Ban on gay veterans in Boston St Patrick's Day parade reinstated (Up: Reversed)

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Inform a brother.

(oh god, I'm "Just asking questions")

Is Southie an ultra conservative haven within Mass.? There seems to be some unspoken knowledge as to why bigotry against gay veterans is "unsurprising".

It's not really unspoken. It has traditionally been a very white working class section of Boston. Bunch of famous movies have been set there. Good Will Hunting, The Departed, Black Mass.


After two years of not being embarrassments to the city, it looks like they're feeling emboldened again. Disgusting.

Hope the protest is bigger than the parade. South Boston isn't as conservative as it used to be.


After two years of not being embarrassments to the city, it looks like they're feeling emboldened again. Disgusting.

Hope the protest is bigger than the parade. South Boston isn't as conservative as it used to be.

Especially now that the gentrification is setting in. If anything, this is probably a poorly thought out and extremely bigoted response to that. They know that within 5 years, anything that needs to come to a vote, they'll lose, so struggle and flail and bitch and whine until you're made irrelevant by the changing times.

Bad rep for Mass. We're never like that here. WTF happened?

PFFT. Haha.

Man, people really did forget about the Boston Busings, didn't they?


Inform a brother.

(oh god, I'm "Just asking questions")

Is Southie an ultra conservative haven within Mass.? There seems to be some unspoken knowledge as to why bigotry against gay veterans is "unsurprising".

In Southie? This isn't very surprising to me at all. Trump did get over a million votes in Massachusetts.

Southie overwhelming voted for Clinton, as did Boston, as did all of the metro area.

It's just the last whimper of a dying breed of blue collar idiots that were pitted against others back in the day and still believe the same nonsense.

The conservative belts in Massachusetts are right outside the outter 495 belt, and thats mostly just fiscially conservative. There's very few social conservatives left in Massachusetts, and those that are, are tied to the hate everyone not a Catholic crowd or hate everyone that doesn't follow nonsensical Catholic doctrine. Their numbers are tiny after their leadership was exposed diddling little boys and covering it up.

There's still racism, but that wierd unspoken racism where everyone is supposed to keep to their groups and everyone acts like institutional racism doesn't exist anymore.

Man, people really did forget about the Boston Busings, didn't they?

The attacks went 0-Racist very quickly, but the history on that is so much more complicated. A match was lit, people dumped gasoline on it, and shit exploded into an ugly few years. The city and state really fucked trying to fix the segregation/integration problem.


How could veterans treat another group of veterans like this? You think being a veteran would be more important to them than what their sexual orientation is.

How could veterans treat another group of veterans like this? You think being a veteran would be more important to them than what their sexual orientation is.


At least you'd hope it would be the overriding thing. But obviously in many cases it isn't.


The attacks went 0-Racist very quickly, but the history on that is so much more complicated. A match was lit, people dumped gasoline on it, and shit exploded into an ugly few years. The city and state really fucked trying to fix the segregation/integration problem.

Totally, but what people often forget is that the same people prowling the streets of the various Boston boroughs looking for heads to kick in are now the 40-50-60-year-olds who delight in gumming up the works when it comes to these natural progresses. It was a bad scene for everyone, but 40 years later, the people who got played don't realize that they're still being played for buying into this shit. A continuation of pitting the disenfranchised against the disenfranchised for the sake of making yourself feel better by knocking someone else down.

It's some dumb shit and it's proof people don't learn, they just stay spiteful.
I'm actually surprised OUTVETS were ever allowed to march. As a general rule, if you take a group of Irish (almost certainly Catholics) who were also in the military, the chances of them having a negative view of homosexuality is probably, what, 99.5%?


I really cannot believe this is still an issue. Thought Boston was past that.

Regardless parades are stupid in general especially saint Patricks day ones. All they do is cause traffic issues and promote people to get shitfaced to the point where they are puking on the sidewalk by 10 AM.
Inform a brother.

(oh god, I'm "Just asking questions")

Is Southie an ultra conservative haven within Mass.? There seems to be some unspoken knowledge as to why bigotry against gay veterans is "unsurprising".

It's not even conservative, still likely went hard Democrat in every election. It's traditionally been a working class Irish Catholic Democratic suburb of Boston, and then in the 1990s-2000s, a huge influx of bros (I mean this in like the white, middle-class college-grad Lacross bros way; or like the American equivalent of a "Chav / Chavette") moved there because it was affordable and convenient. So you'd get a mix of that classic blue collar Democrat but "I'sweaah bro this queeah was tryna fuck me at dunks yestaday" stereotype with recent college grads who are definitely Democrats, but personally xenophobic and homophobic.

Very pro-Democrat, but represents a sort of pro-labor, working class Irish democrat that has run cities like Providence or Boston for a century.

The gay people marching in the St. Patrick's day parade is a mix of this... Xenophobic, overly paroquial, "My mam's catholic bro so no fag shit," with trashy drunks. The South Boston St. Patrick's Day parade sucks.


Though as someone else pointed out, my stereotype of your average South Bostonian probably isn't accurate anymore. This was my impression going to South Boston from like 2002-2012, but I really haven't hung out there in half a decade aside from running or passing through.


See this is why i always call bullshit on support or troops and what not. They only support them when they want to send a message


Southie isnt conservative anymore. Here's the breakdown.

25% super rich condo buyers who work in Seaport

60% diverse-ish recent college graduates in their 20s

10% old white ladies who's homes are worth 10,000 times what they paid for it in the 70s

5% racist old time Boston hardcore conservatives longing for the Whitey Bulger days
For those unaware, Baker's brother is gay. I had to kindly explain that to someone who called me homophobic for voting for him.

No, you can't have David Price back ffs.
Republicans have empathy that goes as far as their direct relatives. This is not surprising. That's why they can understand the plight of a gay child or sibling, but they can't seemingly shoe empathy for a Syrian refugee.


These out vets frankly shouldn't feel obligated to march here again. This parade does not deserve their presence, seriously. No ostracized group, by race, class, or origin, should have to give succor to shared cultural or legal institutions that still view them as an "inconvenience." The mainstream can't seriously argue that we should all respect and participate in the same "order" then trip us up when we try to do that.

That doesn't mean I'm not heartened by how quickly officials are fighting this decision. But for those of you wondering why queer Americans (especially elders who remember the Reagan era firsthand) are still resistant to the integrationist message, this is Exhibit A.

You don't want us as we are? Then you don't deserve help from us. Fuck you.
Republicans have empathy that goes as far as their direct relatives. This is not surprising. That's why they can understand the plight of a gay child or sibling, but they can't seemingly shoe empathy for a Syrian refugee.


plagiarize said:
Edit: But I'm going to stop digressing. It's not my intention to distract from the real issue of what's happening with the parade.
Is there a term for a person who acts like theyre from mass, worships mass culture but isn't from mass?

You know, like a weeaboo. Bosaboo?


there is joy in sucking dick
I love how everyone in Mass who are loving in 2017 are shitting on this stupid decision. Another obvious sce stop where Trump has emboldened bigots but society is pushing back.
Theocracy and fascism are 2 sides of the same coin. Hope all you people who voted Trump and GOP really enjoy your meager tax breaks because you sold out our rights as citizens for them.
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