Tip: Don't count them. Just say "I'm gonna dodge lightning bolts for 20 minutes" and then just pick up your prize. I did 209 that way.
Okay, so I have the Celestial weps for Tidus, Auron, Rikku and Lulu.
Once I reopen the temples I need to pick up the missing chests in Macalania, Djose and Zanarkand. I know two of those have Dark Aeons.
So, a few questions:
How much do I need to grind to face the dark aeons and what's the best way to do it?
I know Dark Bahamut is in Zanarkand. Is he where Yunalesca used to be or will he wreck me as soon as I step into the temple?
And lastly: Should I bother with Blitzball?
The quickest method to level up is the Don Tonberry trick. (99 Sphere levels in 5 minutes)
First you'll need to capture 5 of each of the Flying Eyeball fiends to unlock One-Eye. (To get Triple AP weapons from killing him) and one of every fiend in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (To unlock Don Tonberry)
Then you'll need to capture all fiends from 6 different areas (Go back to easier areas like Besaid, Killika, etc and one shot everything for easy capturing) Doing this will reward you with 99 Doors of Tomorrow in the Battle Arena.
On your Triple AP weapons won from One-Eye, use 10 Doors of Tomorrow on them to get the Overdrive AP ability, now you are ready to start the Don Tonberry Trick.
You'll want three characters with the weapons, preferably the one character who got the most kills in the game so far (Probably Tidus)
So setup Tidus with the Stoic Overdrive mode, and two other characters with AP weapons to Comrade mode.
Initiate a fight with Don Tonberry in the arena, have your Stoic OD guy attack the Tonberry and then revive him, have him attack again, and then revive him again, etc. If the Tonberry gets too close, Use the Flee command and reap in your rewards of hundreds and thousands of AP and mass levels.
Killing Don Tonberry is unnecessary. You are basically converting damage recieved into Overdrive gauge, and that overdrive is converted into AP which is tripled.
This is bar none the quickest way to level and max the sphere grid in the game.