You sure you haven't visited some place that the guide hasn't arrived at yet?
Nope. I saved after leaving Guadosalam to tackle the Thunder Plains later and quit the game. The saved game says 18%.
You sure you haven't visited some place that the guide hasn't arrived at yet?
Erm, did Yuna just say "zenkai de iku yo" at the beginning of battle?
I have the Plat. BHPL is useless.Any advice on armor for end game? Was thinking:
Break HP Limit
Not sure about auto-haste and have read that BHPL isn't worth it? Seems crazy to me but would like to hear what people think.
Yea, we've already discussed this. The English VA is saying Japanese battle dialogue. Only appears to be Yuna though
I have the Plat. BHPL is useless.
are ALL MANDATORY. End of Story.
For the Arena you want Auto-Potion as your 4th. Sell every potion you have that isn't an X-Potion.
For the Dark Aeons you want the last slot to be for Ribbon. Some of them counter with attacks that cause status ailments. There really is NO substitute for Ribbon. You'll get a free one for unlocking Ultima Buster. You should get enough Dark matter for a second from farming Arena drops for Stats. You can farm Dark Yojimbo for rest. He can drop Armor with Ribbon and 3 free slots. He dropped one for my Lulu that Had Ribbon and Auto-Protect already on it.
I wish people could just send me their save and I could do chocobo racing / butterflies for them. I actually kinda enjoy that stuff lol
Did you gear 3 people or all 7 with these armors?
Well, all of the dressspheres, but there are some items mutually exclusive with 100% completion.
I followed one guide that told me to go to guadosalam just to test the percent in chapter one when i was suppose to go to besaid, i saved and then right after the guide said dont save. Would I be ruined?
Seems like a weird thing for a guide to say to do. It could have been just to get you to a base X.0% to check something. That said, in the long run it shouldn't matter. I can't think of anything is early Guadosalam that requires a choice or doing something that hinders 100%..
Seems like a weird thing for a guide to say to do. It could have been just to get you to a base X.0% to check something. That said, in the long run it shouldn't matter. I can't think of anything is early Guadosalam that requires a choice or doing something that hinders 100%..
Yeah, I agree with you. The way I did it was this:If the balloons had shadows I'd have it by now
And if the controls werent awful
and if I could see where the boundaries of the course were
And if birds wouldn't spawn in front of me with no warning
Since there's two of you working on the Chocobo Race right now, I'll throw this guide out as something that helped me get the Sun Sigil in about an hour: (search for 4.10 for the relevant section)
Try to be well ahead of the trainer when hitting the final turn, because it's fairly narrow after that and that makes it easy to get hit by birds aiming for her as well as your own. If she's still back in the open plain area, you'll only have your own birds to worry about down the home stretch.
To all of you starting X-2 GO TO THE CALM LANDS and start the PR and marriage missions! Both of them start at chapter 1 and require a lot of points before the last chapter so the sooner you start the better.
On another topic, Samurai Yuna or Samurai Rikku? I can't decide hhnnnggg!
To all of you starting X-2 GO TO THE CALM LANDS and start the PR and marriage missions! Both of them start at chapter 1 and require a lot of points before the last chapter so the sooner you start the better.
On another topic, Samurai Yuna or Samurai Rikku? I can't decide hhnnnggg!
And yeah. I stated PR. Part of me wants to undergo the effort of maxing both companies but I am unsure I will bother. One need one for 100%.
5/7 celestials unlocked. I think you can imagine who I don't have.
I will never be able to complete those lightning bolts. I don't think I physically have it in me.
I also unlocked One Eye finally. Any tips for taking him down? That fucker seems to regen every turn.
Maybe I'll just play X-2 instead...
Does the new stuff in X-2 not have any bearing on completion percentage? Also, is it easy to miss the new stuff or is it just end game stuff?
DAAAAAAMN. I platted in 102 Hours. You're looking at 5-7 hours for Wakka Reels/Sigil if you're good. At least 6 for remaining grids. 1 for Butterfly, super easy once you learn what wall to hug at each point. Then 1 hour total for all 5 Yojimbo fights assuming you Double-Cast Flare like I did. Good luck. I hated every second of all those things lol112 hours so far, lmao.
You could always just stock up a Blitz Ace and Attack Reels. If you have triple overdrive and Victor overdrive mode, you'd just need to kill a dingo in between each one eye fight.
DAAAAAAMN. I platted in 102 Hours. You're looking at 5-7 hours for Wakka Reels/Sigil if you're good. At least 6 for remaining grids. 1 for Butterfly, super easy once you learn what wall to hug at each point. Then 1 hour total for all 5 Yojimbo fights assuming you Double-Cast Flare like I did. Good luck. I hated every second of all those things lol
That requires me to have played blitzball.
; ;
That requires me to have played blitzball.
; ;
Well Last Mission takes place after the main game, and to my knowledge is mostly separate. The extra other stuff is mostly introduced early on, and seems largely related to Shrina's creature creator stuff. From what I can tell there's really no bearing on percentage.
You only have to win 3 blitzball games for attack reels.
You only have to win 3 blitzball games for attack reels.
You can have attack reels in 2 or 3 games I would think. Just keep re-entering and exiting the Blitz menu to reset tournaments until it appears.
Of course, if you want world champion fully upgraded you'd need to do a bit more...
I think the guide says you have to play a grand total of 17 blitzball games to get all the rewards. I am going to wait until end game for that.
I find the Remiem race not that bad actually. It is really about memorizing the places. It only took me three tries.Dodged 200 lightning bolt and OMG I somehow managed to win the Chocobo race with all five chests. Having a video of someone winning the race in the background magically gave me the power to win as well.
For those Platinum'ing X-2. Are you going to do a NG+ or just reload a save before the Sphere decision in Chapter 2?
Not sure if the bestiary trophy is for the Game beastiary or for Shinra's Creature Creator Beastiary
For those Platinum'ing X-2. Are you going to do a NG+ or just reload a save before the Sphere decision in Chapter 2?
Not sure if the bestiary trophy is for the Game beastiary or for Shinra's Creature Creator Beastiary
I find the Remiem race not that bad actually. It is really about memorizing the places. It only took me three tries.
Most likely Creature Creator. I'm probably going to do two playthroughs myself.For those Platinum'ing X-2. Are you going to do a NG+ or just reload a save before the Sphere decision in Chapter 2?
Not sure if the bestiary trophy is for the Game beastiary or for Shinra's Creature Creator Beastiary
Ribbon and Auto-Haste are a must, IMO, but on the other hand Ribbon's only consequential against certain enemies (but by the time your stats get high enough, you'll not have to worry about any enemies *except* for the Dark Aeons and Penance and the occasional Great Malboro ambush if you're not paying attention).
I know one popular one is Ribbon, Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, and Auto-Shell, or occasionally substituting out Auto-Shell for Defense+20%.
Auto-Regen's surprisingly not-terrible either. Auto-Phoenix really comes in handy sometimes too.
Once you've actually got the Dark Aeons/Penance out of the way and your stats are maxed, you might as well go with Ribbon/Auto-Haste/Auto-Phoenix/Auto-Regen, I think, in order to make fights against even Nemesis as mindless as possible. Some folks may disagree though.