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Destiny: The Taken King leaves behind players who didn't upgrade (Kotaku)


I have 3 maxed out different classes characters. I don't have any of the expansions. If I wanted to go back and play what was there when I left when I payed $60 for the game on launch I should have this choice. It doesn't matter if I play it now or next month. I should have the content I payed for when I want. What's so hard to grasp about that?

You last played in september 2014, 1 year ago, with a KD of 0.2 in crucible.

You had 1 character at 26, your warlock was level 4.

You did no raids or end game content

I dont believe you.GIF

Next ?
I am UK, I paid and I found the last 20 hours play time its great value.

What is your perspective, have you played it, is the content more than a £ 40 shooter from others ?
Or are you just here to stir it up ?

I just dont believe hardly anyone was genuinely playing Vanilla destiny last week, I really dont, and normally most shitposts are from either lapsed players who dont know how much better Destiny is now and are repeating year old stuff, were not planning to play it except for this thread.....or worse never even played it.

Maxed out, you have 3 level 34 characters...?.. Should I look up your destiny activity on Bungie net ?

How does the content stack up against the original Destiny release? Does it add any new classes with at least 2 sub classes? Does it give you a multitude of environments? Does it give you new enemies to fight or just reskins?

If you look at it from a cost perspective and compare it to what was in the original Destiny - which people criticised for its lack of content - things don't look great.

Then again I think most DLC pricing is a scam; this is just a particularly bad one given the shit they already sold for DLC.


The only thing more disappointing than these clearly anti-consumer practices is the number of GAFers defending it and hand-waving it.

The truly only disappointing thing is that people aren't reading the threads, assuming a ton of information they read, and create threads with titles like: Destiny without TTK is unplayable.

How about adding something to the conversation, and pointing out specifics of cases of hand waving and defending anti-consumer practices?


How does the content stack up against the original Destiny release? Does it add any new classes with at least 2 sub classes? Does it give you a multitude of environments? Does it give you new enemies to fight or just reskins?

If you look at it from a cost perspective and compare it to what was in the original Destiny - which people criticised for its lack of content - things don't look great.

Then again I think most DLC pricing is a scam; this is just a particularly bad one given the shit they already sold for DLC.

Yes to everything, there is allot new, go read impressions from you know, people that play it...

All enemies are taken and transformed into new, they all are new classes with new abilities, mechanics, there is even stealth Metal gear parts...Bubble shields, enemies that divide, it goes on. They used the old raid maps as well as the new planet / phobos and new areas on existing planets.


I have 3 maxed out different classes characters. I don't have any of the expansions. If I wanted to go back and play what was there when I left when I payed $60 for the game on launch I should have this choice. It doesn't matter if I play it now or next month. I should have the content I payed for when I want. What's so hard to grasp about that?
You can. You can still run vog, all the old strikes, and crucible. You just dont have the heroic and nightfall playlist since those were end game modifiers, and you are no longer at end game level. Heck they even added how and tdb maps without having to buy them, so you have gained content.


Junior Member
Imagine Bungie accepted the launch version was unfinished and offered TTK free as it finally fixed the flaws of V1. Would people complain?

But they didn't. Instead they redesigned the game you bought that they told you wasn't an MMO to further reduce your content from launch and basically put new content front and centre everywhere and charge for the fixed version of their previously full price at launch game.

So I suggest you insert into your summary the point they're pretty much demanding you buy all the DLC if you want the fixed version, because omitting that little fact renders your point invalid as it ignores the true situation.

The argument is they're essentially forcing purchase or reducing the already paltry content which is certainly not the simple improvement you imply.

For myself while tempted to get the TTK because it looks pretty good and I've overall enjoyed Destiny I'm now thinking of just shelving the game. The whole title now has a very nasty aftertaste going back to Bungie bending over to tell consumers the game wasn't an MMO then basically pursuing a worse MMO model than most MMOs that pretty much demands you buy expansions or find yourself with less and less to do with the game you paid full price for than the day you bought it.

It's shitty and it's even shittier anyone would defend it.

So you took the time to make this post but you haven't played TTK. Now it makes sense.

For newcomers that skipped out on year 1 Destiny, the TTK bundle for $60 will end being GOTY.


The only thing more disappointing than these clearly anti-consumer practices is the number of GAFers defending it and hand-waving it.

Is being a defender worse than drive by trolling ?

Have you even read the thread, you do no that no content has been cut ?

Higher level difficulty modifiers are not available for some of the content


I am UK, I paid and I found the last 20 hours play time its great value.

What is your perspective, have you played it, is the content more than a £ 40 shooter from others ?
Or are you just here to stir it up ?
If by "here to stir it up" means I want to play TTK but its too expensive, sure, I'm here to stir it up?

I already paid 20 each for the past two expansions. It just sucks keep having to shell out more and more money for it to keep up w/ my friends.

Like I said, if TTK was $20, I would have no complaints, I'd be playing it right now.
This seems much worse than it is, especially without context.

You still have access to every mission, every strike, every raid, every crucible mode, every crucible map, and every item you previously had access to. You don't lose actual, tangible content.

What people are complaining about is that, in Vanilla Destiny, you lose modifiers to those strikes and missions meant as progression content - "Heroics" and "Nightfalls" - which add difficulty to that same content in the name of progression. That progression is meaningless to a player that can't hit the level cap anymore and thus can't equip any of the rewards.

Ignoring the fact that levels don't work how they used to, nor do the "Heroic" and "Nightfall" modifiers, it doesn't make sense to have low level progression content because then all the high level players would just run that instead. You also can't out level content, so its not like vanilla Destiny is any easier - its the same content frozen at one difficulty.

A lot of the things listed in that Reddit post have been reworked entirely and "removed" to instead become something else to all players, not just those with TTK. I think anyone actually playing the game would agree the trade-off were worth it.
This should be added to the OP. If you buy a copy of vanilla destiny you still pretty much get vanilla destiny. It's like complaining your old copy of Madden doesn't have the new team rosters.


If by "here to stir it up" means I want to play TTK but its too expensive, sure, I'm here to stir it up?

I already paid 20 each for the past two expansions. It just sucks keep having to shell out more and more money for it to keep up w/ my friends.

Like I said, if TTK was $20, I would have no complaints, I'd be playing it right now.

Fair enough, you just dont like the price..... My opinion is Dark below and house of wolves was overpriced.

This expansion is better than those put together imo. But its subjective. £ 40 was too much for UK but I paid anyway. $ 40 is OK imo.

Most posters on destiny now are overwhelmed with new stuff to do, its daunting.
Yes to everything, there is allot new, go read impressions from you know, people that play it...

All enemies are taken and transformed into new, they all are new classes with new abilities, mechanics, there is even stealth Metal gear parts...Bubble shields, enemies that divide, it goes on.

The Taken are reskins with one new ability, no? The are 0 new classes (with 3 new subclasses). There's 1 new environment that looks a whole lot like the Hive tunnels on the moon. Assets-wise the amount of content is tiny compared to Destiny and that was my only point.


You last played in september 2014, 1 year ago, with a KD of 0.2 in crucible.

You had 1 character at 26, your warlock was level 4.

You did no raids or end game content

I dont believe you.GIF

Next ?
His comments kind of mirror my own, except I bought the season pass. Wanna check my play record as well creepy?


Fair enough, you just dont like the price..... My opinion is Dark below and house of wolves was overpriced.

This expansion is better than those put together imo. But its subjective. £ 40 was too much for UK but I paid anyway. $ 40 is OK imo.

Most posters on destiny now are overwhelmed with new stuff to do, its daunting.
I'm hoping it lasts the week. If we see a sale or price drop for the holidays I'll check it out.

I want to hear how someones week on TTK is like in a few weeks/next month compared to previous expansions.


The Taken are reskins with one new ability, no? The are 0 new classes (with 3 new subclasses). There's 1 new environment that looks a whole lot like the Hive tunnels on the moon. Assets-wise the amount of content is tiny compared to Destiny and that was my only point.

No. Each of the 4 classes has 4 taken versions which are new models, new abilities and mechanics. The new ship is world size and no its not like the moon


Its quite bizarre listening to friends about TTK whom seem to think it having more content over the content starved vanilla Destiny has somehow redeemed Bungie. Guess when you are left behind you are left behind - didn't enjoy being a beta tester for Year 1, just got too tiring that QoL updates turned up way after they were needed and just belittled the silly amount of effort/grind needed...

Really feels like Destiny is gamings Lost - I just don't see the appeal of it anymore and the time dedicated to achieve awards is just too significant with so many games out there to enjoy.

ps3ud0 8)


The only thing more disappointing than these clearly anti-consumer practices is the number of GAFers defending it and hand-waving it.

The truly only disappointing thing is that people aren't reading the threads, assuming a ton of information they read, and create threads with titles like: Destiny without TTK is unplayable.

How about adding something to the conversation, and pointing out specifics of cases of hand waving and defending anti-consumer practices?

This is unsubstantial?
My previous comment addresses most of that.
This is false. None of the content was removed. Difficulty settings were changed, and you have less options there, but all of the content is the same. (Yes the numbers have been modified for said content, but it's all the same base content; and yes, they probably have the ability to fix this.)
Any vanilla player that hasn't bought any DLC:
Can level from 1-34. (An increase from 1-20)
Gets to play all the DLC EXCEPT TTK maps and exclusive modes. There are fewer playlists at a time, but those playlists are going to continue rotating just as they always have.
Gets to play all the DLC EXCEPT TTK strikes. There are also fewer playlists.*

*Note: The older harder difficulty ones were reserved for people trying to get the top end gear who were already at level cap. Even if you were to get 200 legendary marks as a level 34, the only thing you could do with them would be upgrade gear by sacrificing better gear. (Not sure how this could work without being able to get better gear to sacrifice.) -- All gear you can purchase from vendors (at the tower last I checked after Sept 15th launch) is level 40 which you wouldn't be able to equip, even if it lets you buy it.

I'm not defending any of this. But I am tired of people spouting false information about it; and lighting the torches over misinformation.

I would add that the green gear you can get is 170 light, while you might have to go a couple days to find a whole set if you don't have very good gear, you could eventually get a whole set of gear that's 170 light (The maximum for y1 content gear)

As I recall, the live streams from before TTK launch, they talked about how they had to search and find space for more room in the vault, especially since it's still running on PS3 and X360. so my guess on why the Eris bounties are no longer around is because there simply isn't room for them.

The kill objective patrol stuff has already been addressed in this thread as false as well.

The hyperbole of The Dying Mind being level 40 only is hilarious, and doesn't deserve a comment.

Queen's Wrath rep, I honestly don't have any information to address this, other than spoilery things from TTK.

Not being able to purchase spirit bloom sucks and I bet when the bug is fixed from Vanguard playlist might reward more resources.

"there's very little reason to play VoG, Crota's end or PoE." -- If you want to complete your Y1 exotic collection there is plenty of reason to play them.
I'm hoping it lasts the week. If we see a sale or price drop for the holidays I'll check it out.

I want to hear how someones week on TTK is like in a few weeks/next month compared to previous expansions.

Well Vin, you know me, it has some legs so far. There are plenty of environmental puzzles yet to be solved and plenty of mystery to the experience. It will be interesting to see where all of this will lead in the coming months.


His comments kind of mirror my own, except I bought the season pass. Wanna check my play record as well creepy?

Its the people that do not play Destiny that come into these threads pretending to be upset but dont really play the game...He was one of many..

I am not saying everyone is here to downvote destiny as a lapsed year ago player.

People who raided and did trials dont post such anti-destiny posts, I bet you are in this category and unhappy about the TTK price...?

ps I went to lighthouse more than you lol


The amount of misinformation in this thread is staggering.

In order to give everyone a fresh start and not have their most dedicated players playing with the same weapons for another year, year one content had to be made too weak for high level play. This design decision was critical to retain people's interest in the game, because no one wants another year of playing with Fatebringer and Vision of Confluence.

There is still a huge amount of content for vanilla players, as much as you would expect from similar FPS.

For those calling for separate clash and control playlists, sure. That's something Bungie should add; but then, they have changed the PvP offerings on a frequent basis.

For those asking for more difficult strikes, that should be added too. But we're talking about adding a small amount of content to the game as it stands now for vanilla players. To expect high level content to remain the same in an evolving game would require stagnation that limits the game from improving in any meaningful way.


Junior Member
Its the people that do not play Destiny that come into these threads pretending to be upset but dont really play the game...

I am not saying everyone is here to downvote destiny as a lapsed year ago player.

People who raided and did trials dont post such anti-destiny posts, I bet you are in this category and unhappy about the TTK price...?

ps I went to lighthouse more than you lol

I just raided with a dude who did not have taken king last night. There are a lot of people who don't have taken king who are pissed, as evidenced by bungies forums, reddit, and here. Bungie cutting content like this is unacceptable, and I have no idea why people are defending it. Fanboism for the sake of fanboism.
If anything this thread has shown me there is a defense force for anything.

I get it. Some of you love the game. But it does not change the fact that options have been taken away from the game that were there.
Its the people that do not play Destiny that come into these threads pretending to be upset but dont really play the game...He was one of many..

I am not saying everyone is here to downvote destiny as a lapsed year ago player.

People who raided and did trials dont post such anti-destiny posts, I bet you are in this category and unhappy about the TTK price...?

ps I went to lighthouse more than you lol
Some people have multiple accounts for games, especially if they do reviews. And trying to play Detective GAF is often frowned upon here.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Awful behaviour from Bungie, but not all that surprising.

The decisions they have made with Destiny start making a lot of sense when you realise it is a stealth subscription fee, packaged up in a manner that is intended to be more palatable for the specific audience they were going for.

Nailed it. Game has a sub fee, just done in a very subtle way.


I just raided with a dude who did not have taken king last night. There are a lot of people who don't have taken king who are pissed, as evidenced by bungies forums, reddit, and here. Bungie cutting content like this is unacceptable, and I have no idea why people are defending it. Fanboism for the sake of fanboism.

And yet they were playing the raid, the content they bought ? They can play every mission that they bought ...you raided with him , and ?

But they cannot get the new content without paying, the new content is level 40 guns and armour.

All the old guns, armour and missions are there.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
And yet they were playing the raid, the content they bought ? They can play every mission that they bought ...you raided with him , and ?

But they cannot get the new content without paying, the new content is level 40 guns and armour.

All the old guns, armour and missions are there.

Vanilla PVP stuff was gutted, some playlists got merged (can't play control separately now) Nightfalls are behind the TTK paywall (there isn't a nightfall for non-TTK users afaik), can't farm treasure keys for POE because HoW skirmishes no longer show up. It's goes on bro, it's a shitty practice no other way to slice it, and I love the game.


Junior Member
And yet they were playing the raid, the content they bought ? They can play every mission that they bought ...you raided with him , and ?

But they cannot get the new content without paying, the new content is level 40 guns and armour.

All the old guns, armour and missions are there.

Yeah so you're just gonna ignore what they cut, and that people noticed it and are in fact upset about it. Sure. They even neutered the fucking expansions they're fucking selling with most versions of the taken king, to force the people with both expansions to upgrade to tkk for more content. Why defend this bullshit?


Vanilla PVP stuff was gutted, some playlists got merged (can't play control separately now) Nightfalls are behind the TTK paywall (there isn't a nightfall for non-TTK users afaik), can't farm treasure keys for POE because HoW skirmishes no longer show up. It's goes on bro, it's a shitty practice no other way to slice it, and I love the game.

They probably merged to 6v6 to get better matchmaking for the few players left. Bungie say they have more players for taken king than when they launched,,,so I dont know the numbers of non TTK players left....but you can read the press statement for financial market and make your own judgement...

Nightfall is just a difficulty level. They have changed it in taken king, its level 41 and a quest chain this week with no kick to orbit or 10 % gains for TTK...dont know if it will change next week.... The strike mission is available to all who bought it.

Maybe they should of called nightfall something else, because the old one is gone.

I cant farm treasure keys either, its been removed for all players.

HOW skirmishes dont show up for all players, they are now taken. Same when they removed the knights with swords and replaced them with HOW skirmishes...no different.

What else ?

Did they move all the vendor stuff to one guy then as well as the missing bounties and such?

The vendors have been changed yes.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
What's funny that people were forced to buy HoW and TDB and most of the stuff in those DLCs is already outdated. POE is no longer relevant, and afaik the old raids are only useful for the Year 1 exotics that got upgraded to Year 2, so there isn't even an incentive to play through that content.

They should've updated POE with new challenges, and updated the Raid loot to make it year 2 relevant and even changing the old Raids some like adding some new bosses and stuff. But nope.
Yeh I stand by what I said still, anyone moaning about not being able to keep up with Destiny because of £40 has to be paying for Live or PS+ as well (waste of money in itself, especially for someone with no money) The logic doesn't even add up, someone who is short on cash pays for online services to play Destiny? Get outta here.

And then there's the fact people feel like they need it now for some reason, if it costs so much just wait for a price drop in a while. Talk about entitlement, they don't owe you anything.

How dare people play other games than destiny? How dare people not want content they might have enjoyed taken away just so Bungie can hang an advertisement for content they don't want yet in front of them?

Talk about entitlement they owe people what they paid for if it weren't for ToS and EULA agreements.


What's funny that people were forced to buy HoW and TDB and most of the stuff in those DLCs is already outdated. POE is no longer relevant, and afaik the old raids are only useful for the Year 1 exotics that got upgraded to Year 2, so there isn't even an incentive to play through that content.

They should've updated POE with new challenges, and updated the Raid loot to make it year 2 relevant and even changing the old Raids some like adding some new bosses and stuff. But nope.

I'm unclear on what you mean by outdated. The content is there. The drops are useful in the game and the Prison is enjoyable in its own right.

Most players find the raids challenging enough as they are. You would make it that much more difficult for new players to enjoy them by invalidating all that has been written and learned about them.

If the only reason you play the game is to get new gear, then you'll buy the expansion. If you enjoy playing Destiny like you would play any other game, it's still there. Not that they can't do more for Year One players, and I hope they do.


* The wandering wolf packs are gone, along with being able to level up queens wrath (at least I haven't found any way besides grinding the story missions endlessly).

* Eris bounties are gone, and her item selection has been culled (so that's what, half of the dark below?)

I own TTK, and due to real life getting in the way, have only scratched the surface of the new content.

The removal of the Wolf Packs is news to me, and a bummer as I love that addition in House of Wolves. Question - If the packs are gone (and the Queens bounty quests to kill them), how do you earn treasure keys?

I never bothered too with Eris's bounties in Dark Below, so I'm still rank 1 with her. Will I be stuck at this rank forever now?


That is really quite sad to read. I'm glad I gave up on Destiny a while ago and I definitely won't be giving Bungie more of my money.


The weekly nature of Destiny's updates make some of these complaints close to irrelevant.

I understand that some people are skittish about the lack of queen bounties, for example, but they may just as likely come back next week. The playlists and available content are always rotating, it's part of the game.

There are still other bits missing that are kinda baffling, and Bungie should have thought through a little more carefully (for example, keeping a larger array of difficulties available). But so many of the reactions to the content, when you put it on a list, misses the details of how the game is actually structured for everyone, and how new and old content actually cycles over time. Even people with TTK are missing some features that are being structured and argued here as things that are no longer there for people that did not buy the expansion.


How dare people play other games than destiny? How dare people not want content they might have enjoyed taken away just so Bungie can hang an advertisement for content they don't want yet in front of them?

Talk about entitlement they owe people what they paid for if it weren't for ToS and EULA agreements.

Could you point out where I said "how dare people play other games than destiny?" lol
What content have they taken away? They've actually got more content now with the old dlc crucible maps and strikes added.


It's admittedly a shitty practice, but this has been going on since The Dark Below. It's just now emphasized since they changed a lot about how the game works. As sad as it is, wouldn't recommend this game to anyone not ready to keep up with each DLC chapter as it releases.


Junior Member
If anything this thread has shown me there is a defense force for anything.

I get it. Some of you love the game. But it does not change the fact that options have been taken away from the game that were there.

Says the person who concocted a story about having 3 maxed characters in Destiny. Was it really necessary to lie?

I guess it was the only way to sound credible enough inform the world about the dangers of Bungie. Bro, you didn't even do any year 1 raids and level 26 is nowhere near the max level.

How many more posters on this forum are like this?
Says the person who concocted a story about having 3 maxed characters in Destiny. Was it really necessary to lie?

I guess it was the only way to sound credible enough inform the world about the dangers of Bungie. Bro, you didn't even do any year 1 raids and level 26 is nowhere near the max level.

How many more posters on this forum are like this?

First, I haven't played the game in forever. Last I remembered I had 2 maxed and I thought I had finished my 3rd maxed character. It wasn't a lie, it was a mistake. So if your feelings were hurt or you felt mislead, I apologize. Secondly, the fact that I haven't played in forever is proving my point. If I choose to go back and want to play what I payed money for I can't. You can color it anyway that makes you feel better about Bungie as a developer, but I won't. Do you work for Bungie? Is your livelihood affected by my criticisms? No? So get off your high horse. And I'm not even attacking the game, I don't have some motivation to have others not play this game. I went into the review thread, I saw a good write-up on the content that is in TTK and decided it's not enough for me. I don't go into the OT and shit on people's love for the game or what it's become. I'm not asking for more than what I payed for. I'm simply pointing out how stupid of a design decision it is to excise choices and options for a paying customer.


Says the person who concocted a story about having 3 maxed characters in Destiny. Was it really necessary to lie?

I guess it was the only way to sound credible enough inform the world about the dangers of Bungie. Bro, you didn't even do any year 1 raids and level 26 is nowhere near the max level.

How many more posters on this forum are like this?

Do you have to take a payday loan to criticise the practice?
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