You guys are fast
I wasn't asking about that and I already know to get it before leaving![]()
I was answering indirectly!
You guys are fast
I wasn't asking about that and I already know to get it before leaving![]()
Taking a break for a minute. I'm at 80/200 bolts dodged.
You guys are fast
I wasn't asking about that and I already know to get it before leaving
Thanks. That's what I wanted to know
There's a big difference between "you can" and "you have to"![]()
That's just for the trophy, right?
You have to do the 100 consecutively much later in the game to unlock part of Lulu's ultimate weapon, right?
Well he has 800,000 HP and he's the weakest of the bunch.
There is a sure fire way to kill Dark Valefor in a single attack.
However it requires Wakka to have his maxed out Celestial Weapon and very high STR.
He needs to do at least 67000 per hit of damage for Attack Reels. Auto-Haste is also recommended.
Just consider this 67000 x 12 = 804,000. So if you can eventually get Wakka powered up big time and has a weapon of Break Damage Limit with his Overdrive gauge full, Dark Valefor doesn't pose any sort of issue.
There is also a super strong boosted Yuna with a strongwhich Overdrive hits 16 times..So if you boost her Aeon, that is an alternative for Wakka's Attack Reels.Anima
Or the last alternative being Yojimbo and paying him in the hopes he uses Zanmato.
Any of these three methods are likely to be the quickest.
You know, I'm not sure why I didn't notice this before but...
This is a design concept of the Cloverfield Monster, you know from that movie "Cloverfield"
This may be a spoiler, but does this thing look awfully familiar to you
I mean compared to this -
I was more responding to your concern about the Dark Aeon possibly blocking it. You can literally get on the airship, get off and go right back into the temple to do it.
Can I just express my hatred of that Catcher Chocobo race? Getting that Sun Sigil was a nightmare.
Worst part is that I still have to do butterflies and lightning bolts.
I don't like the Dark Aeons. I don't want to fight them (and I especially don't want to grind enough to attempt them) so they just get in the way and prevent me from reaching spots I used to be able to reach in the PS2 version.
That was pretty effective:
The scene in the desert when Tidus is alone and that huge bird boss appears. I literally was like "Woahhh" and Tidus was like "Woahh", of course Auron and Lulu to help out.
Yes, but you ALSO have to beat ALL the fiends in the Area Conquest, Species Conquest, and Original Creations at least one time each before Nemesis will be available to fight.Now to catch monsters... I have to get 10 of EVERY kind to get Nemesis, right?
Just unlocked Don Tonberry. Now I need to get materials to make some grinding weapons.
Giving Tidus (and soon Wakka) RIBBON was the best decision I've ever made lol
To make things easier and speed things along for you.
Kill 5 of every Eyeball type monster. This will unlock One-Eye in the Monster Arena. Killing One-Eye he will drop weapons with Triple AP and one to two free slots on them.
He's fairly weak for Creature Conquest, he only has 150,000 HP, so Wakka's Attack Reels followed by Blitz Ace from Tidus should kill it.
Next is to kill one of each enemy for 6 different areas (go back to begining areas like Besaid and Killa, etc to make this easier) this will unlock Catastrophe, which isn't important. The important thing is you get 99 Door to Tomorrow's for doing this.
10 Door to Tomorrow = Overdrive > AP
Basically you want to take your Triple AP Weapons and slap Overdrive to AP on them. What this does is converts your Overdrive gain into AP, meaning more Sphere Levels.
These are the tools you'll need to do the Don Tonberry trick.
If you capture all of the monsters from all of the areas, you will get 99 Winning Formula.
30 Winning Formula = Triple Overdrive.
Triple Overdrive combined with Triple AP, and Overdrive to AP means you get NINE TIMES the amount of AP gain.
With this you can get 99 Sphere levels 5 minutes for the Don Tonberry trick,
Ribbon is a good ability, but it's not worth it. Dark Matters are too hard to get.
Ribbon is a good ability, but it's not worth it. Dark Matters are too hard to get.
I JUST barely unlocked theand now I want to do this D:Airship
What should I do now? I've collected 1 of each monster in the clam lands, got Yojimbo, and did Chocobo racing (Going to get Tidus celestial weapon when I go play some more)
If you don't have Wakka's Attack Reels, I'd highly recommend it. Outside of Anima's Overdrive it is the most powerful attack in the game.
Finished up 10 this evening, rewatched Eternal Calm, and dove right into FF10-2.
I really think that had people actually been given the opportunity to see the Eternal Calm stuff back when 10-2 was coming out, they may have responded a little differently to the game. It's a much gentler segue into the events in FF10-2, and it gives important background information about what's going on in Spira at that time, so you aren't met with such a shock that apparently turned so many people off.
I've only played for about 30 minutes and I already have this huge grin on my face. I love this game so much.
To unlock Don Tonberry, you'll need to capture one of every monster the The Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.
If you don't have Wakka's Attack Reels, I'd highly recommend it. Outside of Anima's Overdrive it is the most powerful attack in the game. Basically just need Wakka to participate in at least 300 battles since the beginning of the game (which you probably already did)
This will have a Blitzball tournament with the prize of Attack Reels available. If you you get a tournament that has the wrong prize, just quit, load up the menu, and repeat until the prize changes. If you are lucky you'll only need to play 3 matches for getting seeded, the worst case scenario 5 matches. Also winning a Blitz tournament is the prerequisite for getting Wakka's ultimate weapon, so you will be killing two birds with one stone, getting both Attack Reels and requirements to get his best weapon in one go.
Attack Reels is insanely overpowered and makes most of the end game extremely trivial. I mean we are talking 12 hits with max of 99,999 each with a buffed up Wakka.
That's almost 1,200,000 damage...more then enough to completely one shot some of the optional bosses in the game.
You'll have to watch it prior to your FFX Platinum since there's a Silver Trophy in X linked to watching Eternal Calm.I somehow have never managed to watch Eternal Calm. As soon as I get the X platinum!
Hrmm. Think I'll go back to Zanerkand to get the destruction sphere so I can go get Anima. After that I'll go to the celestial weapons I suppose. What's the easiest way to get a no encounter armor/sword. Will make Lightning and Butterflies a lot more bearable
You'll have to watch it prior to your FFX Platinum since there's a Silver Trophy in X linked to watching Eternal Calm.
I listened to about half of the audio drama. It just got worse and worse as time went on, and when Yuna saidI somehow have never managed to watch Eternal Calm. As soon as I get the X platinum!
Also looking forward to getting back into X-2 after that, though I am probably going to play a buffer game inbetween just to not burn out on so much Spira all at once
And then the audio drama
I listened to about half of the audio drama. It just got worse and worse as time went on, and when Yuna saidI just turned my Vita off. I don't understand what their goal was with this, but it sure did make me unhappy."I've fallen in love with someone else" to Tidus
Gods. Heading back to Besaid to get the Jecht sphere wish me luck *sigh*
I'm pretty much at the end of every characters grid (other than Kimarahi lol). Is that good enough? And Crap! I forgot I need to fight that guy to get Anima D: Does he always drop a no encounter armor or is there a chance I won't get it?The boss back at Baaj Temple. (You may need to punch in a code or a coordinate, I forget)
Evade and Counter > him if you're not very strong yet..
Well, as soon as I line it up so that watching Eternal Calm will be the last thing I need for platinum then![]()
Are you backtracking or is this postGods. Heading back to Besaid to get the Jecht sphere wish me luck *sigh*
I know it's a chance, I believe someone said the statistic is 50/50 for this particular encounterI'm pretty much at the end of every characters grid (other than Kimarahi lol). Is that good enough? And Crap! I forgot I need to fight that guy to get Anima D: Does he always drop a no encounter armor or is there a chance I won't get it?
I listened to about half of the audio drama. It just got worse and worse as time went on, and when Yuna saidI just turned my Vita off. I don't understand what their goal was with this, but it sure did make me unhappy."I've fallen in love with someone else" to Tidus
Did I read that Agility is technically maxed at 170 in terms of effectiveness?
That's what I read some places, but others seems to suggest you need 170+First strike to match 255. I'm unsure.
Ah, guess I'll still do 255 then, it's whatever lol All my peeps have Auto-Haste anyway.
IIRC, you're able to use First Strike with 170 Agility and switch to a normal weapon (Or just change characters) and it's the same as having 255 Agility. You're not losing turns by having to switch weapons.
I'm backtracking. Figured I'd do it before the Aeons show up.I'm pretty much at the end of every characters grid (other than Kimarahi lol). Is that good enough? And Crap! I forgot I need to fight that guy to get Anima D: Does he always drop a no encounter armor or is there a chance I won't get it?
Are you backtracking or is this post?airship
Ehhhh I'll just go with 255 agi. I'm on standard and I have to fill up all the nodes anyway.
I swear the game knows I need Gil, 20 minutes in the Ruins and not a single Mimic. This is bullshit!
I'm backtracking. Figured I'd do it before the Aeons show up.
Fuck, where do I get that at?Hope you bought the First Strike sword for Tidus, so you can spam Flee. The round trip took me around 1.5 hours.
You can always kill One Eye over and over and sell the weapons and armors he drops.
You can sell the weapons for 20000 to 60000 gil a piece..
Of course it's not as quick as the 100,000 you'd get from the Mimic but it's a decent alternative.