As of late I've been growing more and more excited towards a final exhibition against the Veterans in +R and trying to win a tournament before Xrd comes out. But last week someone asked me a question that brought something to my attention."But what are you guys going to do against Jo, Eiji, or Hellmonkey." My initial response is "WE ARE GOING TO COME AT THEIR FUCKING HEADS". But then I stopped myself at "We": Thinking about all of the past weeks and months I've been grinding Guilty Gear, I feel I am the only one who truly wants to go at them with all I have AND WIN, and that I can speak for no other new player. The thought has occured to me that no other new players are hungry. If so, I'd feel as if I'm cheating myself to even compare our hunger. I've been grinding Guilty so hard and pushing myself to the point to where I've picked up multiple characters and have beaten most people's mains with these sub characters. I WANT TO BE THE BEST, AND I WANT TO KEEP GETTING BETTER. But this isn't about me, this is about you fucking scrubs.
Honestly at this point, when I see fellow new players in my part of the brackets during tourney, I equate that to BI. I know you're going to do the same exact shit that you've been doing in casuals, and the same shit you all have been doing for fucking weeks (months). I've accepted the fact a long time ago that I am the only one who TRULY understands the gap in skill and experience that the veterans have over us, and that I'm the only who is sincerely trying to close that gap. Not caring about winning, focusing only on getting better. But WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN DOING?
I find myselff in a dilemma. I care about our fragile scene enough to do everything I can to help ALL GG players grow (mainly myself) in anyway I can. Yet I'm disgusted by the lack of hunger by you fellow new players to be teamed up with any of you fucking scrubs. So I'll put myself on the line to challenge you scrubs, but most importantly boost the competitive nature and hunger of our scene.
I CHALLENGE ALL OF YOU FUCKING SCRUBS TO A 2/1 ODDS TEAM MONEY MATCH. The rules are simple. I faceoff against a team of my fellow new players in a team money match in which I must win twice as much! So for example if it's me vs 10 new players, I have to win 20 times to win. Yet you guys only have to beat me 10 times and I'll have to pay each and every one of you. So basically your entire team has to beat me 1 time each, OR 1 person can simply beat me 10 times. However if I beat any one person 2 times they can no longer play and have to rely on their teammates. If I win 20 matches I win, if your team wins 10 matches, you win. If there only happens to be 3 players, then I'd have to win 6 times, and you'd only have to win 3 times. It's a 2/1 odds team money match. But a TEAM money match none the less! If you don't feel up to the challenge then GRIND AND GET FUCKING BETTER WITH OUR SCENE. I'd happily give you scrubs an advantage, this is all I have left for our fragile +R scene.
This is the most I can do for myself to improve and give a real challenge to the veterans in the future. I'M WILLING TO LOSE ALL OF MY MONEY RIGHT NOW. ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE, DON'T MAKE ME TAG NEW PLAYERS INDIVIDUALLY. I need to find out who wants to step up besides me, and who is ACTUALLY hungry. Because at this point in time (not that I'm anybody special) I don't wish to be teamed up with ANY of you. I want challengers, time, and a date. Come at me fucking bitches. I'll be using Venom.
I'll rip you scrubs apart, and I mean every word of it.