Ban on gay veterans in Boston St Patrick's Day parade reinstated (Up: Reversed)

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I wonder how stretched his asshole really is


Super Sleuth
Wow and it actually seems to be brazenly motivated by homophobia. They didn't even come up with an excuse.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I wish Dan Magoon wasn't the good guy in this, because that is a great name for a bad guy.

We love the gays here in Ireland. This ban makes no sense.

Even worse is the Americans calling it St Pattys day.

This shit drives me mad. It's worse in person because every pub has misspelled signs outside, and the allegedly "authentic" "Irish" people here encourage it.

This is another reason why Always Sunny is GOAT.


But they don't like it because it represents LGBT.

Of course, their excuse it stupid. It was fine for two years. Last year they move the group to the back of the parade. This year a ban. They are complete homophobic shitheels.


Bad rep for Mass. We're never like that here. WTF happened?
How well do you actually know your state. It's southie. The same reason we have a racist reputation we will never fully get rid of it.

And this battle has been going on for years. They only finally relented a couple years ago because it was a wrong side of history, but trump got in and now they are back at it.

As I said in my first post as a 39 year old MA resident born and raised this is really unsurprising and almost expected no matter how much I or most the rest of the state thinks it's shit.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This is happening in Boston? Like, the capital of the first state that made gay marriage legal?

If you live in a mega librul place and for some reason you're jonesing to meet a republican, go to a fire house, a police station or a Veterans association.

Bonus, if you want to meet a self-loathing Union member who always votes against unions unless they're his union, go straight to the police station.


A shit decision by a group unfortunately accustomed to making shit decisions. Very good to see my representatives from both parties responding appropriately. Aside from this being bigoted and wrong it's also plain stupid. It was never going to go over well and not recognizing that is pretty incredible.
Yeah, it's Boston. I doubt this ban will stand for long. Too many groups will start boycotting, and the ones that don't shouldn't be allowed in the parade now or in the future.

This is happening in Boston? Like, the capital of the first state that made gay marriage legal?

Southie man.
For the unawares, there's some suburbs/areas of Boston that are just trash. I wasn't aware of what a Chav was in UK-lingo until recently, but go to any party in South Boston and it's the New England equivalent of chavs. A bunch of fucking idiots with tank tops on calling each other fags like it's 1999 high school.
USA is in a downwards and backwards spiral it seems.

Time for these old fuckers to move on and make place for new openminded Bostonians.


Was really glad to hear that the current GOP governor, Charlie Baker, refused to march in the the Southie parade because of this.
Yeah I wasn't a huge fan of Baker before but since the election my estimation and respect for the man has skyrocketed. He still has issues but he's looking out for the state.


The "ugh Southie" stuff is behind the times. Have you guys been there recently? I lived there for a few years. The people making these decisions are aging out quickly. That neighborhood identity is dying.


This is happening in Boston? Like, the capital of the first state that made gay marriage legal?

It's 9 old guys in Southie. Not like this was a public referendum.

Yeah I wasn't a huge fan of Baker before but since the election my estimation and respect for the man has skyrocketed. He still has issues but he's looking out for the state.

Baker's stance on the election was completely cowardly and he has been a no-show at most of the rallies/protests since.
If by shit you mean the best governor in the United States, right.

When he stops being a coward afraid of letting Syrian refugees come to the state, let me know.

I'm glad he's not supporting this bunch of bigots. But he doesn't get a cookie for that in my eyes.

Edit: But I'm going to stop digressing. It's not my intention to distract from the real issue of what's happening with the parade.


As a Massachusetts resident this is pretty disgusting.

I'm glad Walsh and Baker are refusing to march though, and I can only hope the decision is reversed soon.
As a Massachusetts resident this is pretty disgusting.

I'm glad Walsh and Baker are refusing to march though, and I can only hope the decision is reversed soon.

They're going to meet again tomorrow to reconsider. So let them know what they should do, if you haven't already.
The "ugh Southie" stuff is behind the times. Have you guys been there recently? I lived there for a few years. The people making these decisions are aging out quickly. That neighborhood identity is dying.

Yeah, that's fair. Once I got a little older most of the people I knew who lived in South Boston moved out, and so I haven't really been in 5+ years.


Bad rep for Mass. We're never like that here. WTF happened?

These assholes in addition to a few nutcase patrolmens unions a full of old, retired racists. It bubbles up now and then, and the community and local governments smack them down as best they can.

Looks like the stop and shop in South Boston has pulled sponsorship over this. Sam Adams and Harpoon brewery pulled support years back and never returned afaik.

Yeah, that's fair. Once I got a little older most of the people I knew who lived in South Boston moved out, and so I haven't really been in 5+ years.

Yup there gutted row houses being renovated, new mega condo buildings going up, and cranes all over the seaport. Since 2005 Southie is gentrification central in Boston. That said not all old locals are racists pieces of shit either. But there's always those few lunkheads, and Trump apparently means they can do what they want carte blanche.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Inform a brother.

(oh god, I'm "Just asking questions")

Is Southie an ultra conservative haven within Mass.? There seems to be some unspoken knowledge as to why bigotry against gay veterans is "unsurprising".
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