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Destiny: The Taken King leaves behind players who didn't upgrade (Kotaku)


While I appreciate that there are examples of fleecing on all platforms, crap like this makes me feel better being a PC gamer!


I never said that people were being locked out of specific content, but rather I was referring to the change of the meta game regardless of whether you purchased the expansion or not. Apparently the Strike Playlists are different, and the level requirements have been changed to reflect that. Some aren't happy with this, and so on and so forth... I honestly wouldn't know, since I dropped the game after reaching level 27. My original statements were more for how people may not want these changes, and how they may also not want to pay the extra £40.

The statement you've quoted me on is mocking your indignation towards those who may not want to, or might not even be capable of purchasing the expansion. I mean, how can someone in this day and age, someone who plays videos game no less, not have enough spare cash to simply go buy the newest thing, right? At least that's what you seem to think.

Yeh I stand by what I said still, anyone moaning about not being able to keep up with Destiny because of £40 has to be paying for Live or PS+ as well (waste of money in itself, especially for someone with no money) The logic doesn't even add up, someone who is short on cash pays for online services to play Destiny? Get outta here.

And then there's the fact people feel like they need it now for some reason, if it costs so much just wait for a price drop in a while. Talk about entitlement, they don't owe you anything.


I wish TDB and HoW were never released. They were dog shit and soured me on the game. Especially HoW stuff has been discarded way too soon.

I feel TTK is how they should've released this game last year. People are praising it because the base game was so underwhelming. I'm not going to cave. Might as well throw the game away, there is nothing left for non TTK owners.
Why are you even bothered if you're only just playing the HoW DLC? It's not like you're invested in the game anyway. You were probably going to wait for a price drop regardless of this news.
I stoped playing right after the second DLC arrived, raids were just too difficult for me however I still enjoyed a lot nightfall strikes and doing daily missions and heroic strikes. My progresion was strange coins and Xur. With all the TKK media coverage I got interested on the game again but it seems I can't even play the strikes I used to enjoy at a decent difficulty, that pisses me off.

I'll wait for TKK DLC to drop price, still to much, not for the content offered but the value I think I'm actually going to use.
Destiny has been the perfect podcast game for me, something where I can switch my brain off and listen to something whilst doing dailies and bounties with the hope that I'll get some new gear along the way. I'm in this weird middle ground where I play it semi-regularly and yet it doesn't make sense to spend more money on it, I guess I can still keep doing bounties and leveling up to fill my vault with level 40 gear for when it becomes accessible (which I'm sure it will).


I mean, how DARE someone be frugal with their spending! It's appalling to think that some of us expect to be able to play the game that we paid for, without having to pay extra just to keep that content! I am offended at the notion that some people may not have the available funds to purchase anything that they may want! /s

Come on, mate. Get off your gold plated high horse and realize that some people can't always by the newest toy in the window.

It's not just that it's people who feel they didn't deliver in the first place. I paid 99 dollars for LE day one and I'm still waiting for my 99 dollars worth. In no way am I going to hand over another 40 dollars or even 20 for stuff that should have been there day one for 99.....

but it makes my decision to move on easy.... play something worth my time, and to buy their next games used (with the dlc of course)
I also want to point out to people saying this is cheaper than paying for traditional Sub-based MMO's that, with WoW, I haven't paid for a month of gametime since tokens were introduced.

Tokens = months subscription payable with gold (very easily obtainable amount in a month). I essentially have enough gold after playing for a month and a half for 6 months subscription. I'll probably not pay for a sub the entirely of the next WoW expansion.

Someone has to buy Tokens though for you to purchase it. It is pretty much the equivalent of someone buying a lot of gold for $20. It is nice though for people that play a lot to save some money.


Yeh I stand by what I said still, anyone moaning about not being able to keep up with Destiny because of £40 has to be paying for Live or PS+ as well (waste of money in itself, especially for someone with no money) The logic doesn't even add up, someone who is short on cash pays for online services to play Destiny? Get outta here.

And then there's the fact people feel like they need it now for some reason, if it costs so much just wait for a price drop in a while. Talk about entitlement, they don't owe you anything.
DeeJ's alt?

Didn't buy TTK because:

1) HoW was dog shit
2) Can't stomach giving £40 to Bungie when the game is $40 in USA
3) Don't want to deal with the obnoxious fanboy community (aka Bungie Defence League), here and elsewhere, who won't have a bad thing said about Destiny despite all of the evidence that shows that the game is pants and Bungie are awful

Best to move on and find something new to play


DeeJ's alt?

Didn't buy TTK because:

1) HoW was dog shit
2) Can't stomach giving £40 to Bungie when the game is $40 in USA
3) Don't want to deal with the fanboy community (aka Bungie Defence League), here and elsewhere, who won't have a bad thing said about Destiny despite all of the evidence

What's the issue then? I don't buy games I don't like either lol I also don't go into threads for games I don't like and post about how I don't like them.

What's Deej been posting, always hated his higher than thou attitude with the community.


This seems to be drip pricing to me. Quoting a price for a product and then incrementally adding fees for that product when the consumer has limited purchase choice not only limits competition (how can you compare products) but is also coercive.

It is prohibited in several jurisdictions and industries. Bungie is making a good case for legislation regarding drip pricing and gaming (especially with the dramatic success of the title).


This just reinforces how little Bungie appreciates the value of their consumer's money.

Most of all those who spent $100 a year ago whose only option to stay on is another $40.


What's the issue then? I don't buy games I don't like either lol I also don't go into threads for games I don't like and post about how I don't like them.

What's Deej been posting, always hated his higher than thou attitude with the community.
Just adding my 2 cents as others are. It's not that I hate the game, I just dislike how Bungie treats their fans with regards to DLC and pricing which makes me resent the game. Crucible is shite though IMO.


Are people really justifying this?

It doesn't matter if you "shouldn't" be playing the vanilla game any more with TTK out, they shouldn't be gutting the vanilla game of its content, even if TTK does make most (all?) of it useless - It won't be useless to them, because they don't have TTK. People bought a game and now Bungie has just wiped out half the content that came with it.

Really shitty thing to do.


Are people really justifying this?

It doesn't matter if you "shouldn't" be playing the vanilla game any more with TTK out, they shouldn't be gutting the vanilla game of its content, even if TTK does make most (all?) of it useless. People bought a game and now Bungie has just wiped out half the content that came with it.

Really shitty thing to do.

Half the content? Jesus Christ.
Are people really justifying this?

It doesn't matter if you "shouldn't" be playing the vanilla game any more with TTK out, they shouldn't be gutting the vanilla game of its content, even if TTK does make most (all?) of it useless. People bought a game and now Bungie has just wiped out half the content that came with it.

Really shitty thing to do.

Much agreed, I can't believe folks are defending this. I've got quite a bit of time into the game and I still didn't really want to rush and upgrade and while I have the money, I still find myself annoyed as hell that they could not have at least kept separate playlists for vanilla modes, especially in pvp.


People bought a game and now Bungie has just wiped out half the content that came with it.

Really shitty thing to do.

Exactly. Everyone expects expansion packs to splinter the user base or the multiplayer to be shut down eventually, but it is a different thing for it to keep going and shut you out of features you could previously access.
Destiny is a money grab, pure and simple. Every 3 or 4 months they release DLC, hype the fuck out of it and if you don't buy it you get locked out of all the end game content. This shit has been going on since TDB,
I'm glad I don't live in a world where £40 is too expensive. Do you buy like one game a year with your money out the penny jar?

People like buying shit they enjoy with their hard earned money, don't judge them for it because you don't like it.
And conversely some people might have fallen on hard times in the past year making that £40 a bit harder to justify. Stop being a jerk where it isn't warranted.
I helped someone out in the destiny gaf thread who was trying to do the Level 8 devil's lair strike. He hadn't been able to be match made with anyone and when I grouped up with him the matchmaking tried for several minutes and then gave up without finding us a third player. Bungie is trying to avoid having all the old content suffer from bad matchmaking experiences like this, I don't see much wrong with it..

It goes back to Bungie creating Destiny out of design to look outside of game to group up with others. From that, a player friends list grew.

Thing about MMO's, its the community that can make or break a game. They have match making and actual guilds they can join to keep the game going and the player playing. What we have in Destiny is a community that we the players built ourselves; players we added to our friends list. Destiny Friends.

By now, most players should have a Huge list of Destiny friends and may not need to look "outside" of game anymore.

You trying to help a player out with a strike and experienced an issue with match making is of concern and that you think Bungie is trying to avoid having old content suffer from bad match making? Sounds like it will be difficult coming in new to this game with already established players, more so then it was in the beginning.

Hope Bungie can sort whatever new problems out.


And conversely some people might have fallen on hard times in the past year making that £40 a bit harder to justify. Stop being a jerk where it isn't warranted.

So what should Bungie do, head down to the homeless shelter with copies of TTK for everyone?

Disclose up front that continued use of advertised features will require additional payments or have separate playlists (rather than bury it in boilerplate). Just be honest about what they're selling. That's not too much, is it?

I mean, everyone assumed it was going to MMO like in structure at the start right? People had to know at some point that new content would be released that made the old stuff obsolete and they'd have to move on eventually. The only thing that's a bit of a surprise is removing the control playlist which does suck, everything else is expected as the endgame has moved beyond the old level cap, it's impossible for those players to even play the endgame without TTK.


So what should Bungie do, head down to the homeless shelter with copies of TTK for everyone?
Disclose up front that continued use of advertised features will require additional payments or have separate playlists (rather than bury it in boilerplate). Just be honest about what they're selling. That's not too much, is it?


Nightfall and heroic strikes were end game content. They were just harder versions of the strikes in the base game. Now the people who don't have can't do it because they can't get to the new end game. The Crucible playlists was most likely done to cut down on matchmaking times. I won't defend that one but that is probably the reason.

Literally every single Crucible gametype you could play before is still available. Salvage is even permanent now for Vanilla players.


Junior Member
So let me get this straight.

When vanilla Destiny launched, players were like "Bungie, you screwed us players with a product of lackluster content"

The Taken King fixes the faults of Year 1 Destiny and now players are like "Bungie, you screwed us vanilla Destiny players, we want the lackluster content back!"


So let me get this straight.

When vanilla Destiny launched, players were like "Bungie, you screwed us players with a product of lackluster content"

The Taken King fixes the faults of Year 1 Destiny and now players are like "Bungie, you screwed us vanilla Destiny players, we want the lackluster content back!"


1) Individual content, story aside, was largely good

2) the biggest problem was that there wasn't ENOUGH content

3) the addition of The Taken King REMOVES/INHIBITS some of the content.

So: a game with not enough content now has less content unless you fork over a minimum of $75--$40 for TTK and $35 for the Season Pass.

Now out of reach: Nightfalls, Weeklies, at least two patrol types, various bounties, Legendary gear, etc have all had their goalposts moved so they're no longer obtainable.


I mean, everyone assumed it was going to MMO like in structure at the start right? People had to know at some point that new content would be released that made the old stuff obsolete and they'd have to move on eventually.
Bungie didn't classify it as an MMO and certainly didn't state there was a subscription fee. Their unwillingness to explain what their product is (maybe they didn't have time for that) through a label or pricing model is the problem. The consumer can't make an informed purchase.
Bungie has never been clear or honest with this game. This is nothing new nor surprising. They lock you out of content so you are forced to buy their DLC. Their shadiness leading up to TTK was the final straw for me. Haven't touched it since and am glad that I bailed on this trash. Not everybody wants to dump over a hundred dollars into this game, but they force you to otherwise you are left with less than what you originally paid for. This should have been a monthly subscription.


Bungie didn't classify it as an MMO and certainly didn't state there was a subscription fee. Their unwillingness to explain what their product is (maybe they didn't have time for that) through a label or pricing model is the problem. The consumer can't make an informed purchase.

Over the last year they've made it perfectly clear that you'd need to have the latest DLC to keep playing the up to date weekly content. Same with this DLC release. What were your thoughts when TDB and HoW did the same thing?


So let me get this straight.

When vanilla Destiny launched, players were like "Bungie, you screwed us players with a product of lackluster content"

The Taken King fixes the faults of Year 1 Destiny and now players are like "Bungie, you screwed us vanilla Destiny players, we want the lackluster content back!"
Imagine Bungie accepted the launch version was unfinished and offered TTK free as it finally fixed the flaws of V1. Would people complain?

But they didn't. Instead they redesigned the game you bought that they told you wasn't an MMO to further reduce your content from launch and basically put new content front and centre everywhere and charge for the fixed version of their previously full price at launch game.

So I suggest you insert into your summary the point they're pretty much demanding you buy all the DLC if you want the fixed version, because omitting that little fact renders your point invalid as it ignores the true situation.

The argument is they're essentially forcing purchase or reducing the already paltry content which is certainly not the simple improvement you imply.

For myself while tempted to get the TTK because it looks pretty good and I've overall enjoyed Destiny I'm now thinking of just shelving the game. The whole title now has a very nasty aftertaste going back to Bungie bending over to tell consumers the game wasn't an MMO then basically pursuing a worse MMO model than most MMOs that pretty much demands you buy expansions or find yourself with less and less to do with the game you paid full price for than the day you bought it.

It's shitty and it's even shittier anyone would defend it.


Was this merged with a previous thread about the same thing? I cannot seem to find it in a search.

Seems pretty BS for Bungie to do this. I know I don't plan on putting my OG Destiny back in my PS4. That Reddit overview is good.


So let me get this straight.. Players with the vanilla version are going to miss out on one weekly nightfall strike ( basilcly a "hard mode" version of a strike that drops the same year one loot you can vet everywhere now ) and people are calling this..

- Cut content
- Bungie locking out old content
- people wanting Bungie to warn players that they will be "locked out of content they paid for" ?

Really people? Am I reading this right? Over a Hard mode playlist that you can access any time you want?

My I ask what exactly you're being locked out of?

What is it with this game that brings this forum down to middle school level?


3) the addition of The Taken King REMOVES/INHIBITS some of the content.

This is false. None of the content was removed. Difficulty settings were changed, and you have less options there, but all of the content is the same. (Yes the numbers have been modified for said content, but it's all the same base content; and yes, they probably have the ability to fix this.)
Any vanilla player that hasn't bought any DLC:
Can level from 1-34. (An increase from 1-20)
Gets to play all the DLC EXCEPT TTK maps and exclusive modes. There are fewer playlists at a time, but those playlists are going to continue rotating just as they always have.
Gets to play all the DLC EXCEPT TTK strikes. There are also fewer playlists.*

*Note: The older harder difficulty ones were reserved for people trying to get the top end gear who were already at level cap. Even if you were to get 200 legendary marks as a level 34, the only thing you could do with them would be upgrade gear by sacrificing better gear. (Not sure how this could work without being able to get better gear to sacrifice.) -- All gear you can purchase from vendors (at the tower last I checked after Sept 15th launch) is level 40 which you wouldn't be able to equip, even if it lets you buy it.

I'm not defending any of this. But I am tired of people spouting false information about it; and lighting the torches over misinformation.


This thread, how many posters on here with outrage

1. Actually play destiny at this moment, like this week....
2. Play only the vanilla game

I could count them on one hand I bet. In fact if I looked up your destiny account, bet its 1 or 2 genuine posters. The rest, well, you know...

Also the amount of posts about the game now, Taken King, from posters who have not played it...wish I could review games I have not played...

Also how can posters mention good or bad value for a game they have not played...Really ?

Amazing, destiny really is love or hate...

Also all content is there, difficulty levels such as nightfall modifier is not because the end game is now 40 and Taken king.

Posters that complain about UK vs US pricing I sympathise, £ 40 is not fair for UK.


This is actually poorly worded and I pointed this out early to someone else, there's a new patrol mission that only TTK can partake I guess, the old "kill everything" missions still exists. Really this is just a case of people parroting information they know nothing about now.

Lol this is rich now, plays a pay monthly MMO, judges what other people spend money on, tries to justify it because you use coins now.

I only play a monthly fee MMO because I don't have to pay a monthly fee anymore, lmao. And I never judged, I was curious if other people thought it was expensive too, which people are. I'm sorry people are getting offended by your opinions, don't have to twist logic to achieve controversy :/

You were literally just telling people how they should feel about £40 and discrediting anyone who didnt feel it was expensive as you felt. Are you trying to get a rise out of people?

"discrediting anyone", all I said was I don't know how people aren't more upset with the pricing, not "you should be upset with the pricing". Was wondering if I was alone on thinking that its very expensive for an expansion, and as you can see by the replies, I'm not alone. So, yeah? Seems like you're trying to get a rise out of me.

Someone has to buy Tokens though for you to purchase it. It is pretty much the equivalent of someone buying a lot of gold for $20. It is nice though for people that play a lot to save some money.

Good point. I do think that some people, like w/ Destiny, feel it's worth the price of admission (either monthly fee or TTK), and for those of us that can't really afford every expansion for the price their asking or monthly fees, it's a nice alternative. All I know is I just purchase a token for gold whenever my sub runs out. It's quite nice to experience content for basically nothing.

Posters that complain about UK vs US pricing I sympathise, £ 40 is not fair for UK.

I feel like an ass sometimes for complaining about the US pricing, when across the pond they're REALLY getting screwed :/


Over the last year they've made it perfectly clear that you'd need to have the latest DLC to keep playing the up to date weekly content. Same with this DLC release. What were your thoughts when TDB and HoW did the same thing?
I was disgusted and sold the game. They made the conditions clear AFTER purchase. This is drip pricing and seen as consumer unfriendly for good reasons.

Maybe an example will help. A person has $60 and wants to buy a game in October 2014. They are considering Destiny and Driveclub. Both are known to have additional content that you need to pay for and both are known to be largely online games. They're trying to figure out which one to purchase. If they read the box and available descriptions of the products, they're actually not going to be able to make an informed decision because Destiny doesn't spell out the costing plan unlike Driveclub (see circular chart for season's pass and content through to June 2015). That lack of information hurts at least two parties.

1. The consumer - they don't know that they'll lose access to some strikes when TDB hits and so aren't able to make an informed choice.

2. The competitor - Evolution isn't able to make all the promises of Bungie because they are only offering what people pay for.

If widespread, that hurts trust in the marketplace and willingness to purchase.


So let me get this straight.. Players with the vanilla version are going to miss out on one weekly nightfall strike ( basilcly a "hard mode" version of a strike that drops the same year one loot you can vet everywhere now ) and people are calling this..

- Cut content
- Bungie locking out old content
- people wanting Bungie to warn players that they will be "locked out of content they paid for" ?

Really people? Am I reading this right? Over a Hard mode playlist that you can access any time you want?

My I ask what exactly you're being locked out of?

What is it with this game that brings this forum down to middle school level?

Shhh, remember they cannot moan about story now, or defend against 3 waves while your ghosts scans...so its all aboard whatever next
This thread, how many posters on here with outrage

1. Actually play destiny at this moment, like this week....
2. Play only the vanilla game

I could count them on one hand I bet. In fact if I looked up your destiny account, bet its 1 or 2 genuine posters. The rest, well, you know...

Also the amount of posts about the game now, Taken King, from posters who have not played it...wish I could review games I have not played...

Also how can posters mention good or bad value for a game they have not played...Really ?

Amazing, destiny really is love or hate...

Also all content is there, difficulty levels such as nightfall modifier is not because the end game is now 40 and Taken king.

Posters that complain about UK vs US pricing I sympathise, £ 40 is not fair for UK.

I have 3 maxed out different classes characters. I don't have any of the expansions. If I wanted to go back and play what was there when I left when I payed $60 for the game on launch I should have this choice. It doesn't matter if I play it now or next month. I should have the content I payed for when I want. What's so hard to grasp about that?


I feel like an ass sometimes for complaining about the US pricing, when across the pond they're REALLY getting screwed :/

I am UK, I paid and I found the last 20 hours play time its great value.

What is your perspective, have you played it, is the content more than a £ 40 shooter from others ?
Or are you just here to stir it up ?

I have 3 maxed out different classes characters. I don't have any of the expansions. If I wanted to go back and play what was there when I left when I payed $60 for the game on launch I should have this choice. It doesn't matter if I play it now or next month. I should have the content I payed for when I want. What's so hard to grasp about that?

I just dont believe hardly anyone was genuinely playing Vanilla destiny last week, I really dont, and normally most shitposts are from either lapsed players who dont know how much better Destiny is now and are repeating year old stuff, were not planning to play it except for this thread.....or worse never even played it.


I have 3 maxed out different classes characters. I don't have any of the expansions. If I wanted to go back and play what was there when I left when I payed $60 for the game on launch I should have this choice. It doesn't matter if I play it now or next month. I should have the content I payed for when I want. What's so hard to grasp about that?

Quite. Defenders really working hard to ignore the core issue because we should all have know better when Bungie declared before original release the game wasn't anything like an MMO and didn't mention a peep we'd eventually need to buy two expansions whether we wanted to or not so we could then buy a third expansion that we should welcome with open arms because it now fixes the game (as an aside what's ironically amusing is most seem to agree it does fix the game which also pretty much means most are by extension agreeing the full price launch title was broken at least to some degree).


I have 3 maxed out different classes characters. I don't have any of the expansions. If I wanted to go back and play what was there when I left when I payed $60 for the game on launch I should have this choice. It doesn't matter if I play it now or next month. I should have the content I payed for when I want. What's so hard to grasp about that?

Except you do, and if you were vanilla, and haven't played since 2.0 (Sept 8th) you can actually get to 34 on all of your characters.

What content other than nightfall and heroic (which is the same strike content) have you lost? I contest this isn't lost content: You can still hunt down Y1 exotics, and continue to get rewards by doing this, but due to a bug there aren't rewards for the legacy playlist.
Edit - Known Issues

Strike Legacy playlists are currently not providing rewards
This is known issue and will be hotfixed as soon as possible
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