The worst part about it is how expensive it is to stay up to date with this game.
I don't know why so many people are okay with shelling out this much money for the content at hand so they can play relevant stuff.
If I want to go replay old missions or strikes etc I'm limited to either doing it at Level 20, making it way too easy, or I have to wait till I'm level 38 or 40.
Good to see "the worst gaming purchase I ever made" actually continue to get worse. Quite a legacy of shit its built up, and the answer right now is "if you throw another $60 at it, its kinda okay now!!"
Shame its not actually taking a toll on their bottom line, but thats billion dollar marketing I guess. Aint nothing gonna stop that train.
Wow really? I never knew that. So the vanilla players that don't have any expansions are getting all the PvP maps and strikes from the expansions and are shitting on this game because they have less content in reality actually have more?
I'm glad I don't live in a world where £40 is too expensive. Do you buy like one game a year with your money out the penny jar?
I'm glad I don't live in a world where £40 is too expensive. Do you buy like one game a year with your money out the penny jar?
People like buying shit they enjoy with their hard earned money, don't judge them for it because you don't like it.
O, that's so great for you. We are all so happy for you.
The worst part about it is how expensive it is to stay up to date with this game.
Both previous expansions should have been like $5, TTK $20.
Don't know why so many people are okay with the pricing :/
This. Its just like WoW, you get people hooked/addicted,except blizzard never screwed people out of content they had already purchased...
But looking at it from another way, Destiny is a cheaper version of WoW in the sense that your yearly sub fee is going to be around $60-90 every year vs $180 for WoW I believe.
Glad I stopped playing as the dailies and weeklies just helped conceal the lack of story and content in the game.. I will admit that raiding in destiny was fun for a time, but that fading in time quickly.
Yeah. This is my biggest problem. They want £40 from me for this. That's like full game territory, when 80% of it still seems to be the game I already payed £75 for.
The worst part about it is how expensive it is to stay up to date with this game.
Both previous expansions should have been like $5, TTK $20.
Don't know why so many people are okay with the pricing :/
Holy hostile much batman.
Whether you want to admit it or not, these expansions are expensive as fuck.
lol poor people, amirite guys?
O, that's so great for you. We are all so happy for you.
Yeah. This is my biggest problem. They want £40 from me for this. That's like full game territory, when 80% of it still seems to be the game I already payed £75 for.
Remember when the developer said something about throwing money at the screen for new emotes? Bungie knows too well they can charge the prices they have and have it sell well.
If you were actually like poor poor, so poor that £40 for something is too much, I'd say re asses your priorities and stop buying video games. But I highly doubt that seeing as you post on a gaming enthusiast forum.
I'm glad I don't live in a world where £40 is too expensive. Do you buy like one game a year with your money out the penny jar?
People like buying shit they enjoy with their hard earned money, don't judge them for it because you don't like it.
Remember when the developer said something about throwing money at the screen for new emotes? Bungie knows too well they can charge the prices they have and have it sell well.
So I'm genuinely curious about this - is there cause for a class action lawsuit or anything? Is it written in the license agreement that they can remove content from the game you bought at any time? If that isn't listed, wouldn't that be grounds for a lawsuit?
If you were actually like poor poor, so poor that £40 for something is too much, I'd say re asses your priorities and stop buying video games. But I highly doubt that seeing as you post on a gaming enthusiast forum. This is more of a case that you don't see it as worth the money as you probably have no interest in Destiny what so ever and this is just another passing shit post.
This. Its just like WoW, you get people hooked/addicted,except blizzard never screwed people out of content they had already purchased...
So you are still paying less than every sub mmo out there a year, and thats without counting upgrading to the newest expansion every other year at 50 each.Yeah. This is my biggest problem. They want £40 from me for this. That's like full game territory, when 80% of it still seems to be the game I already payed £75 for.
I mean, how DARE someone be frugal with their spending! It's appalling to think that some of us expect to be able to play the game that we paid for, without having to pay extra just to keep that content! I am offended at the notion that some people may not have the available funds to purchase anything that they may want! /s
Come on, mate. Get off your gold plated high horse and realize that some people can't always by the newest toy in the window.
lol, this is getting better and better. Please, tell me more on how I should manage my personal life.
So you say don't tell people what to buy with their money and then tell people what not to buy with their money. Do you even read what you type?
No content was removed just the playlists were changed around to reflect the changes to the leveling system. Everything vanilla players purchased is still there and those without the expansions technically got more content in form of strikes and crucible maps.
Well, I guess that just solidifies my decision to stay away from Destiny, and it even makes me go as far as to avoid anything from Bungie from now on if they continue with this model. I'm not giving them the benefit of the doubt for future releases.
At this point, it should be a subscription model. At least it is much clearer what you are paying for. Locking people out of content they already had has no excuses, people. Stop trying.
Except of course for that one time when they completely destroyed and remodeled the entire main world of Azeroth.
Or that time when they turned old 40 man raids into small group raids and bumped up the level cap on them so you had to buy the expansion to go into them. Good luck getting into vanilla Naxxramas or vanilla Zul Gurub.
Blizzard has pretty routinely revamped its world, and shuffled old content out the door.
Wow really? I never knew that. So the vanilla players that don't have any expansions are getting all the PvP maps and strikes from the expansions and are shitting on this game because they have less content in reality actually have more?
$40 bucks would be reasonable if you didnt have to also fucking buy the past dlc$40 dollars for a traditional expansion - and thats exactly what this is - is entirely reasonable, provided there are enough changes and new content added. Which there are.
I won't argue that $20 dollars for the previous "expansions" was too much, but it sounds like even Bungie is eager to move away from that pricing structure.
lol, this is getting better and better. Please, tell me more on how I should manage my personal life.
That seems contradictory to this statement in the OP:
"On September 14, anyone with a copy of Destiny could play a variety of crucible modes or take on the nightfall and weekly heroic strikes; as of September 15, they cant."
Sounds like removed content, wether it's called a "playlist" or not, it sounds like something that vanilla players could play and then had access stripped away.
Excellent, well-reasoned post.
This is not only really unfair, but a huge barrier in getting these players to upgrade.
Instead of offering a positive reason to upgrade with new/better/more with an upgrade, they're instead going with the negative taking things away unless people upgrade option.
That's not only bad for the players, but bad business too imo.
I also want to point out to people saying this is cheaper than paying for traditional Sub-based MMO's that, with WoW, I haven't paid for a month of gametime since tokens were introduced.
Tokens = months subscription payable with gold (very easily obtainable amount in a month). I essentially have enough gold after playing for a month and a half for 6 months subscription. I'll probably not pay for a sub the entirely of the next WoW expansion.
Tell me about the content you're locked out of then, plenty of posts in here explaining how you actually aren't and with the new update you're getting free MP maps and strikes.
That seems contradictory to this statement in the OP:
"On September 14, anyone with a copy of Destiny could play a variety of crucible modes or take on the nightfall and weekly heroic strikes; as of September 15, they cant."
Sounds like removed content, wether it's called a "playlist" or not, it sounds like something that vanilla players could play and then had access stripped away.
Man, how far Bungie fell in such a short span of time.
Guess it was MS who was keeping from being similarly shitty with Halo...
To reframe this a bit: no one lost access to content. What they lost access to was to how that content was contextualized into endgame activities. They can now progress straight to the level cap of 34, which is the max pre-TTK. Some of the DLC content is now unocked for them, in consolidated playlists. That makes it less flexible and so people lose some options. And if you enjoyed running the Nightfalls and Weekly strikes with the challenge modifiers on, then you can no longer do so. From one point of view, it makes perfect sense - those were endgame activities that were needed under the old leveling system, but no longer for year 1 players. On the other hand, they lose some options in how to run the content.
So they gain some content, and lose some ways with which they can run that content. I think the issue is a bit overblown, but still perfectly reasonable to be grouchy about, if you enjoyed running those activities.
Bungie was the first to sell mutiplayer map packs, weren't they? Halo 2 is the earliest one I'm aware of.I wonder when this transition happened. Once upon a time, Bungie used to be kinda cool and community driven.
The statement you quoted is false. This thread is full of misinformation. Only certain patrols are Taken and they are clearly marked with a new icon so you can avoid it if you're a vanilla owner.This is not only really unfair, but a huge barrier in getting these players to upgrade.
Instead of offering a positive reason to upgrade with new/better/more with an upgrade, they're instead going with the negative taking things away unless people upgrade option.
That's not only bad for the players, but bad business too imo.