Link to this?at least the chief business officer of esgn is taking notes on how to improve sf fight night. ultradavid shared the r/kappa's suggestions thread on twitter and the cbo said he'll read everything.
Guys, where do I go to get initiated into anime fighters? Is Q the cult leader?
Please tell me this ESGN outfit doesn't really have a guy with a made up title like "Chief Business Officer" because lol.
Chief business officer (CBO) is the position of the top operating executive of an academic or research institution such as a university, college, institute, or teaching hospital.
yeah, it was tough for me to type that out too...Please tell me this ESGN outfit doesn't really have a guy with a made up title like "Chief Business Officer" because lol.
here. some of the points are legit. to this?
eSports U?
CCCCCBO BREAKER.Please tell me this ESGN outfit doesn't really have a guy with a made up title like "Chief Business Officer" because lol.
Yup, I'm with you on this: as a fighting games enthusiast I'm already starting to feel a bit bored by their format, so I can't even imagine how people not caring much about those kind of games would feel...Is a single Ft7 every day actually a good format for entertainment in this genre? I kinda doubt it.
I want rose bowl at ufgt.I am glad that the Aftershow was mentioned. It was the best thing about season 2.
The front row at a major always looks like a horse race is going on, it's kind of annoying.
Also, cue UltraDavid to tell you us about legal mumbo jumobo later.
headline news gambling in places and on things that aren't explicitly authorized is illegal
Innovation is normally going to be tech/process related. Creative is art/story/etc.![]()
what's the difference between "chief creative officer" and "chief innovation officer"
what's the difference between "chief creative officer" and "chief innovation officer"
No, I don't think that's why SCR's attendance sucked. It was probably bad because crimsonblur didn't promote it enough, didn't promote it the right way (there were some misconceptions about it among lower level players in Cali? Not sure), and they started Melee on a Friday which apparently a lot of the Cali players had an issue with (work johns, school johns, etc. etc.)
ROM's attendance isn't even that high, either. It just has a lot of EC competition, barely any WC players are going. Granted, you can register at the door, so it might bump up to 100 at the very least (it's at 85 since pre-reg closed). Also, I don't even think many EC Smashers travel out to West Coast majors unless it's like Genesis or something anyway -- the expectation of anyone besides say, M2K or whoever going to SCR was not there. Smashers don't make bank (or at least as much as many of the top FG players get in comparison) and can't travel everywhere every weekend (Mew2King being the sole exception to that).
Though I know you're just poking fun.![]()
BlazBlue is a fine place to start. You might as well since it's fresh and has an active scene right now.Guys, where do I go to get initiated into anime fighters? Is Q the cult leader?
Same thing.for some reason I read this as "where do I go to get mutilated into anime fighters"
what's the difference between "chief creative officer" and "chief innovation officer"
that's triforce's position in emp right?Chief Visionary Officer
Dead. I'm dead.
I played SFIV online for the first time in over two years.
people are still letting the timer run out on character select/stage select? and what is the obsession with training stage?
MegaManSteve @Megaman_Steve 1m
Looks like spooky threats are OP.. the crowd is looking nice right now for some marvel
I played SFIV online for the first time in over two years.
people are still letting the timer run out on character select/stage select? and what is the obsession with training stage?
Fear Spooky
Lol who's the dude in the tie-dye shirt, having seen one of those in a long time.
I played SFIV online for the first time in over two years.
people are still letting the timer run out on character select/stage select? and what is the obsession with training stage?
Lol who's the dude in the tie-dye shirt, having seen one of those in a long time.
Fear Spooky
details on raging spooky? was it the collusion thing?
details on raging spooky? was it the collusion thing?
details on raging spooky? was it the collusion thing?
Josh the FunkDoc. One of the best Super Castlevania 4 and Batman (Nes) speedrunners. He plays Balrog in ST IIRC. He was running Wolfenstein Spear of Destiny last I saw his stream.
RIP Funkdoc, who's going to come see me in World Heroes Perfect now?Fear Spooky
Why didn't that scrub DahBomb enter the GAF Marvel tournament? I wanted to body his ass in a game I.don't play.
I don't have a PS3 anymore, sold it in anticipation for PS4.Why didn't that scrub DahBomb enter the GAF Marvel tournament? I wanted to body his ass in a game I.don't play.
Spooky let's Art touch his computer now. Back then no one was able to. They need to do a King of Poverty 24hr stream again. It was great and gave us "God Bless The Ring"
That's a fair criticism, it's something I noticed too while I was glossing over Smash on the show last night. It doesn't have anything to do with who's playing or not, just with my own understanding of the game. It's the same reason I glossed over Tekken and KoF. Like with Melee, I got into those games enough to know that they're good, but I didn't stick with them at a competitive level. I have fun watching them, but I can't talk much about competitive play in them.
I usually do watch Melee if I have free time, but that happens pretty rarely since usually I'm commentating all day. This weekend I did have time during Melee top 8, although Blazblue was on at the same time so I watched that instead.
I think this "Capcom community" thing is almost nonexistant in real life. I know lots of Street Fighter 4 players, lots of Marvel 3 players, some SFxT players, some 3S players, a few Vampire players, some people who play more than one of these, etc. But I don't know almost anyone who identifies as a Capcom player. I also don't know almost anyone who won't try another game just because it's not made by Capcom. I feel like I know quite a few people who came into fighting games with Smash and now play other games too, but yeah, almost no one who did the opposite. But wait for the new Smash, I know I'll be playing it and I'm sure I won't be alone.
This isn't exclusive to Smash/not Smash; for the most part you can divide the western FGC into circles of Capcom/3D/NRS/Anime with any overlap being exceptions rather than the norm.
I don't have a PS3 anymore, sold it in anticipation for PS4.
You will have to settle with playing BakedYams.
Make me!Then don't open your mouth about Marvel again.
That'd be a boring match since neither of you play.
I let the timer run sometimes for small chores.I played SFIV online for the first time in over two years.
people are still letting the timer run out on character select/stage select? and what is the obsession with training stage?