encounter rate in Lightning's home is brutal, it seems even worse to me than first time playing. It's like you take two steps, and bam! also no encounter is easy. For that reason one of the smallest locations in game feels like largest and endless. Of course I could run from those battles, but damn if it isn't the hassle, and if that wouldn't be enough those stupid lighting bolts fills every other step that is encounter free!
Tried to do some dodging, but without noencounter it's pointless, also I found out that I'm not eager to do it at all!
And that's not all, I stole from every stupid eye flying monster I met (I remember you can make confusion ward or proof not sure which from those items), it prolongs battles even more. And what I get? Not even one! only potions. That's so not fair, so incredibly not fair.
Done with my this game is for lucky bastards rant.
So, if I don't make anti confusion armours there, where is my next chance? if there is any, I can't remember.