Those Psychic screenshots, hnnngggggh.
Dat victory pose.
It sounded like the original Lulu, but there's no way that's the original Wakka. The new guy sounds Asian as opposed to Bender.
So I finally get the, and trying to getAirship, but in theAnimathe yellow sphere at the bottom left? Won't light. I thought I got all the destruction spheres. Hmm.baaj temple
So I finally get the, and trying to getAirship, but in theAnimathe yellow sphere at the bottom left? Won't light. I thought I got all the destruction spheres. Hmm.baaj temple
Very, very interesting dimension to gravity magic...I didn't know that.That could explain why sin uses a lot of gravity magic?
Go back to thetemple. You got one more to get.zanarkand
Did you get the one inZanarkand?
Also spoiler tags on a decade old game
Just being fair, I've seen a few first time players in this thread. And no, I didn't get it from Zanarkand, but I don't see anymore spheres. Just the elevator to go down.
Did you see the monitors with the white squares on them? Light all of them in both rooms
So I'm playing blitzball against the Luga Goers and am geting my ass kicked...this thing is horrible. Should I bother with blitzball at all? Or am I gonna be missing out on key items/cutscenes/etc?
Even after I beat?Yunalesca and got the Airship
You need to complete the new floor puzzle that's unlocked after getting the airship. Look at the screen in the first room.Just being fair, I've seen a few first time players in this thread. And no, I didn't get it from Zanarkand, but I don't see anymore spheres. Just the elevator to go down.
So I'm playing blitzball against the Luga Goers and am geting my ass kicked...this thing is horrible. Should I bother with blitzball at all? Or am I gonna be missing out on key items/cutscenes/etc?
So I'm playing blitzball against the Luga Goers and am geting my ass kicked...this thing is horrible. Should I bother with blitzball at all? Or am I gonna be missing out on key items/cutscenes/etc?
Any tips on winning the first blitz ball match? I just can't score. Keep on getting to overtime and then losing.
When can you start recruiting for Blitzball? I thought it was after you leave Luca for the first time.
Any tips on winning the first blitz ball match? I just can't score. Keep on getting to overtime and then losing.
I'm annoying, Ha!
I'm annoying, Ha!
I'm annoying, Ha!
wtf I didn't know the jecht shot did that!First of all, did you do the Jecht Shot mini game on the S.S Winno on your way to Luca?
If so, good...if not...well this will be harder without it.
The very first thing you want to do in Blitzball is hit the triangle button when the match starts and set the controls to Manual.
Once you get your hands on the ball, don't even worry about scoring right away. Instead spend that time to pass the ball around to your team mates. Letty being your mid-fielder usually grabs the ball during the blitz-off,
Have Letty pass the ball to Jassu, and Jassu pass it to Tidus, and Tidus back to Jassu, and back to Letty, etc while avoiding the other team.
See your players get experience based on actions. So if you burn the clock passing the ball around, the Goers don't get the ball, and your team is gaining exp for doing stuff.
Once Tidus is level 3, he'll be able to equip ether the Sphere Shot or if you got it the much preferable Jecht Shot.
At Half time you can equip the Jecht Shot. At the point you want to get the ball to Tidus.
The Jecht Shot has a special property in that ignores TWO defenders without losing shot power. So you can effectively have two people blocking Tidus at the Goal, use the Jecht Shot and ignore the two defenders completely without needing to Break through them and usually more often then not score.
This is the simplest method to get a goal on the first Blitzball match in the game.
Any missable trophies?
It sounded like the original Lulu, but there's no way that's the original Wakka. The new guy sounds Asian as opposed to Jamaican.
John DiMaggio too expensive these days prob
Only the Linguist one, because four of the Al Bhed Primers are permanently missable if you don't get them at a certain point in the game.
Primers, 19, 20, 21, and 22 to be exact.
The gap between this and ,say, lightning returns is really massive.Even voice acting is better!
FFX is a much better game but that's kind of a stretch. VA is top notch across the board in the XIII games, really fitting of the characters.
Guys, Lulu's Bio is extremely effective in Bikanel desert. It really helps with massive HP enemies!
Anyone else give Yuna ara/aga black mage spells? I also gave Lulu ara/aga white mage spells.
Not for me personally. I don't like how they sound like English anime dubs. In FFX it sounds different.I guess you could attribute it to the voice direction in general.
In LR I didn't like voices much outside of Lightning herself.
XIII-1 obviously had great voices and cutscenes for the most part,but the sequels not so much.
Anyone else give Yuna ara/aga black mage spells? I also gave Lulu ara/aga white mage spells.
FFX's voice actors: good, well suited to the characters but not lip synced and the delivery and writing is heavily butchered to make up for audio restrictions.
FFXIII's voice actors: not as good or suited but actually has properly syncing and timing so it appears more natural.
It also takes 4250 per turn from those big four-armed-bigfoot things in Gagazet.
So I played a few hours of this(A friend of my bought a copy and asked me to ship it to my adress). I don't like the new Yuna model, she looks weird: