I'm on the same boat, man... I stayed away from much of the press for the game and once I started playing and noticing the similarities to Deus Ex, Dishonored and Prey I immediately fell in love. The game has so much content for those that are willing (interested?) in playing around with the different builds and etc...I did my part with the GOG version, even with my old PC I can run the game 2K/30 with medium settings, and I love so much the atmosphere and art design. And of course the game has its share of bugs, some gameplay issues (minimap zoom and the vehicle handling) but I find the combat and exploration loop with the skills and RPG systems good...
Probably a lot of people will dismiss CP2077 as a bad GTA clone, but for me is a incredible inmersive sim with the great storytelling of CD Projekt.
It really is a game for those that enjoy tabletop RPG's and the flexibility they offer.
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