Why should he attack his buddies?This.... Why didnt Leadbetter hit these technical fellows with proper technical retorts instead of allowing the info to flow 1 direction.
Why should he attack his buddies?This.... Why didnt Leadbetter hit these technical fellows with proper technical retorts instead of allowing the info to flow 1 direction.
Asking questions is not an attack dude.Why should he attack his buddies?
Why didnt Leadbetter hit these technical fellows with proper technical retorts instead of allowing the info to flow 1 direction.
You are missing the jokeAsking questions is not an attack dude.
Maaaan.... I love him ;D
So the MGS 5 video on the X1 looks no different than what was shown on the PS4.
Why should he attack his buddies?
You are missing the joke
The whole article is made up by Leadbetter and MS. They're buddies for quite some time.
Just look at it. There are no real questions.
A lot of BS in it, too (from MS). Leadbetter could have embarrass him (MS) but he didn't. Just look at the CU's (VG Leaks) comment, etc.
Maaaan.... I love him ;D
Meanwhile you've have 4 posts in this thread, none of which discuss the article, whose sole purpose seems to be to insult or deride other posters.
The article was interesting and I like reading about that stuff but considering I don't have the technical knowledge to understand much of it my opinion is similar to his, I'll just wait to play the games. As it happens the XB1 has more launch games I'm interested in so I'm picking that up first and I'll grab a PS4 next year when it has some games I want to play.
So the MGS 5 video on the X1 looks no different than what was shown on the PS4.
So the MGS 5 video on the X1 looks no different than what was shown on the PS4.
What MGS5 X1 video?
The one from E3.
What MGS5 X1 video?
The game was demonstrated at TGS 2013 by Kojima Productions and looks decent on the Xbox One.
There was a PS4 gameplay shown as well and both of them were similar.
Yeah, I don't see that happening at all. Because someone will, and no one wants to look bad. Is Battlefield 4 going to look as good as Killzone at launch? Who knows, but certainly DICE would like it to, and they're not going to skimp on a PS4 version because of that.I think it's more about the whole least common denominator angle, where developers will supposedly intentionally target their games for the weakest hardware as a baseline and either not bother optimizing for stronger systems or at least not put as much effort into it. Dunno how much to buy into that line of thinking, though I wouldn't be surprised if some games were designed along something like this principle.
And it's a fair point to remember that a lot of 3rd party multiplats are still being designed with current-gen constraints in mind anyway, heh.
So the MGS 5 video on the X1 looks no different than what was shown on the PS4.
So the MGS 5 video on the X1 looks no different than what was shown on the PS4.
Stew, you're a technical sort of folk, if GTA5 is ported to PS4/XBO, could we expect flawless 1080p/60fps?Kojima demos his games on PC.
They essentially asked exactly what Microsoft wanted to talk about.Oh god ... They've asked about bandwidth, they've asked about CU difference, they've asked about CPU boost relevance, they've asked about additional modules, they've asked about GPGPU solutions, they've asked about memory layout. What other question did You want?
Seriously, sometimes i dont know if people are seriously so awful and hateful or just live to troll.
This Digital Foundry article is for all intents and purposes a platform for them to try and elaborate on, clarify and/or espouse these above claims in more depth. It essentially follows the same pattern of these claims. It's not some spur of the moment, coincidental interview; it's a reactive PR event.
- 18 CU's vs. 12 CU's =/= 50% more performance. Multi-core processors have inherent inefficiency with more CU's, so it's simply incorrect to say 50% more GPU.
- Adding to that, each of our CU's is running 6% faster. It's not simply a 6% clock speed increase overall.
- We have more memory bandwidth. 176gb/sec is peak on paper for GDDR5. Our peak on paper is 272gb/sec. (68gb/sec DDR3 + 204gb/sec on ESRAM). ESRAM can do read/write cycles simultaneously so I see this number mis-quoted.
- We have at least 10% more CPU. Not only a faster processor, but a better audio chip also offloading CPU cycles.
- We understand GPGPU and its importance very well. Microsoft invented Direct Compute, and have been using GPGPU in a shipping product since 2010 - it's called Kinect.
- Speaking of GPGPU - we have 3X the coherent bandwidth for GPGPU at 30gb/sec which significantly improves our ability for the CPU to efficiently read data generated by the GPU.
LOL. That's what I don't get though. What's wrong with saying that you've balanced your hardware's design just right? It only seems like this is a problem because they're not beating or matching Sony on raw performance numbers, which kinda seems silly, don't you think? Cerny also thinks balance is important, he isn't mocked for saying it.
I mean, it isn't that unreasonable that they really do believe they've got a nice balanced design, is it? Hell, even I thought the design was a nice balance, and I was saying precisely this on here before E3!What else do these guys have if not balance? They sure as heck didn't go for raw performance muscle. Balance, if anything, seems like the right word for what they tried to go for with the system. Some disagree on that balance, others think it isn't as bad as people say it is.
There's no other way to interpret jumping from "The Power Of The Cloud" which gives you 300 Xbones of power, to "we didn't intentionally target the highest spec anyway, who cares lol" to "there wont even be a [notable] difference anyway! You guys underestimate our engineers; they made DirectX after all!" to now, where apparently balance is being peddled as the new keyword.
Leadbetter is a MS shill... Never seen anyone so one-sided in his arguments. Maybe he is trying to get a job or something
So 140MB-150GB is a realistic target and DDR3 bandwidth can really be added on top?
"Yes. That's been measured."
Secret Sauce: Strong enough for a PS4, pH balanced for a Xbox Oneman!
They should shut up. They should say that not once has the most powerful console won the generation, clearly it doesn't matter, and they're perfectly satisfied with the performance of their box. Done.
They should shut up. They should say that not once has the most powerful console won the generation, clearly it doesn't matter, and they're perfectly satisfied with the performance of their box. Done.
3) "Hell, even I thought the design was a nice balance" senjutsu's opinions are not a barometer of what's balanced or not.
I have 1 of 2 methods to use for moving out of my apartment:
1) I have a 8 GB truck that goes 171 mph.
2) i have a 8 GB truck that goes 60mph, and a bike with a 32 MB basket that goes 140-150mph.
I have to haul 9 GBs in the fastest way possible.
Yeah, that's ridiculous. The difference between 900p and 1080p is obvious, just like the difference between 1080p and 1440p. It gets harder when you have perfect AA (like 8xSSAA), but none of these games will have that.
Price is important, but it's a bunch of things I guess, and some of that is probably performance, but it's really not key.Winning the generation doesn't mean much when they're addressing technophiles. I think their voice is just amplified on this forum because people are constantly looking for something to complain about. Otherwise it's a fairly decent article that expands on some of the queries people have had about the hardware.
Plus price wins a generation. Not the hardware.
Plus price wins a generation. Not the hardware.
I think their attempts to prove that the performance is a wash means they are not happy with their boxes performance actually.
I mean... people have to run through so many "what if" hoops to get to the conclusion the x1 is not blown out of the water. The games will show what is up soon enough. I excitedly await the craziness that occurs when bf3 comes out... multiplatform comparisons will be completely glorious.
The Crysis screens in the article show a clear difference.
Yours aren't either.
EmptySpace never said his did. senjutsu's comment read as if "hell, even he thinks the design is balanced" which amounts to nothing. comment came off as if even senjutsu thinks it is balanced, therefore the system is totally balanced. problem with that is senjutsu's opinions are not a standard to anything. either that, or poor wording.
I have 1 of 2 methods to use for moving out of my apartment:
1) I have a 8 GB truck that goes 171 mph.
2) i have a 8 GB truck that goes 60mph, and a bike with a 32 MB basket that goes 140-150mph.
I have to haul 9 GBs in the fastest way possible.
A twist. Defending their box means it's weak. Not many hoops need to be jumped through at all. It's actually quite easy to see how the xbox one is the weaker system, but not nearly as weak as people try to make it seem, and the games shown so far make it a whole lot easier to do.
Microsoft's approach to asynchronous GPU compute is somewhat different to Sony's - something we'll track back on at a later date. But essentially, rather than concentrate extensively on raw compute power, their philosophy is that both CPU and GPU need lower latency access to the same memory.