wonders if the bolded is accurate and MS just misjudged the appeal of a weak next-gen system that was cheap.
Of course it isn't accurate. Only on forums will you find people that believe Microsoft thought the S console was going to be more appealing than the console that's actually next generation.
The only reason people think that is because the S is widely available which was also true two years ago. But no one was saying it then.
What's the difference? Lower sales because the X console fell further and further behind, so people are looking for a scapegoat.
I repeat once again, the problem is as simple as poor leadership and bad decision making. People are acting like there's a mystery novel to solve when it's straight forward.
S console did not make team Xbox, who knew this problem with foresight, to do nothing for two years.
I feel like the further we get from 2021 people's memories start erasing and everyone forgets.
I mean we have people bringing up the Switch in this thread which was never a participant from Microsoft's point of view this gen. At least until the Activision deal anyway, occasionally.
People are talking about Xbox overestimating demand for the S console, despite the S consoles being in the same place as it was in the middle of 2021. Nothing has changed to make people believe suddenly Team Xbox is overestimating S demand. The only change has been there's been less X consoles, which means that when the S & X were more even, there wasn't an issue with the S console. But when X didn't pick up and S did, all S did was replace the X sales from before. But because of that NOW it's a bad idea and it has to go? NOW it should be replaced with a discless X? Where was this in the middle of 2021? Now you go all over gaming sites and people are pretending the S is different now lol.
There's no major growth for Xbox sales without more X consoles being available.
Just how it is. Xbox Team messed up. No other way of looking at it. They had two years to fix the problem and didn't have a plan despite knowing the problem ahead of time.