Is there any other way to check the monsters captured except from going back to the monster arena?
Donating money to O'aka just lowers his prices during the Operation Mi'ihen? It doesn't affect anything after that?
No his prices are discounted for the rest of your encounters with him.
Dear Developer who made Chocobo Training,
Screw You.
Literally. Everyone. Ever.
When I was capturing 10 of every fiend, I was just doing it with Auron to get Don Tonberry's karma to 99,999. So I did it until it said "can't capture any more" for every fiend in the area, which wasn't really a waste because all the extra kills still went to powering up Don Tonberry's karma.
The problem with Chocobo Training, the baloon race and the Remiem Temple stuff is all the same thing. The inability to control your Chocobo properly.
I don't mind the luck aspect. In fact I'd prefer it if they make it worse in where the baloons spawn. On top of that I'd prefer it if they made it harder by giving you less leeway with time and the like. All as long as you could have free control and let your skill make the difference. Sometimes I'd go outside the first bird and inside the next no problem. The next time the chocobo auto straightens when I move left or right and hits a bird or the side wall. Then there's the awful way the sometimes auto move you when the camera changes that makes me miss baloons, and at times go in the complete wrong direction. If it happened all the time, then you could adjust. But it's completely random as far as I can tell
Didn't take me long to do either, but it's an exexercise in frustration when you have to hope the chocobo moves the way you want it to. It's just atrocious level/game design plain and simple
Which is more difficult? The Chocobo balloon race or the temple race? (If you are aiming for the trophy)
If you follow this video you can get temple race easily. You can even hit the poles. Balloon race is harder because of the random element and weaker controls.
Only thing I've got left to do in X is the sphere grid and optional bosses. Thinking I might put that on the backburner and move on to my first playthrough of X-2, decisions, decisions.
It's pretty hard to go back to a game just to platinum it.
Oh, I remember people on here saying it was only for that one event... Hmm. I really don't wanna donate 10,001 to him - that's a lot of gil that early in the game. D:
Remiem Temple has no luck, once you adjust your movements to the strange camera you can get it every time.
Chocobo hyper dodger or whatever it's called, it has the problem of poor and inconsistent controls combined with the random chance of the balloon and bird placement.
I dunno, I felt the controls were just as inconsistent. There were enough times when the chocobo would be facing and going right into a wall when I was trying to bank left. It would eventually respond but quite often suddenly overcorrect into the other wall. When going up the hill after the first chest by holding forward the camera changes angle when you get up. It would either readjust and send me forward into the wall based on the new angle, or at other times continue moving in the direction it was already going. If it did one or the other all the time that's fine, but doing either or means you can't plan for these
I actually thought you were being funny when you said this. :lolNo. That'd be crazy haha.
But I'd enjoy it? And have done so many times? The grind for the optional stuff is long if you aren't willing to Yojimbo cheese, I just think I'd prefer breaking up my grinding time. Also waiting on a Vita slim to arrive with better battery life (I have it on both systems), Vita is more suited for grinding for me. I dunno, watching the intro to X-2 just made me want to jump to it straight away lol.
Well, even to comfortably beat Nemesis/Penance you don't need Break HP Limit, so you don't need to fill out every single node on the sphere grid, then activate every single one.
Unless you're saying you find -that- enjoyable.
In which case you're my best bro because I went back to Disgaea 3 and 4 after months of abstinence to platinum -those-.
edit: phrasing
You've played X-2 before, yes? You should just be able to look at X-2's trophies and know which ones are missable. So just plan accordingly.Break HP Limit isn't necessary but damn do I want to see that 99,999 on my character's HP. Feel like it would be so satisfying. I could probably power grind + Yojimbo my way in a few days... But the satisfaction of using my own two hands...
There's no trophy guide for X-2 yet though, which is putting me off because it's a considerably more fickle game than X. Maybe just a casual New Yevon playthrough to pass the time.
PS. I have Disgaea 3 and a bunch of Atelier and Tales games waiting for me to Platinum too lol.
ok it seems I'm not strong enough to fight sin yet. should I just grind or combine grinding with some of the post-game content? which of the additional content would be the best option?
Just got rid of.Dark Valefor
I can't seem to return to the Besaid Temple for the item (Yuna's rod) that I there anything that I should do?
Is some guy blocking the entrance? You need to go to use the airship to goto the high bridge (i think that's what it's called) and watch all the cutscenes and then you're allowed to enter temples again.
Which is more difficult? The Chocobo balloon race or the temple race? (If you are aiming for the trophy)
Seriously fuck the Remiem Temple chocobo race. Every time, I land right behind the other chocobo after the fifth chest. Every time. Worse than lighning dodging and getting 0.0 second combined.
On a side note: Fuck dodging lightning... I keep making it to like 180 and then missing.. I'm about to delete my save data and crush the cart with a hammer.
Hello guyz. Just got this game with a friend. Its been years since I last played it and was wondering if there is anything missable in this game? Just want to make sure before I dive into it tonight after finishing up Dark Souls 2.
Hello guyz. Just got this game with a friend. Its been years since I last played it and was wondering if there is anything missable in this game? Just want to make sure before I dive into it tonight after finishing up Dark Souls 2.
There are 4 missable Al Bhed Primers, 3 in Home, and 1 in Bevelle. Other than that, there are better times to get certain things. Make sure you get all of the destruction sphere treasures in the temples the first time, for instance. Otherwise you may have to fight 1-2 dark aeons before getting Anima.
I did it without grinding for anything. I found that I didn't ever need to buy anything early game anyway because I got better equipment from enemy drops and treasure.
I remember people saying that too, but the discount definitely endures.
This game is mad gorgeous.
Love what they did with the static 2D areas.
FFXII HD next pls.