Finished Chapter 1 of X-2. So far so good, if a bit easy.
I loved the self aware bit at the end,where the girls try to make an action pose and everyone is like "what the fuck are you doing?"
And my completion is at 25%, just like the guide says.
Four, now, with the HD Remaster, actually. ^^Does anyone here have the FFX SCENARIO Ultimania?
There are 3 FFX ultimanias.
(spoiler tagged just in case)I'm just asking about that specific one because it's the only one that has a picture that locates.D-Zanarkand
Gah the random encounter rate really shouldn't be so high at operation Miihen area. Definitely hurts the tension and what not.
Having real trouble with the Dark Yojimbo fights. I can get through the first two (though it takes AGES as my characters have low luck and miss all the time) but something always seems to go wrong on the third fight.
What should I do? I really don't want to go back and start grinding for luck spheres just so I stand a chance against this one boss. I've already beaten the other Dark Aeons but this guy is doing my head in.
Got hit by the bolt after 189 dodges. fml.
For both sphere grid trophies are you suppose to only fill the grids of your characters spot or the entire grid?
Is it just me but playing the Vita version drains the battery insanely fast.
Seem to get a battery low status when using a summon overdrive. Then when its finished i check and its back into green again. Is strange.
you kidding, right? April first is over! just reminding.You have to use the special stat spheres to fill in every empty sphere on the grid, and activate every sphere with every character.
you kidding, right? April first is over! just reminding.
I was sure maxing grid entails only activating all nodes, not filling empty ones too...
I'm not joking. You've always had to fill the empty nodes. It's practically required for optional bosses if you don't use Yojimbo.
Why would anyone joke about something like that, and why do you think we were talking about spamming Magic Defense nodes. :|
I tried yesterday, it was disaster. I dunno how I did it first time, but now I lose concentration sooner or later, it'll take a lot of tries to get to 200 :\
Haha I love the subtle irony about hating lightning dodges while your avatar is Lulu.
(But yeah it hot melty garbage).
This is much easier than the stand still method with the two bolts. Since you're actually forcing the bolt to appear there's no need to worry about timing.If you're doing the stand-still method, it may be easier to focus using the laps method because 1) you're more actively involved 2) it takes shorter repetitions per bolt (meaning if you can concentrate for ___ amount of time you get more mileage out of that period) 3) it may be easier to time walking over the ditch than waiting for an animation.
At least try it, nothing to lose!
The hardest part are the controls where the shifting camera angle change the direction the analog stick moves the Chocobo. My Chocobo always ends up running into the right side of the final curve to the center. Never beat the race on my PS2 run through, so the win was really satisfying for me.
This video shows how to use that spot most effectively. I tried over and over again by dodging the two bolts and it was so much harder than running around in circles to force one bolt every time.
Same for me. I usually lose concentration after 4 or so minutes ie 50 bolts. I should take a break, because before that happens I feel that its ridiculously easy to dodge bolts.
I use the crater at the left, behind the pillar in the first area. First bolt takes some 7 seconds, and the second hits when Tidus looks at the screen after he turns around. Its kind of easy to predict, but its just concentration that drains away.
I did it in ten installments of 20 dodges each.
20 , shortbreak , 20 etc.
It really felt a lot simpler. Counting 200 didn't work for me psychologically.Too stressful.
Lol yeah...I really do like Lulu.
But right now I can tell you...I am not too fond of the
True. So disappointing.FUCK CHAPTER 4, that's all I'm going to say.
So here I am replaying X-2 and the one thing that keeps running through my mind is how people could get hung up over the writing or storytelling direction in LR being bad. I mean, really now. Every hop-hi5 is cringeworthy. :|
(They're both fun games if you just... not expect Shakespeare to begin with)
Because X-2 doesn't take itself serious unlike some other shoehorned female lead that saves the multiverse with every sigh.
So here I am replaying X-2 and the one thing that keeps running through my mind is how people could get hung up over the writing or storytelling direction in LR being bad. I mean, really now. Every hop-hi5 is cringeworthy. :|
(They're both fun games if you just... not expect Shakespeare to begin with)
Because X-2 doesn't take itself serious unlike some other shoehorned female lead that saves the multiverse with every sigh.
You know... I might try your method, it could help and there is no harm in trying. Thanks for posting it.
Everybody likes Lulu and hates Thunder plains, it's law of nature!
So here I am replaying X-2 and the one thing that keeps running through my mind is how people could get hung up over the writing or storytelling direction in LR being bad. I mean, really now. Every hop-hi5 is cringeworthy. :|
(They're both fun games if you just... not expect Shakespeare to begin with)
Good luck
The writing in LR is worse than X-2 by ten fold.
X-2's tone and silly antics don't mean it has bad writing.Well except one of the endings is really bollocks.
LR's story is just awful.From the ending to zero character depth, LR doesn't leave much space for appreciation when it comes to story.
The two are incomparable imo.
The world in X-2 has actual depth to it and develops from where X left off quite organically.
LR is just bullshit.
Can we not do this again in this thread?Good job at stating why LR sucks. Here are your arguments.
- Story is awful
- Zero character depth
- IT'S bullshit
Where is the actual argumentation on why it's that way? Nowhere. Your post is as empty as you claim LR is.
Can we not do this again in this thread?
I'm just quoting the most recent post about it.Hey man, Im sorry but Im as guilty as the person I am accusing. I didn't start talking about LR out of nowhere did I?
If I had brought it up originally sure..
Yeah I personally never played X-2 on the PS2 but I tried out the starting bits a few days ago and it was pretty jarring coming off X. The battle system seems pretty interesting though so I'm willing to give it a shot, and I like that it embraces the cheesiness.Welp, sorry for the derail then. I guess what I wanted to say is I really, -really- had to disengage my brain to even get past the introduction sequences of X-2.
That aside though I'm enjoying all the extras that weren't in the PS2 X-2 that I played. And the core gameplay systems themselves hold up really well a decade later.
I am probably behind most of gaf, but Just got the Jecht Shot. Can't wait to get back into Blitzball.
I am also realizing I never got to X-2 back in the day, and how it is a nice bonus that they both came with the purchase. I know next to nothing of X-2. How is it received on gaf? Does it play similar to X?
Omega Ruins - that's what I'm doing.Where/how should I level if I'm not strong enough to do the Don Tonberry trick for AP?