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Dark Souls PR wants you to start replaying Dark Souls 2 today! (Feb 25 - Mar 11)


lol I literally uninstalled and this game last night to clear room from my SSD. I kept 1 and 3 installed though hint hint From.


Well I haven't played scholar again since I beat it so.... I guess I have 40 hours to dump in this again

Been missing ds2 tbqh


I'm coincidentally trying to finally beat the game and get to New Game + so i can use my Blue Sentinel covie finally.

Just gotta beat this bullshit Blue Flume and I'll go take Nishandra's soul.


No way I'm going back to DS2 after just playing Nioh...
Yeah I mean once you get used to there being only four enemy types and about 8 ugly textures in the same three environments why would you ever want to go back to gorgeous, varied level design and enemies in a game with actual PvP?
Dark Souls 2 is the worst in the series but it's still fantastic at times, there are too many poor bosses and under developed levels but it has some excellent bosses and levels and the DLC has some of the best in the entire game.

I'm back in for this, just started Nier and almost finished Bloodborne but I can juggle all 3 for the next few weeks.
I left my new game ++ halfway through, so this is just the perfect time to jump back into drangleic once again, my best memories of doing invasions was in the door's of pharros area, loved to troll players in there with all the traps in the surroundings. Most fun I had in co-op in the series as well.


When the burnout affects my will to even get the DS3 dlc, this is simply not an offer I can take them up on. Everyone that does though, enjoy!


Good for people that like DkS2, but I would rather play any other of the Soulsbourne games or just keep playing Nioh for that matter.


Yeah I mean once you get used to there being only four enemy types and about 8 ugly textures in the same three environments why would you ever want to go back to gorgeous, varied level design and enemies in a game with actual PvP?
I'll take four balanced enemy types over a shitload of ever spamming enemies with infinite stamina and bad hit boxes, and I also prefer fewer great looking locations over many bland looking environments thanks to shitty lighting. I'll give you pvp but we still haven't see how Nioh handles that yet.


For you.
Because the game has the worst level design in the series, the worst bosses, the worst combat and the worst ambientation except a couple of areas. It's the worst soulsgame and a good game at the same time.
False false false it has great level design, some of the best bosses in the entire series even if it has a bunch of bad ones too, combat that is better than the first game. Also best multiplayer by far, both PVP and PVE. Not to mention it has a crapload of QoL improvements that made the experience so much better and we're sadly ignored on 3, the worst Dark Souls.
When the burnout affects my will to even get the DS3 dlc, this is simply not an offer I can take them up on. Everyone that does though, enjoy!

indeed, i was playing DS3 and DS2 together for a while. i started boring myself from over-play. i lucked into a PS3 and am doing my first run-through of Demon's Souls. it is incredible and i would rate it much higher than DS2.

DS2 is still a great game, but it plays and looks the worst out of any of them. mostly it has the most boring and incoherent level design. Majula is nice but the way everything spins off and the progression of the areas makes no logical sense. DS1 had firelink shrine and the cliffsides leading up to the village above, the flow of the landscape perfectly arranged so that after the dozens of hours you can look in any direction and know what is out there without the use of a map. DS2 is a hub with branching paths with themselves are branching paths, and all of these leading to dead ends. the end result is a world that is less cohesive, less holistically designed.

the art design is a big issue in DS2, and this is only superficially remedied with the SOTFS. there are rooms which are low-poly boxes with no lighting and no decoration other than a hi res texture applied. this is crossing the line imo. Souls series has always been about atmosphere, about the masterful portrayal of dark fantasy, of it not just being this monotone thing, but where every brick wall had a unique bit of rubble on the ground, and where mysterious colored lights were placed even in "filler" rooms that created a trans-formative mood that pulsed throughout this eerie world, tying it together. personally i just find a lot of DS2 ugly, the lighting rather flat and boring, the enemies and the world often indistinguishable from one another, both sharing the same muddy or foggy palette. nothing like the crazy glowing salamanders in Demon's Souls. not to continuously crap on it, but i think there are valid reasons why many people aren't as fond of this game.
Maybe I should go back for an eighth or so character heh. Game might not be the most polished Souls title but it sure has a lot of stuff to do. I can daydream about builds and goofy gear setups till the cows come home. Having silky smooth 60fps makes up for the sometimes iffy graphical polish. DS2 might be my game of the forever and it's certainly my most replayed in the series.


First time SOTFS player and it's the same damn game, just with a lot more summonable NPCs and petrified enemies blocking the way.


Gold Member
ds2 gets a lot of hate but i really enjoyed it. so glad i didn't listen to everyone hating on it and skip it. it has some flaws but was really enjoyable. can't wait to play through it again.
how does this help with platinum trophy? (curious, i dont own this game, yet)

Would like to know too but I'm guessing it's just a passing comment, something to aim for. All I need are a few spells that you can only get on NG++ which I find silly but w/e. My trophy progress has been at 91% since last year and it's been driving me mad, so I might actually try doing this while waiting on Zelda.
It was awesome seeing all of the activity in Dark Souls during the last organized event, but I wish they did this one later in the year. I dumped a ton of time into Nioh and I'm still grinding out some loot in it. I don't think I have another full playthrough of an RPG in me right now. I'll probably pop in for some PvP and co-op some bosses or something.
First time SOTFS player and it's the same damn game, just with a lot more summonable NPCs and petrified enemies blocking the way.

Hey don't say that.

They added Pursuer like 40 times throughout the game. You guys like Pursuer right!?!
You're pretty much right tho


The enemy and item placement is also changed around quite a bit in just about every area.

I know, but the enemy AI seems to be about the same. Even with a surprise here and there (like the dragon outside Cathedral of Blue) I've found it fairly easy.


how does this help with platinum trophy? (curious, i dont own this game, yet)

There are certain spells you can only get via PvP or Co-op on your first few runthroughs (They will eventually be sold by a vendor once you reach NG++). A bunch of people playing at once would let you get the platinum/all the achievements much quicker.


I keep hearing that dark souls 2 is underrated and I think maybe I should give it another shot but then I remember how much I didn't like playing it and I already have the first and third games installed so I end up just playing one of those.

OT: the button mapping in DS1 is all messed up for me on PC. I can't find an option in the menu to reset the gamepad controls, just the keyboard. Anyone know what I'm talking about / how to fix it?

Mister Wolf

False false false it has great level design, some of the best bosses in the entire series even if it has a bunch of bad ones too, combat that is better than the first game. Also best multiplayer by far, both PVP and PVE. Not to mention it has a crapload of QoL improvements that made the experience so much better and we're sadly ignored on 3, the worst Dark Souls.

True story.
There are certain spells you can only get via PvP or Co-op on your first few runthroughs (They will eventually be sold by a vendor once you reach NG++). A bunch of people playing at once would let you get the platinum much quicker/all the achievements.

From what I remember, it's quicker to rush to NG++ than to grind it out in multiplayer. That's what I did anyways.


Dark Souls 2 is one of my favorites, but it's not the right time for this. We're in the middle of new release hell. I'll be back for my 6th (maybe 7th) soon.
Love DS2 so far, but I'm taking a break in order to platinum Bloodborne. And then I'm probably going to play DS1 for the first time before jumping back to DS2.

I don't understand all the hate that DS2 gets. BB was my first, followed by DS2, so they're about as different as you can get within the Souls series, yet I still enjoyed DS2 immensely. Bloodborne is the ultimate masterpiece, though.
Is there a point by point guide that provides the quickest route through the game? I just beat the 1st boss in NG+ and I've forgotten like everything about this game lol. Just trying to get to Wellager in NG++ to get the last few trophies I need, that's literally all I really want to do.


nah, I'm never comming back to this game again while I have Bloodborne, DS1, DS3 and Demon's Souls.

Ditto, although I did recently just to do the DLCs which I finished earlier this year for the first time. People made a big deal out of them too but I felt like only 1 of them was ok, one was great and then one was completely terrible. I feel the overall game is "okay" but doesn't deserve the hate it gets. Still the worst souls game though.


Ditto, although I did recently just to do the DLCs which I finished earlier this year for the first time. People made a big deal out of them too but I felt like only 1 of them was ok, one was great and then one was completely terrible. I feel the overall game is "okay" but doesn't deserve the hate it gets. Still the worst souls game though.
Which one was "completely terrible?"
Is there a point by point guide that provides the quickest route through the game? I just beat the 1st boss in NG+ and I've forgotten like everything about this game lol. Just trying to get to Wellager in NG++ to get the last few trophies I need, that's literally all I really want to do.

Don't have a guide for you, but a quick way to do it would be
to make sure you have some bonfire ascetics and head straight for the Black Gulch. Make sure to pick up the fragrant branch of yore at the bottom of The Gutter on the way down. Kill The Rotten, pop an ascetic, and repeat until you've gained at least 2 million souls since the start of your NG+ playthrough. From there it's just a matter of going Shrine of Winter (via Shaded Woods) > Drangleic Castle > Shrine of Amana > Undead Crypt > Aldia's Keep (via Shaded Woods) > Dragon Aerie/Shrine > Memory of Jeigh (in Forest of Fallen Giants) > Throne of Want (in Drangleic Castle.) If you want to skip having to collect the 4 old souls to open Shrine of Winter again in NG++ you'll need 3 million souls that time.
Don't have a guide for you, but a quick way to do it would be
to make sure you have some bonfire ascetics and head straight for the Black Gulch. Make sure to pick up the fragrant branch of yore at the bottom of The Gutter on the way down. Kill The Rotten, pop an ascetic, and repeat until you've gained at least 2 million souls since the start of your NG+ playthrough. From there it's just a matter of going Shrine of Winter (via Shaded Woods) > Drangleic Castle > Shrine of Amana > Undead Crypt > Aldia's Keep (via Shaded Woods) > Dragon Aerie/Shrine > Memory of Jeigh (in Forest of Fallen Giants) > Throne of Want (in Drangleic Castle.) If you want to skip having to collect the 4 old souls to open Shrine of Winter again in NG++ you'll need 3 million souls that time.

Thanks. The spells I need for the trophies are:
Crystal Soul Sphere
Bountiful Sunlight
Wrath of the Gods
Binding Bolt
Great Chaos Fireball
Flame Weapon

But a lot of those I can just get on NG+. I'll admit it's been a while since I played through the game (well last summer) so a lot of what you said kinda blew my mind lol but I'll reference your post as I start making my way through it. Figured I'd just do another playthrough and a half without using the ascetic method as it sounds like kind of a grind but I may yet.
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