I've been wondering, how can you check if a buff/debuff is still running? Skills like Cheer for example. It doesn't tell you in the description how long it lasts.
I've been wondering, how can you check if a buff/debuff is still running? Skills like Cheer for example. It doesn't tell you in the description how long it lasts.
I've been wondering, how can you check if a buff/debuff is still running? Skills like Cheer for example. It doesn't tell you in the description how long it lasts.
Thanks for the help guys. So, from what I gather, I can keep using cheer and my attacks will keep getting stronger until that character dies/switched out?
Consult a dressphere list for that. This list is ONLY for 100% story completion in one playthrough. It does not explicitly list where to collect all the dresspheres, GG, Al Bhed Primers, etc..
Consult a dressphere list for that. This list is ONLY for 100% story completion in one playthrough. It does not explicitly list where to collect all the dresspheres, GG, Al Bhed Primers, etc..
Thanks for the help guys. So, from what I gather, I can keep using cheer and my attacks will keep getting stronger until that character dies/switched out?
I gotta say, I'm loving this game. My first real time playing it. Tidus is one goofy character LOL. The fact that he looks like Chucky the doll mixed with that voice, and not to mention that
laugh scene
. I hope this is maintained throughout the whole game.
. I had totally forgotten about this fight, and how to deal with it. I eventually just summoned valefor and figured out I could spam sonic wing since it wasn't immune to it. Overall though FFX is a lot more easy than I remember it being...hopefully the fights in the second half of the game that I remember being difficult will still provide a challenge.
Man.. This game just came in the mail today, but I'm leaving Friday for about a week and won't be able to take my Vita. It's so tempting to start a game up now but I know I should wait until I can put the proper amount of time into this. I need to finish up my inFamous plat first, too...
Moment of truth for me. I've caught every monster 10 times up to the Calm Lands. Now I need to catch Tonberry's. In all my several playthroughs I've never managed that. It's all been the make or break point that eventually leads me to give up on the game and the extra content
So like a crazy person, I went back and got all the Jecht spheres. I shouldn't have Auron's final Overdrive yet should I? I take it I need the last one in Mt. Gagazet?
So like a crazy person, I went back and got all the Jecht spheres. I shouldn't have Auron's final Overdrive yet should I? I take it I need the last one in Mt. Gagazet?
Auron's final limit isn't that good anyway. Shooting Star is useful to eject certain monsters you might already have 10 of or robots. But otherwise Banishing Blade is the one for guaranteeing Breaks against enemies that while not immune, are resistant to them
Question for those that did the Tonberry AP farming trick.
I'm currently in the process of grinding sphere levels in Omega Ruins because my characters are nowhere near strong enough to kill One Eye.
However, it's proving to be a rather slow grind, mostly because even in Omega Ruins some fiends can easily kill me.
Should I switch to farming levels inside Sin, or are there any tricks to make the overall process easier?
The hardest part are the controls where the shifting camera angle change the direction the analog stick moves the Chocobo. My Chocobo always ends up running into the right side of the final curve to the center. Never beat the race on my PS2 run through, so the win was really satisfying for me.
Yeah, I find the chocobo is odd, but you get used to it. Now I did the Vita version and wow that is the best case why the nubs suck. Took me 30 minutes!
Question for those that did the Tonberry AP farming trick.
I'm currently in the process of grinding sphere levels in Omega Ruins because my characters are nowhere near strong enough to kill One Eye.
However, it's proving to be a rather slow grind, mostly because even in Omega Ruins some fiends can easily kill me.
Should I switch to farming levels inside Sin, or are there any tricks to make the overall process easier?
I'd stick with Omega Ruins. Just have a character with First Strike so you can run from the enemies you find difficult and take tbe others on. You could always get the Celestial Weapons for your more powerful characeters like Tidus, Auron and Wakka first and then go there
I can't believe it. I have 10 Tonberry's! 3 playthroughs back on the PS2 and I never managed this. I think I might seriously consider going for platinum now
I had completely forgotten about this until you mentioned it. Way to totally ruin my day lol Off to Guadosalam now. Hopefully I can finish chapter 1 tonight. Off to Panama City Beach tomorrow night!
I chose Yuna's festivalist because of the elemental spells and I thought the same until she cast "Piro++ 2" which in english should me something like "Firaga 2", dealing 3000 damage. Meanwhile the rest of the party struggled to do 200's.
There's no positives of Yevon, FFX have expose it to be an entire lie. Like everything about Yevon only exist to oppress the people and give the corrupt leader more power. I can't believe that there isn't more backlash of Yevon in X-2, cause you know, people just found out that there entire belief is a horrifying lie and they just sent hundreds of summoners and guardians to their death so that they can sleep soundly at night, never questioning it. Not to mention that operation Mi'hen where Yevon deliberately lead the Crusaders to their death only to reinforce the believe of their faithful - which is an extremely disgusting act.
So X-2 is telling me there's enough people who is willing to support a party that associate themselves to that atrocious religion for it to be one of a major power in Spira? And only 2 years after FFX? A minority I can definitely understand but a major faction? No X-2, no.
Haha, I was avoiding mentioning any real world religion then you do this
I think Yevon is a more extreme example though. If I want to use the Catholic church as an example, it would be: If 2 years ago everyone found out irrefutable evidence that everything about the Catholic Church is a lie. Not only that, until 2 years ago, the Catholic church is the only governing power of the world and had undergo numerous 'purge' to cover up their lies destroying millions of homes/lives in progress. Now then, only 2 years after the mess, we have a party that call themselves the 'Neo-Catholic Church' and they some how manage to gather enough support to be one of the major faction of the world. It would be ridiculous.
Finally finished Chocobo Racing after 1.5 hours of trying! Finished the race with 35.1 secs, 15 balloons and 1 bird hit. I really got lucky! Got two "I want to throw this game" moments when I got 0.3 and 0.1.
There's no positives of Yevon, FFX have expose it to be an entire lie. Like everything about Yevon only exist to oppress the people and give the corrupt leader more power. I can't believe that there isn't more backlash of Yevon in X-2, cause you know, people just found out that there entire belief is a horrifying lie and they just sent hundreds of summoners and guardians to their death so that they can sleep soundly at night, never questioning it. Not to mention that operation Mi'hen where Yevon deliberately lead the Crusaders to their death only to reinforce the believe of their faithful - which is an extremely disgusting act.
So X-2 is telling me there's enough people who is willing to support a party that associate themselves to that atrocious religion for it to be one of a major power in Spira? And only 2 years after FFX? A minority I can definitely understand but a major faction? No X-2, no.
Yea, screw it. I'm just going to 100% FFX-2 in one go. Got totally destroyed by the boss in Zanarkand and I'm only 4 hours in so I'll restart tomorrow.
That's the thing. They can be an anti-machina faction without the name 'New Yevon' Why would you want to be associate your faction with a name that should be universally reviled? And only a short time after Yevon have been defaced. More importantly, how the hell did they succeeded?
I'm understand no illusion that there are some people who will still cling on to their belief even after their religion have been exposed as a lie because they have nothing else to believe in. But there's no way they can be a major power after only 2 years of Yevon's fall. There should still be enough backlash to snuff out any mention of Yevon (justify or not). Now if X-2 was taken place centuries after then it would be believable but setting it so soon just make 'New Yevon' so lazy and contrived.