-4 vote...guess it's too much to expect attitude changes to actually stick now that it's fashionable to be openly bigoted.


It’s been two years since OutVets began marching in the parade, but the event’s private organizer, the South Boston Allied War Veterans Council, now says the gay vets have actually been in violation of the parade’s “code of conduct” – by displaying the rainbow on their logo.

“We don’t allow the portrayal of one’s sexuality and that’s one of the issues we’re trying to resolve,” council member Tim Duross told WBZ-TV.

Uh huh. Fine for two years though.

I also read Anheuser-Busch is threatening to boycott. That would be a blow.


Yea, fucking disgusting. Proud of my mayor and governor for boycotting such an awful thing.


"Thanks for fighting for freedom. Now, I don't know if you read the small print, but that was fighting for our freedom. Not yours."

No shit, right? Unbelievable. Wonder if this would have happened if the deplorables didn't feel like they had the new POTUS on their side.
Thanks for fighting for our freedom, oh by the way you're banned because you're gay.

There really aren't any words to describe the bile and bitterness from some people, are there?

"You risked your lives for us but we refuse to honor you because we think you're icky. Thank you for your service but not really."


In 2015 they had a prominent spot. Then in 2016 they were placed in the back away from everybody else, they were upset but decided to march anyway. This year they just get flat out banned.
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